Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 723 This will be a new starting point for the northwestern frontier of my Great Song Dynasty

Chapter 723 This will be a new starting point for the northwestern frontier of my Great Song Dynasty (second update)

Chapter 732

Therefore, in almost every cell, there will be three guards watching closely in turn, which prevents this kind of suicide in fear of crime from happening.

And as the interrogation continued, nearly [-] officials were involved one after another, and these [-] officials were still secretly glad that they escaped, but they never thought that they would fall under the hands of teammate Zhu. hand.

Because of the emperor's close attention and the Empress Dowager's cold-eyed onlookers, the pressure on the old party ministers and workers who occupied most of the court almost made them break their waists.

In order to get rid of this situation as soon as possible, the joint trial of the three divisions was carried out almost as quickly as lightning, with the largest number of people and the fastest speed, and it took less than one and a half months to resolve the smuggling case. 50.00% of the officials involved in the case were concluded.

Among the officials concluded, nearly three-fifths were dismissed as civilians and exiled, and about one-fifth were relegated to a barbaric land, and about one-fifth were not deeply involved, or It was said that the smuggling merchants he spoke for were smuggling only some ordinary commodities and did not involve commodities prohibited from trade by the Song Dynasty court.

Even so, they were punished with fines and demotions, while the other half of the officials remained in prison, anxiously waiting for their fate.

This move was definitely a terrible disaster for the officials of the entire Song Dynasty.At the same time, it also makes those officials think twice before committing crimes in a short period of time.

On the contrary, it made the officialdom of the Song Dynasty clean up. Unfortunately, this credit will only be attributed to Zhao Xu, the young emperor.

And Zhao Xu could more and more feel that the attitude of the ministers in the court towards him was undergoing a fundamental change.

In the past, when the imperial grandmother listened to politics behind the curtain, these people and others had always ignored me.When they came to power, they began to kneel and lick themselves shamelessly, but quite a few of them adopted a perfunctory attitude towards themselves.

And until now, Zhao Xu finally felt that his authority had begun to be gradually erected. The sense of accomplishment brought about by this really made Zhao Xu happy for several days in a row, and even ate more lunch a bowl.

Wang Yang had already given a detailed reply after carefully considering the potential questions raised by the Queen Mother's words. However, Wang Yang was not the kind of passionate and overly impulsive young man. He was very clear about his own advantages and strengths. location.

In addition, although the current situation of land sales in these three states seems to be beautiful, the problem is that these three states will need to accommodate nearly 30 people who have migrated here. This number is absolutely It is not trivial.

Therefore, even if there is money, it is impossible to use it to pay taxes to the country now. Wang Yang does not want these people to come to the land of the three states without food and clothing, and without an inch of roof over their heads.

In addition, it is necessary to build a new larger and stronger Yanzhou City. The resources required are not calculated in hundreds of thousands of dollars, but in millions of dollars.

After several days, Wang Yang personally went to all the salt ponds to conduct statistics and audits, and then began to determine the officials and persons in charge of each salt pond.

Then he rushed towards the new Yanzhou site without stopping.It was more than 30 miles away from the nearest salt pond. When we arrived at the new site in Yanzhou that had been selected, it was already in full swing. However, no one at the construction site here was Ordinary people, but Zhe Keshi, an experienced driver, personally led [-] infantry and [-] fine cavalry to guard here.

As for those who are working here at the moment, there are a total of [-] Xiang troops working hard here. The Xiang army arrived in Yanzhou seven days ago, and it took almost three days for their families to settle down. After that, five thousand Xiang troops were left to supplement Yanzhou's defense and maintain law and order.

The other [-] Xiang troops left Yanzhou directly and headed east, nominally telling everyone that they were going to other cities for repairs.

But after leaving Yanzhou for more than a hundred miles, it made a big detour, arrived here quietly, and then began to build aggressively.

The city of the new Yanzhou is more than twice that of the original Yanzhou. The width and length of the city alone have reached three miles.The total circumference is twelve miles, which is more than half of the circumference of the city wall of Kaifeng Bianliang, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

The total circumference of the Kaifeng Bianliang city wall is only 190 miles and [-] steps. The scale of New Yanzhou is comparable to many important cities in the Song Dynasty, unlike the old Yanzhou city, which has a total circumference of It is less than eight miles long.

Therefore, the streets of the old Yanzhou City are narrow, the residents' houses are also very old, and the drainage system is not smooth. The whole city feels like an old shantytown in the future to Wang Daguan.

Since you want to achieve results, of course you have to do it to the extreme. In addition, there is a lot of cement, and the terrain here is full of rocks and wood, which is perfect for construction.

In addition, more than a dozen brick kilns have already sprung up, emitting green smoke day and night. Naturally, they are firing red bricks, lime and other building materials.

"Master Wang, Zhemou has been looking forward to it for a long time. I didn't expect you to come here after so long." Zhe Keshi also rushed over after receiving the news. In addition to the old driver, there was also Li Bai, who had a very serious expression on his face. Some haggard old chap.

"I have no choice. I also wanted to come here earlier, but I couldn't get away. I didn't expect that just a few days after you came here, you would already be taking shape." Wang Yang quickly returned the gifts one by one and raised his head. He pointed to the busy construction site where the city walls were being built with fired red bricks.

"That's not because the brothers are all working hard. Knowing that this is their future home, they naturally work hard. And with Yuanyou cement, as long as there are enough red bricks produced, it may be the construction of this new Yanzhou. , at most 20 days, it will be able to completely build this walled city."

"After all, this is not like the kind of border forts built in the past, which only focused on speed and not on sturdiness. This is building a city after all." Zhe Keshi said with some emotion.

"In the past, in the Song Dynasty, in order to seize the territory, the front was guarded by a large army, and the rear was forced to build a fort by slaves. Even a fort that accommodates thousands of people would take half a month to complete."

"At that time, brother Xian, you spent only a few days of effort to build such a defense line that was difficult for tens of thousands of Xixia troops to cross. Zhe knew that this Yuanyou cement was stronger than the glutinous rice juice we used in the past. There are too many. One is convenience and the other is speed."

(End of this chapter)

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