Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 651 You lead the army to attack at night, you must destroy that thing! (Part 1)

Chapter 651 You lead the army to attack at night, you must destroy that thing! (Second more)

Chapter 660

The smoke and dust were billowing, in the early spring, the snow was still there, the Song army lined up neatly, and had already advanced to a distance less than fifty steps away from the city wall. Then, following the orders of the officers, they raised their big Song is most proud of the individual long-range weapon: the crossbow.

Rows of crossbow bolts, taking advantage of their range far exceeding that of Xixia bows and arrows, began to throw towards the city, and the crossbow bolts fell like rain hitting plantains.The soldiers who forced Xixia had to turn back aggrievedly.

Many soldiers were even turned into hedgehogs by those sharp crossbow arrows on the way to retreat.

Just as the crossbowmen of the Song army threw away the arrow rain, thirty steps behind them, a new wall was slowly erected.

And further back, two Yuanyou stone throwing machines that have been disassembled into components are being assembled.

The other two Yuanyou catapults remained in place, continuing to exert their huge destructive and deterrent power.As long as they continue to shoot, not even a Xixia soldier has the courage to charge the front of the Song army with a knife.

Thinking about it, their continuous attack will definitely not stop until the two Yuanyou catapults that are already being assembled in front of the formation are assembled, and after that, they will definitely move to the ancient city of Wuyan. In front of the broken east city wall.

By that time, nearly half of the city will be covered by this terrifying long-range weapon.

"My lord, we can't let them set up all those catapults. Once they set up this kind of catapult, more than half of the ancient city of Wuyan will be under their control. At that time..." Mi Qinsheng Yong couldn't help being anxious, and spoke to Fei Ting Darong.

At that time, not to mention organizing an attack, it will become very difficult to hold back. Tens of thousands of people can only die here in aggrieved battles. Then, this ancient city of Wuyan will definitely become the Kingdom of Great Xia. The shameful place of the Song Dynasty also became the place where the achievements of the Song Dynasty became famous.

Fei Ting Darong stroked his gray beard and nodded slowly. "What you said makes sense. However, the best time is not now, but after the people of Song Dynasty have placed those trebuchets near the city wall and set them up, and then use dead soldiers to attack and destroy them in one fell swoop."

At that time, it must take at least several days for the people of Song Dynasty to repair it. In this way, at least nearly ten thousand people can cross the river.

After making a decision in his heart, Fei Ting Darong turned his head, his eyes wandered over many generals, and finally fell on one of them. "Achang, I will give you five thousand warriors, and tell them that the old man will personally report to His Majesty. Their families, children and grandchildren will be well taken care of, but if any of them dare to take a step back...they will be punished as the crime of rebellion before the army. ,Understand?"

Hearing this, a powerful general with martial arts next to him couldn't help but turn dark, extremely ugly, but seeing Fei Tingdarong's appearance, even if he was to die, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.Xia Lu, those who committed rebellion before the army will not only be punished, but their entire family will be stripped of their citizenship and made slaves.

"The general obeys. If you can't destroy the catapults of the Song people, then you don't have to come back." After a deep salute, Achang turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, it's not now, but tonight, after the Song Army has set up the catapults outside the city, you lead the army to try to pass through the obstacles in the dark, no matter what, you must destroy the catapults of the Song Army Drop it. Please..." Fei Ting Darong patted General Achang's shoulder heavily, and sighed.

Achang nodded heavily, and without further words, he rushed straight to the camp to pick out the most fearless fighters.

When the two Yuanyou catapults were set up and began to throw stones towards the city in turn, the Xixia army in the city had already evacuated out of the range of the Song army in advance.

Tens of thousands of horses crowded the east side of the narrow Wuyan ancient city, making the place full.Even those war horses were driven to the northeast and southeast corners at this moment, leaving more space for the army.

"Okay, the two trebuchets stopped shooting and started dismantling." Wang Yang put down the telescope in his hand and issued new instructions.

Soon, those craftsmen began to get busy, carefully moving out the heavy objects in the counterweight that weighed [-] jin.

Compared with putting it inside, it is more difficult to take it out from the inside. However, as long as the four trebuchets can fire into the ancient city of Wuyan in turn, there will be thunderous explosions in the sky from time to time. Well, those Xixia soldiers and horses who have been subjected to sonic attacks for several days now don't have much resistance.

"Wang Wushan, Zhe is a little worried that the Xixia people will sneak attack in the dark, or how about letting Yuanyou's trebuchet retreat a certain distance?" Zhe Keshi stood beside Wang Yang and suggested after thinking for a while .

"We can't go back anymore. If we go back, the range of the Yuanyou trebuchet will not be able to pose a threat to most of the ancient city of Wuyan." After thinking for a while, Wang Yang finally shook his head and explained.

"And Lao Zhe, you don't need to worry too much. The weapons we haven't used before will be a surprise for those Xixia people who intend to destroy our Yuanyou stone throwing machine, and it will be a big surprise." Surprise." Wang Yang turned his head and said, pointing to the neatly arranged gadgets not far away.

Zhe Keshi's gaze also fell to that side, where ten pull-type trebuchets were neatly arranged, and his eyes lit up. "Could it be that you want to move these over?"

"Of course, we can't let them just stay here and be useless, right? The range of these ten pull-type catapult vehicles is about 120 steps to [-] steps, and each catapult vehicle can Throwing rocks weighing dozens of catties."

"If those Xixia people want to sneak attack at night, I believe that when the rocks fall like raindrops, their mood will definitely become very ugly."

"What's more, there are [-] crossbowmen and the defense line built by these ten catapults. When those Xixia soldiers and horses who came to sneak attack trudge through the ruins and rush to the front, don't you still have Lao Zhe under your command? Great Song cavalry?"

Zhe Keshi finally let go of his worries, nodded and smiled. "Since that's the case, then I can rest assured. In this way, Zhemou thinks that the army from the north and the south should also push a certain distance towards the ancient city of Wuyan?"

"You are the chief general, and you are more experienced in the formation of troops than I am. Naturally, the lower officials want to listen to you." Wang Yang chuckled and did not object.

Throughout the following day, the Xixia soldiers in the ancient city of Wuyan became more and more frightened, even if they had already gathered in the east of the ancient city of Wuyan.

However, from time to time, black dots can be seen flying from a distance and landing in the city less than a few dozen feet away from them, smashing their former shelter from wind and rain one by one...

(End of this chapter)

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