Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 700 What else could be wrong here? (Part 1)

Chapter 700 What else could be wrong here? (first update)
Chapter 709

"The seed-removing girl? What the hell is this..." Zhe Keshi, with a fleshy face and muscles as strong as steel, looked extremely confused.

"That's not the point, it's important... Mr. Gao, it's your turn to be the arbiter." Mr. Wang hurriedly changed the topic, just because this guy with excessive male hormone secretion, even if he is dressed as a woman, will only make people Associated with violence, brutality.

Gao Shi stood up, and then glanced at Wang Yang, Zhe Keshi and the weird machine, and then fell on the seed-removing girls who were already eager to try the seed cotton and said loudly. "Are you all ready? Get ready, start!"

In the voice of the referee, Gao Shize, the twenty seed-removing women used their vine-like... ahem, lightning-like speed, and dexterous slender fingers to separate the cotton and pick out the cotton seeds. Those tubs soon began to have cottonseed thrown into them.

In front of each of them is a jin of seeded cotton that has been weighed, but in front of the cotton gin is a full [-] jins of seeded cotton.

And here, with the turning of the folding machine, the human cotton gin began to make the sound of mechanical activity, and Wang Yang, acting like an old driver, stuffed the cotton with cotton seeds into the feeding port, and then it went smoothly. After a short while, everyone saw that the discharge port gradually revealed pure white cotton.

The important thing is that there are no cottonseeds on the cotton. With the sound of the machine, the cotton with cottonseeds enters and then outputs, almost no cottonseeds, and occasionally there are still one or two grains left in it.

For an hour, although Zhe Keshi had good physical strength, but his eyes turned white, the main reason was not tiredness, but boredom.However, the [-] catties of seeded cotton in front of the gin have all been deseed, and the cotton in the hands of the deseeders has only picked less than one-third of the cottonseed.

Just after the thirty catties of seeded cotton had been deseed, Gao Shi shook his head and announced the order to stop the competition. "Okay, my lords, I guess there should be no need to continue the competition, right?"

"There is really no need to continue the competition, dear. On average, each of them has only removed three taels of seeds. So far, the lint removed from seeds is only more than six kilograms. And here, thirty kilograms of cotton have been deseeded. In other words, A human-powered cotton gin like this is comparable to 120 people, or even better..." Wan Bin's eyes were no longer shining, but starting to turn red.

"After all, with such a cotton gin, you don't need to waste your eyesight at all. You only need to go through the cotton gin again, or with one or two people, and manual picking can complete this most cumbersome process."

"That's right, if it's that hydraulic cotton gin, one day's work is enough to equal the efficiency of a thousand people. So, my lords, what do you think?" Mr. Wang smiled, very proud and very authentic.

As soon as this remark came out, it was naturally flattering. A civil and military official, even if they don't understand economic work, can understand that the appearance of this kind of machinery is really likely to make this Wang Jinglue appease the previous idea. Become reality.

"May I ask Mr. Wang, how much do you plan to sell for an acre of fields that can grow cotton but not other crops?" Wan Bin, as an excellent businessman, naturally understands that the appearance of these machines will bring huge economic benefits.

After Wan Bin heard Wang Yang's words before, he sent someone to inquire about it, and learned that the cotton fields in this area have an output ranging from [-] to [-] catties.

After a pound of seeded cotton is deseed, about 150% of the lint can be obtained.Calculated in this way, after the seeds are removed, one mu of land can get a hundred lints, or even [-] catties.

Importantly, the appearance of this manpower and hydraulic cotton gin has greatly reduced the most labor-intensive and cost-intensive procedure in the cotton processing process: deseeding.

Calculated in this way, the cost of cotton cloth is only two-thirds of that of linen. In this way, cotton cloth will inevitably become a fabric that is cheaper than linen and also very durable.

In this way, Yan, You, and Hong, the three states with abundant sunshine and suitable for cotton growth, are simply golden treasure lands.

"Well, Wang still needs to report to the court." Wang Yang was stunned, but he didn't give an answer directly, but shifted the responsibility to the court.

After all, when the seed-removing machine appeared, those wastelands that seemed to be of little use would probably start to double their status due to the large-scale planting of cotton. As a result, Wang Daguan's heart naturally began to crackle. Come up with your own little calculation.

In the past, those seemingly useless wastelands would not be bought by even one mu or two in the past, but as long as more people know about this Yuanyou cotton gin, they might sell for four or five per mu, and Wang Yang will also buy it. It will feel that the businessmen who bought the land made a lot of money.

The test prototype was quickly packed up, and then Zhe Keshi dispatched a cavalry to escort a carriage loaded with two Yuanyou cotton gins, galloping towards Bianliang, Tokyo.

Naturally, before the Yuanyou cotton gin arrived, Wang Yang had already sent another letter to Song Emperor Zhao Xu, which described in detail the function of this Yuanyou cotton gin, as well as its impact and consequences. .

Of course, I still don’t forget to remind the emperor to be careful not to let the fields where grain is being grown in Song Dynasty be planted with cotton instead.

In that case, it would be easy to cause a large drop in the grain production of the Song Dynasty, and the attractiveness of the Three States to merchants and migrant households would also decrease.

Or a method should be formulated. For example, now, only these three states are allowed as experimental sites, and later, it will be extended to many areas in northern Saibei that are not suitable for growing food, but are very suitable for all kinds of cotton.

Just less than two days after the memorial and prototype left here, Wang Yang received the news that Xiao Wuna, the envoy from the Northern Liao Dynasty, and the envoy from Xixia, who had surpassed faith, were less than [-] miles away from Yanzhou.

"I can understand the envoy from Xixia coming, but what does the envoy from the Northern Liao Dynasty want to do in our three prefectures?" After reading the official document, Wang Yang handed it to Zhe Keshi beside him, wrinkled He frowned and muttered.

"Isn't it said here that he was ordered by the Emperor of Northern Liao to supervise the exchange of prisoners of war and hostages between us and Xixia?" Wu Qilang, who stretched his neck behind Wang Yang and saw the contents of the official document, couldn't help but Words.

"Do you believe it?" Wang Yang turned his head and asked Wu Qilang expressionlessly.

Seeing Wang Yang's inscrutable expression, his head, which had subconsciously nodded, quickly began to sway from side to side.

"Is there any problem here?" After Zhe Keshi handed the letter into the hands of other officials, his expression was also very confused.

"Hehe, supervision? Surveillance... I still want to come over to spy on the defense situation of our Song Dynasty in the land of the three states. I don't know if it is true, but we are still targeting our Yuanyou stone catapult that was used to destroy the ancient city of Wuyan. Here we come." Following Wang Yang's words, the group of people could not help but gasp.

Zhe Keshi even stood up directly, his expression was gloomy like water, and the cold light flickered in his eyes. "That's what you mean..."

"It doesn't matter, I have ordered the two Yuanyou catapults to be dismantled before, but those components are currently in the city. It seems that I can only trouble you, General. In addition, there are craftsmen who made those components , it seems that at least you need to stay in your barracks for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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