Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 684 Is today's court meeting a special session on Xixia issues? (Part 1)

Chapter 684 Is today's court meeting a special session on Xixia issues? (first update)
Chapter 693

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the officials changed. Isn't this remark too serious?

However, Zhao Xu still felt that it was not enough, so he continued to speak coldly. "I ordered the Military Weapons Supervision Departments to produce armaments in order to strengthen our Great Song's army and defend against foreign invasion. However, Qing is thinking about how to use money to help other countries and prevent our Great Song Dynasty from becoming stronger."

Hearing these words, Liu Zhi's face instantly turned pale, and he hurriedly bowed down in front of the steps angrily and anxiously. "Your Majesty, I am a minister of the Song Dynasty. I have no other intentions for my loyalty to the Song Dynasty. Please check it out!"

"Then why don't you see that my Great Song Dynasty has a strong army, but is willing to give money to other countries? Could it be that Liu Qing forgot the basis of the Qingli peace talks at the beginning, and that Xixia surrendered to my Great Song Dynasty?"

"Now, the Great Song Dynasty has regained the old land, and it is time to reorganize the military equipment to defend the border, and Xixia has already bowed its head to pay tribute to the Northern Liao Dynasty, but you are still thinking about giving it a yearly gift. What is the reason?!"

Every time Zhao Xu said something more, Liu Zhi's face turned a little paler, which was like slapping the faces of those peacemakers.

"Sui Ci, I won't give half a copper plate. Armaments are the sharp blade that our Great Song Dynasty can take over the world. Since Sui Ci has been saved, the 25 guan will be kept. Hand over to the military equipment Supervisor, when the province gets it, all the noble families will complain to me again that they have no resources to produce armaments to defend the territory."

"As for you, Liu Qing, I know that Da Song has worked so hard for me. If I think about it, it must be because I have worked too much on official duties, so that I made a mistake. I won't bother you. Wang Qing is alert, don't make such a mistake again. A slip of the tongue."

Kneeling at the foot of the steps, Liu Zhi, who had already been drenched in cold sweat and put on the official uniform on his back, indulged in many thoughts, but at this moment, he could only thank En honestly and return to the class.

Following Zhao Xu's words, the ministers who were eager to speak had already stopped their thoughts of jumping out and chattering.

And Liu Zhi finally realized that the growth of this young emperor who had been in charge of the court for less than a month was astonishingly frightening, and the sharpness of his words was frightening.

However, the words of the Son of Heaven are all on the basis of reason, and he is so suppressed that he is really speechless.If he hadn't let it go lightly in the end, even if the son of heaven's slanderous words only stopped here, he might have to drink a pot hard enough, and he might have to ask himself to be an official.

After Liu Zhi retreated, the hall was silent, and the officials didn't stand up rashly to ask for a cigarette again. Zhao Xu couldn't help showing a smile with a smile on his face.

"Actually, the envoys of the Northern Liao Dynasty and the Xixia envoys put forward the conditions, and the rest of the conditions, I think they are unreasonable and wild words, and they can be rejected, but there is only one, that is, Xixia wants to exchange with us. Soldiers and civilians, I am the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, and the people of the Song Kingdom are suffering from hardships, how can I just watch and ignore it?"

"So, I can only agree, but how can I reduce the recovery of vitality brought by the exchange of soldiers and civilians to Xixia, do you have a good strategy?" Zhao Xu continued to throw out this question again.

But this time, no minister came forward, and Zhao Xu unreasonably named several ministers who had been very flirtatious in the past few days to come out to answer.

One or two can only express their helplessness with embarrassment, thinking that this matter is fundamentally unsolvable, but since our Great Song Dynasty wants to exchange captured soldiers and civilians with Xixia, then we should increase publicity so that the people of the world know that the court treats the people of the world well. of love.

In a word, since the matter has come to this, there is no other way to think of it. It is better to gain some reputation and increase the favorability of the subjects towards the Song Dynasty.

However, some military officials expressed different opinions, thinking that if those prisoners of war were sent back to Xiatu, it would be tantamount to breeding tigers, absolutely not, but Zhao Xu asked them what to do, these guys still rolled their eyes besides rolling their eyes .

After that, those ministers who were not named also stood up one after another to express their unanimous attitude.It means that we also have no other choice, but your majesty is young and heroic, resourceful and resourceful.

After letting these ministers jump up and down like a stick of incense, Zhao Xu said with a look of embarrassment. "...Since this is the case, then I will consider entrusting the appeasement envoy of Shaanxi Road Jinglue and Yan, You, and Hong Jinglue to jointly supervise this matter. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty's words are very good. Since the prisoners of war are all on Shaanxi Road, it is better to leave them to Shaanxi Road. However, Yan, You, and Hong Jinglue appeasement envoys..."

"Although Master Xiao Wang is young, he is brave enough to take on the task. It is right for him to cooperate with Xueshi Su."

Especially when those old party bosses think about it, that’s right, those military generals, frontier army and imperial army generals are all very frantic about this matter, expressing their opposition to the exchange of soldiers and civilians manner.

Even if it is to act on behalf of the will of the court, even if the influence of the military officials is not as good as that of the Han and Tang Dynasties, it is still a big matter to offend people. If you are not careful, you may be a scapegoat.

Since His Majesty is willing to leave it to those two guys, let the Son of Heaven do as he pleases. It’s better than picking people from the court elites who are loyal to the country and the people. If you pick yourself, wouldn’t it be Too late to cry?

How come Zhao Xu doesn't understand the small thoughts of these guys, but what he needs is this effect, even if he has already got a good plan from Wang Wushan.

However, why bother to tell this group of ministers who made me feel bored, it is better to let Wang Wushan, Su Xueshi and others decide to deal with it, it is much better than these ministers who are full of selfish thoughts.

"Well, then this matter is settled like this. There is another important matter. I have decided that it is time to make a decision. That is the joint memorial of the officials and workers of Shaanxi Road that I received yesterday... "Zhao Xu picked up the thick memorial that had already been placed on the imperial case, and shook it towards the courtiers present.

However, he did not directly disclose the content of the memorial and the solution to the public, but directly told the ministers and workers present.Now the land of the three states has become the territory of my Song Dynasty.

But the people living in the three states are all Xixia people. If you want them to return to the Song Dynasty, you will have to spend a lot of time and money.The important thing is, once the military and civilian exchange with Xixia is completed.

Then it is very likely that the Xixia army, whose strength has been restored, will use force against the land of the three states that was just taken back by Song Dynasty.

Moreover, those Xixia people who have not returned to their hearts are likely to become time bombs for the instability of the Song Dynasty's border defense. So, what should we do about this problem now?
All the ministers and workers are very resourceful, please brainstorm broadly and think of a way.

A group of ministers and workers couldn't help inhaling a little bit of teeth, their faces were extremely ugly, what the hell is it that today's court meeting is a special event for Xixia?

(End of this chapter)

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