Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 673 Ren Duoqing, I don't want to delay any longer... (Part 2)

Chapter 673 Ren Duoqing, I don't want to delay any longer... (Second update)
Chapter 682

"Your Majesty, I feel that we should ask Daliao for help as soon as possible, and we can't delay any longer." Wei Ming Wu's eyes once again fell on Ren Duo Zongbao.

Ren Duo Zongbao sighed helplessly, bowed down and said heavily.

"Your Majesty, I have always felt that the conditions offered by the envoys of the Liao Kingdom were too harsh, so I have never dared to agree to them. Now that the country is in decline and the building is about to collapse, I can only beg Your Majesty to endure the humiliation..."

"Can they really stop the army of Song State for my Great Xia?" Li Qianshun murmured in a low voice. The Great Xia Kingdom, which was able to maintain its independence between the Song Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom, seemed to have become so weak overnight.

Nowadays, Daxia has lost more than half of its cavalry, and its total strength has been reduced to two-fifths. Such a huge loss will definitely shake the country.

Even if he, Li Qianshun, has just assumed the position of the lord of the country, whether it is the battle of Hongdezhai or the defeat of the Jianing Army Commander and Yanzhou, it is either because of his mother's queen or his mother's uncle. Lian Sachen and others were defeated, losing troops and generals, and fled to Longzhou.

Although it was approved by himself, it was mainly Dangxiang Bashi's proposal, but even so, Li Qianshun felt a very strong sense of crisis.

That is the continuous setbacks and failures, which caused an undercurrent among the government and the public, thinking that it was the hen Sichen of the Liang family that caused Daxia to suffer repeated setbacks. Therefore, some people have already begun to discuss in private, right? Li Ganshun should be abdicated, and Li Yuanhao's other descendants who do not have Liang's blood should inherit the throne.

Such news made Li Qianshun both angry and frightened. He never thought that those bastards would dare to push the matter on him.

Even when Li Qianshun went to court every day, he would have an illusion that the eyes of those ministers looking at him were full of something called ambition, which made him shudder.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the Liao Kingdom will definitely not wish me Xixia to fail. They need me here to restrain the Song Dynasty. If there is no restraint from my Xixia, the pressure will be on the Liao Kingdom at that time."

"So the Liao Kingdom has already sent envoys to the Song Kingdom, and is willing to lobby for our Great Xia and the Song Kingdom. However, if the Song Kingdom is unwilling and insists on raising troops, it will require my Great Xia to pay a greater price. I am afraid that the Liao Kingdom Only then will they take the initiative to send troops to help."

"This is not good. Although my Great Xia has suffered heavy losses, the Song Kingdom's repeated battles may have reached their limit. Otherwise, why did they stop moving forward after capturing Yanzhou and no longer take a step towards Xingqing Mansion? ?”

"So I think that as long as we Xixia can show sincerity to the Song Dynasty, with the Song Dynasty's consistent strategy, we can definitely suspend the war." Weiming Awu frowned and raised objections.

"A Wu, do you mean that I, Daxia, will surrender to the Song Kingdom in humiliation?" Renduo Zongbao turned his head and asked Wei Ming A Wu.

"If you don't bow your head to the Song State, how can you stop fighting? What's more, if you ask for help from Beiliao, don't you know enough about Beiliao's greed?" Wu Mingwu retorted unwillingly to show weakness.

"Master Ah Wu, if we really bow our heads to the State of Song, at that time, what awaits me in Great Xia will be hundreds of thousands of cavalrymen from the Northern Liao Dynasty approaching the city. Is it?" A minister stood up, supporting Ren Duo Zong Baodao.

"Comparatively speaking, the Northern Liao army was more advanced, and the Song State was even more defeated. What's more, now that the Song Dynasty has captured my city and killed my soldiers, and now surrenders to the Song State, isn't Master A Wu afraid that it will be difficult to surrender to the Song State? The people of Daxia will give an explanation?"

The new patriarch of the Yeli family snorted coldly and said loudly. "Those were all done by the Liang clan in the past. Although they have something to do with my Great Xia, the traitor Liang Yibu, who has been at war with the Song State for more than ten years now, has been given preferential treatment after he surrendered to the Song Dynasty. Would you like to lower your profile, Song Guo, who has always had a good face, would not want to?"

Hearing these words, many people shut their mouths, but no one noticed that Li Qianshun's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard these words of the Liang family.

It seems that these bastards really thought so. If they really bowed their heads to the people of Song Dynasty, would they still be able to sit firmly in the position of king?You must know that Liang Yibu is now a minister of Song State, maybe there will be changes in the court of Xixia at that time, I am afraid that at that time, Song State will not only ignore it, but will take pleasure in others' misfortune.

But Beiliao, although these Liao people are far more greedy than Song, but if he can marry the daughter of the clan of Liao, then, believe in Beiliao, he will definitely not want himself, the lord of Xixia who personally owns Liao, to fall.

Thinking about this, Li Qianshun cleared his throat. "Everyone, please sit down. You are all the servants of my Great Xia Zhushi. How can you be so noisy?"

Although Li Qianshun was young, he was the king of Xixia after all. He said so, and the ministers who were arguing with each other angrily returned to their positions.

Li Qianshun stood up slowly, trying hard to maintain the majesty of the lord, glanced at the civil and military ministers all over the court, and then spoke loudly. "Mr. Ren Duo, I entrust you with full authority over this matter. The sooner the better, I don't want to delay any longer..."

"Your Majesty, you must not do this..." Weiming Awu and more than a dozen important ministers stood up and advised Li Qianshun.

"I've made up my mind, so you don't need to say more." After Li Qianshun resolutely confessed this sentence to Renzong Zongbao, he walked towards the side door next to him without stopping.

The stunned civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were left behind, but Ren Duo Zongbao couldn't help being overjoyed when he came back to his senses. He quickly fell to the ground and shouted in the direction Li Qianshun left. "The minister leads the order."

"Ren Duo Zongbao, you are destroying our Great Xia's country and country, and the century-old foundation will be ruined in your hands." Wei Ming Ah Wu trembled all over and pointed like a sword, pointing at Ren Duo Zongbao and shouted sharply.

Renduo Zongbao looked at Weiming Awu and said unwillingly. "Master Ah Wu, please calm down. You are wrong. What Zong Bao did is really for Daxia and His Majesty wholeheartedly, unlike some people who seem to be wholeheartedly for Daxia on the surface. In fact, it contains evil intentions."

"You, bold, spitting blood! You tell the old man clearly what kind of evil intentions I have hidden." Wei Ming Ah Wu jumped into a rage, jumping his feet and shouting.

"Hmph, farewell!" Ren Duo Zongbao cupped his hands perfunctorily, and strode away, leaving behind many ministers who didn't understand the truth, or didn't understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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