Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 675 Zhao Ji, who is also working diligently in his post (Part 2)

Chapter 675 Zhao Ji, who is also working diligently in his post (second update)
Chapter 684

"Is Beiliao crazy? How dare you say such a thing so brazenly, what do you think I am, the Great Song? Is it the servant of Beiliao, or his servant?" Zhao Xu looked angry and angry. He complained endlessly.

Sitting next to him was Zhao Ji, who was also newly married. Not far away, Empress Meng was chatting with Zhao Ji's wife, Duan Wangfei, and she would glance over here from time to time.

"Calm down the anger of the officials. Beiliao has always been arrogant. They have always been like this. You don't need to get angry because of their arrogant words." Zhao Ji, who has just got married, may have been busy with military weapons in the past few months. Supervisory affairs.

Instead, he lacked the exuberance of the past and gained a little more calmness, but now, he has a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which makes him feel weird no matter how he looks at it.

However, Zhao Ji had no choice but to act helplessly. Who made him love those basic physics, basic mathematics, and basic geometry these days, so much that he almost forgot to sleep and eat.

After working during the day, he reads and studies by himself, and at night, he works hard to learn knowledge that he has never been exposed to before.

This is ancient times, there were no light bulbs, and no one reminded him to pay attention to his eyes. As a result, in just a few months, his eyes went from normal to a place where he needed to wear glasses to see clearly.

Some time ago, when Zhao Ji wrote to Wang Wu to complain that he needed to get close to read the handwriting clearly, Wang Yang knew that this guy had become myopic, so he wrote to him quickly, telling him to keep his eyesight. Naturally, let this guy go to the glasses shop to pick out a pair of suitable glasses.

And tell Zhao Ji, don't take off the glasses once you put them on, so that at least the prescription of your eyes can be stabilized, otherwise, the prescription will become heavier and heavier, and in the later stage, there is no way for the lenses with thick bottom of the bottle Let you see the world and Meijiao Niang clearly.

This frightened Zhao Ji so much that he finally became vigilant. Except when he was sleeping at night, he didn't dare to take off the glasses that allowed him to maintain his eyesight.

"But now, at the junction of the Great Song Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty, the army of the Northern Liao Dynasty has begun to mobilize. The reports from the border villages are like snowflakes. How can I ignore them as a brother?" Zhao Xu sighed helplessly. One Road.

"After all, there has been peace between my Great Song Dynasty and Beiliao for too long. Whenever Beiliao makes a move, it will scare our frontier army, hum!"

Zhao Ji pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a very Chinese gesture. "According to my brother, Beiliao at most just wanted to use the mobilization of soldiers and horses to test my Da Song's reaction. They didn't want to meet my Da Song at all. Otherwise, why didn't I When the battle between Song Dynasty and Xixia was in full swing, did you send troops south?"

Although Zhao Ji is not good enough to be an emperor, he is smart enough. After studying hard, he has acquired more and more knowledge, and he has his own insights when analyzing the situation.

"Eh, Eleven Lang, you think so too?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but look at Zhao Ji with a look of approval.

Zhao Ji smiled shyly. "These days, my younger brother has been believing with Mr. Wu Shan. Occasionally, my husband will talk about the triangular relationship between my Great Song Dynasty, Xixia, and Northern Liao. My younger brother has seen a lot, but I have some shallow opinions. It’s fine if you don’t laugh at home.”

"Wang Wushan also chatted with me, saying that the current emperor of the Northern Liao Dynasty is not in charge of the government, disregarding all the people, and playing on safari, while the courtiers deceive the upper and lower, practice favoritism, and are corrupt, making the entire political arena of the Northern Liao almost complete. It's a mess."

"Besides, the Northern Liao now oppresses many tribes in the north very heavily, and the tribes resist one after another, while the court of the Northern Liao Dynasty is corrupt, and the soldiers and horses have been sparsely engaged in wars for a long time, losing consecutive battles.

In desperation, they can only support some of the tribes to drive them, lose armored swordsmen, and use them to help Liao to settle border troubles. Will be wounded by this sharp blade. "

"In fact, the clues to such a situation have already been seen. It's a pity that these important officials in the court are too short-sighted, and they don't pay attention to the general situation of these countries at all. They just think that the soldiers of the Northern Liao Dynasty are strong and strong. It is difficult for us in the Song Dynasty to compete with them." the enemy."

"Some ministers even think that since the Northern Liao Dynasty is threatening, our Great Song Dynasty should calm down and avoid fighting." Zhao Xu was very depressed in his heart. He had no choice. Although he was the emperor, those ministers were still doing things.

Even if his will is very firm, those ministers who are full of the court are buzzing like a bunch of flies and mosquitoes all day long, and everyone is upset.

Today, he has finally realized the difficulty of governing. If he is not a person with a firm will, he will easily be swayed by the will of the courtiers.

Zhao Xu couldn't tell his ministers about many of his depressions. Occasionally he could only vent a few words to the Empress Dowager, but the real people he confided to were Queen Meng and the eleventh younger brother Duan Wang Zhao Ji.

After all, if these words are spread, it will definitely cause shocks in the Song Dynasty, so it is impossible to say them to the outside world.

Only the person next to my pillow and my brother can talk about it and confide in my troubles.The important thing is that Zhao Ji, the eleventh younger brother, agrees with his point of view, so whenever he has free time, Zhao Xu will definitely ask Zhao Ji to come to the palace to see him, and then the two brothers will talk about it while drinking and bragging. have common topics.

"...By the way, how are the experiments on the pulley block and the bed crossbow arm going these days?" After finishing his rant, Zhao Xu, who was in an obviously good mood, suddenly thought of the subject that Zhao Ji had been busy with for a while.

That is how to combine the pulley block with Da Song's bed crossbow, take advantage of the labor saving of the pulley block, how to use less animal and manpower, and stretch the bed crossbow in the shortest distance and time before shooting.

As for the crossbow arm test of the bed crossbow, it is considering replacing the crossbow arm with a soft steel crossbow arm that is thicker and tougher than the crossbow arm of the god arm crossbow. In this way, not only can the production time and process of the crossbow arm be reduced, but also The production cycle of the bed crossbow is shortened and the efficiency is improved.

Zhao Ji couldn't help but feel a little more complacent on his face. "Officials can rest assured that the No. [-] prototype has been produced. After testing, its range can reach the exaggerated range of the eight-ox crossbow..."

"Moreover, the No. [-] prototype only uses two soft steel crossbow arms. If three soft steel crossbow arms are used, it is believed that its range can reach a thousand steps."

"Thousand steps... wouldn't that be [-]% stronger than our Song Dynasty's most powerful Ba Niu bed crossbow?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but gasped, with surprise on his face.

"Yes, but this is only an estimate, and our No. 370 prototype only uses a soft steel crossbow arm, and its range can reach up to 180 steps. Moreover, the total weight of the No. [-] prototype, together with the crossbow frame, is only [-] jin. Moreover, it is small in size, easy to disassemble, and can completely move with the army."

(End of this chapter)

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