Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 708 Don't Let the Warriors Sacrifice in vain (Part 1)

Chapter 708 Don't Let the Warriors Sacrifice in vain (Part [-])
Chapter 717

Now, under the influence of Wang Yang, everyone has regarded the land of the three states as an undeveloped cornucopia. What's more, this guy saw the local people weaving carpets a few days ago, and suddenly Someone bought more than ten catties of wool, saying it was for making clothes.

Everyone was scared on the spot, aren't you fucking bragging?

But what everyone didn't expect was that it took less than three days for this guy to use that thick and elastic wool thread and a few slender wooden sticks to weave out Warmers like pants and clothes.

After trying it on, it actually feels pretty good. In the past, wool could only be felted by beating, or made into carpets by trying to find a way.But no one thought that Wang Yang would have such a brilliant mind.

However, the appearance of the clothes woven with a few slender wooden sticks was really terrible. Later, I learned from Mrs. Wang that these items were actually samples woven by Mr. Wang himself.

However, these days, the ingenious Miss Liu and Miss Li have begun to weave exquisite clothing samples that are no longer full of holes.

But now, Wan Bin, the businessman who has an eye for money, has gone crazy and is buying wool from the local people in these three states.

This profiteer... Zhe Keshi couldn't help muttering something in a low voice, but having said that, that kind of thing is really good at keeping warm, but it doesn't block the wind. If you put on a smock over it, the effect will be really cool .

All these things, in short, if it wasn't for Fuzhou that was the headquarters of the Zhe family, Zhe Keshi even had the urge to move his family here.

The work of collecting and sorting out the intelligence continued, and those unlucky ghosts who left the posthouse and fell into the army of the Song Dynasty may never have the chance to see the light again in this life.

And on the third day after they left, news finally came that the first batch of [-] people who had been taken away were less than a hundred miles away from the junction of Yanzhou.

And here, under the bewitching or threat of the officials represented by Wang Yang, those party members who were in constant panic under the rule of the Song Dynasty did not need the Song military to make great efforts to consciously take the initiative. Di Tuo's family left the house with their mouths, climbed into the carriage prepared for them by the Song Army, and then headed towards the border of Yanzhou under the escort of [-] Song Army infantry.

In addition to the [-] Song army cavalry, Wang Yang, who was worried in his heart, specially thought that Gao Shi, as the representative of the civil affairs officials, would lead a group of officials and officials to rush there, so that he could appease the common people at that time.

"Remember the instructions I gave you to accept the people, be careful, and don't give those Xixia people any chance. Especially the roots of those people, you must let them confirm each other..."

"Don't worry, my lord. Although the procedures will be more cumbersome, it can reduce the possibility of Xixia's secret work being mixed up among the common people. However, on our side, do you want to..." Gao Shi looked at Wang Yang with a look of sincerity. After the ceremony, he hesitated to speak but stopped speaking.

"No, if there are smart people in Xixia, they can definitely think of the same method as me. Our warriors in the Song Dynasty, even if they are going to die, can't be sacrificed in vain like this." After thinking about it, Wang Yang resolutely said Shaking his head, he rejected this very tempting suggestion.

"Then, I need to trouble you, my lords and generals." Wang Yang watched the team start to stagger, and bid farewell to the generals and officials who were about to leave.

"Brother, why don't I go there myself?" Zhe Keshi stroked his beard, thought for a while, and felt a little uneasy.

"That's good, anyway, now Yanzhou has lost so many Dangxiang and Tubo people, and there are very few left." Wang Yang nodded.

After thinking about it, Zhe Keshi decided to wait two hours later and personally lead [-] Song Dynasty cavalry to follow them. If Xixia really wanted to cause trouble, these [-] elite Song Dynasty cavalry would definitely be able to defeat those Xixia barbarians. I know why the flowers are so red.

As for Wang Yang, there are other important things to be busy with, that is, selling land.Because, the will of Zhao Xu, the emperor of Song Dynasty, has already arrived in Yanzhou.

In the imperial decree, the Yuanyou cotton gin invented by Wang Yang was greatly praised, and Wang Yang, the appeasement envoy of the three states' economic strategy, was allowed to preside over the work of selling wasteland.

The property obtained from the sale will be used for the civil affairs of these three states, such as the resettlement of the relocated people, the purchase of agricultural tools, grain seeds, road construction, city maintenance, repair and increase of defense in dangerous areas.

After all, since these three states fell into the hands of Xixia, they have hardly carried out any constructive civil affairs work. After Da Song took over, of course they couldn't do what Xixia did.

Only when these three states are managed well can more people be attracted to them, and only when the population is large enough can Da Song truly control these territories.

"Queue up, you are not allowed to jump in line, come in order, but anyone who has received a number plate means that you are eligible to come here and wait, and we will all enter the hall together later. Remember Well, I’m queuing up here for [-] mu of trading, next door is [-] mu, and beyond that is [-] mu, and so on, don’t line up indiscriminately..."

"But anyone who has obtained the corresponding number plate and does not trade will be disqualified from continuing to trade..."

"The price has been clearly marked, five pens per mu, no bargaining, the young one is just a servant, you always want to talk about the price, please go to Wang Jinglue in person."

Outside the gate of the entire government office, there is already chaos at this moment.Wang Yang looked at the side door for a long time, and couldn't help smacking his tongue. "Hey, there are quite a few of these guys, there must be three to five hundred people..."

"It's because we didn't have enough time to prepare. If it's another three or five days in the evening, merchants from farther places may rush to Yanzhou."

"Can't wait anymore..." Wang Yang couldn't help but shook his head regretfully. "After all, those captured people are no more than a hundred miles away from the border of our Yanzhou. If it drags on, how will we prepare various supplies to appease the people who have returned?"

"But it doesn't matter. Now we are selling the wasteland in Yanzhou in advance. At that time, there will be countless wasteland in Hongzhou and Youzhou that need to be auctioned." Gao Qiu thought for a while, deeply convinced nodded

"Our Song Dynasty has always kept wealth from the people. This time, it's really time for them to contribute to the court." Wang Yang smiled kindly, looking at those who were running up and down in the square outside the gate. The gazes of those business representatives who jumped were like hardworking old farmers admiring the crops that were about to be harvested.

(End of this chapter)

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