Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 667 It is better to go to Beijing to show that there is no difference (Part 2)

Chapter 667 It is better to go to Beijing to show that there is no difference (second update)
Chapter 676

Liang Yibu, who had already been helped up, naturally understood that this decree of kindness should have nothing to do with him in the slightest, forced a smiling face and stood aside.

"You are all senior generals in the army, or political officials. Therefore, if you are willing to continue serving the court, you can stay and wait for the three state economic strategy appeasement envoys to take office before you can be appointed."

The calm expressions of Li Mao and the others began to change, they looked at each other in disbelief, and finally it was Li Mao who said to Han Zhongyan. "Dare to ask Prime Minister Han, who is the appeasement envoy of the Three Provinces Economic Strategy?"

"This person is the former magistrate of Huanzhou, the king of Yangwang Wushan who took charge of official affairs on horseback. I believe everyone should be familiar with it, right?" Han Zhongyan said with a smile while stroking his long beard.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xiao Wang..." Li Mao suddenly realized and immediately prostrated himself again. "I am willing..." Not only him, but Wen Qi, Hu Zhan and others also bowed down, while Liang Shou and Liang Zuo couldn't help but look at Liang Yibu with some hesitation.

But after seeing Liang Yibu's eyes, Liang Shou and Liang Zuo also fell to the ground to thank them.Seeing this scene, Liang Yibu finally exhaled slowly.

On the way to the current residence, Liang Zuo glanced at Liang Yibu with a solemn expression, and couldn't help whispering. "Uncle, the Emperor Song is too petty..."

"Stop talking nonsense? We are all Song ministers now, and we should be called His Majesty, understand?" Liang Yibu immediately turned his head, glared at Liang Zuo and shouted.

After receiving this glance, Liang Zuo shrank his neck subconsciously, but there still seemed to be a look of hesitation on his face.

"Father, why don't you let the child go to Bianliang with you?" Liang Shou's way of asking questions seemed much more skillful, at least not as low-level as Liang Zuo's.

"You are the eldest son of Liang, and His Majesty is assured of you. Naturally, you must stay here, continue to make contributions, and make our Liang family famous. Entering Beijing as your father shows that Your Majesty appreciates my Liang family's return to the Great Song Dynasty." Only then will he be granted a high official and rich salary." Liang Yibu looked at his calm and wise eldest son, and explained with satisfaction.

"Besides, when I was in Xixia in the past, I was in charge of the power of a country and held the position of a very popular minister. Now, if I stay in the border area, I have to be controlled by others. Even if Your Majesty can trust me, I am afraid that the court will There will definitely be people who are greedy for words."

"It's better to go to Beijing to show that Liang has no dissent. In this way, my son and you can make contributions here. As for Rui'er, if he is not too young and inexperienced, the old man would want him to stay Follow your brother."

After hearing Liang Yibu's explanation, Liang Zuo also understood that although the emperor of the Song Dynasty had surrendered to Liang Yibu, the former prime minister, he was still a high-ranking and powerful person with great prestige in the army.

If you leave it here, you may cause chaos. Besides, even if the old driver Liang Yibu has surrendered to Song Ting, he really has other ideas in his heart.

Now, there is an imperial decree ordering Liang Yibu to go to Bianliang, Tokyo, which makes Liang Yibu stop his other thoughts. At that time, he can just be a dignitary in Bianliang, Tokyo with peace of mind.

In this way, the imperial court can safely use these [-] surrendered troops.

Liang Yibu could even guess that less than half of the [-] surrendered soldiers would be able to remain in the army in the end.Moreover, they may be dispersed and sent to various places. The same will be done to those who have been demoted. However, for those who are demoted, as long as they can serve, they can stay in these three states or go to other places. There will not be much difference in the place where you go to work.

In this way, these pawns and generals will naturally no longer be twisted together.I'm afraid it will only take a year and a half, and these [-] soldiers will all become obedient citizens of the Song Dynasty.

It seems that the heroes of the world should not be underestimated. At first, Li Qianshun, the young emperor of Xixia, was considered to be a smart person, but the young emperor of the Song Dynasty was even more sophisticated, which made people feel comfortable.

Although I don't allow you to continue to serve as an official, your son can, that is to say, after hitting you with a stick, he threw another sweet date.

"Do your job well and bring glory to our Liang family. If one day you can lead your troops to the Xingqing Mansion and avenge hundreds of members of our Liang family. Even if my father is under the Nine Springs, I can rest in peace."

When Liang Shou heard this, his eyes couldn't help but turn red, and he nodded seriously. Yes, hundreds of members of his family, including his wife and the infant child, have all died. This hatred is like If you can't report it, you will be a man in vain in this life.

"Brother, don't be sad. When I grow up and have strength, I will serve in the army. At that time, we will go to Xingqing Mansion together to avenge my sister, sister-in-law and nephew." Rui saw Liang Shou's red eyes, walked over, and said loudly.

"Okay, this is indeed my good son of Liang Yibu, hahaha..." Liang Yibu's eyes were slightly hot, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I have to look after the three states for that kid for a while..." After the surrendered generals left happily, Han Zhongyan rubbed his sore brows and said with a helpless smile.

"By the way, Prime Minister Han, in a few days, it will be the big day for Wang Wushan. At the end, he wants to ask for a leave of absence. I wonder if you can..." Zhe Keshi said with a playful smile.

"Why, want to go to have a drink?" Han Zhongyan turned his head and smiled.

"Hey, that's right, the general and Lord Xiao Wang have been fighting hand in hand these days, and they have already become confidants, and his personal affairs, if the general does not express something, it seems unreasonable." Zhe Keshi explained to Han Zhongyan.

"That's true... let's do it this way. I will first send someone to teach you how to become a master and follow your father, and ask them. When the time comes, I will send you as a representative to Huanzhou. But before that, you still have to be honest. If we stay here, the burden of the defense envoys of these three states is not light."

"Thank you, Prime Minister Han. I will understand that I will definitely work seriously and cooperate with Mr. Xiao Wang to manage the newly occupied land in the three states." Zhe Keshi had achieved his goal and couldn't help but agreed with a smile.

He didn't just want to go around the state to eat and drink at Wang Yang's wedding. The most important thing was that he had received too much favor from Wang Wu. If he was polite, he must be there, so he could support his brother. right.

Zhe Keshi can be regarded as the veteran driver Wang Yang has been in contact with for the longest time since he came to Shaanxi Road.And the ones who benefit the most from it.It was Wang Wushan's persuasion and his persistence that made Zhe Keshi agree to the amazing plan of building a defense line in front of Hongde Village, intending to wipe out all the enemies fleeing north.

However, nothing seemed to escape Wang Wushan's expectation. After the battle at Hongde Village, Zhe Keshi discovered that Wang Wushan's calculations were terrifyingly accurate.

Afterwards, this guy started brazenly trying to persuade Liang Yibu to surrender. What happened?Going around and going around, he actually made it happen.

(End of this chapter)

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