Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 649 The Power of Yuanyou Heavy-Duty Stone Trebuchet (Part 2)

Chapter 649 The Power of Yuanyou Heavy-Duty Stone Trebuchet (Second Change)

Chapter 658

At this moment, he suddenly heard an unpleasant creaking sound. Wang Yang turned his head and saw that the horizontal column used to hang the counterweight of one of the heavy-duty catapult machines seemed to be cracked.

Wang Yang quickly stepped forward, yelling loudly, preventing the soldiers from continuing to pull the cows and horses.After the cows and horses retreated slowly and the counterweight loaded with a weight of ten thousand catties landed smoothly, Wang Yang was slightly relieved.

After climbing to the top of the pedestal and inspecting it for a long time, he shook his head helplessly. "It seems that this thing can't last a few times if it doesn't use metal..."

"My lord, what should we do now?"

"What can we do? Of course, we need to replace this crossbar. If I hadn't stopped you in time, maybe this trebuchet would have been destroyed." Wang Yang glared at the man who just kept urging the soldiers to drive away. The low-ranking officer who was accumulating strength and intending to pull the counterweight into the air without hesitation.

Soon, after the craftsmen disassembled the trebuchet, the thick cross bar was replaced, after rigorous inspection, re-strengthening and filling of butter into the groove, began A new round of launch preparations.

Looking at this long-range projectile weapon mainly made of wood, Wang Yang really had the urge to put on his wings and fly back to Bianliang, Tokyo, and devote himself to the gunpowder weapon workshop, commanding the craftsmen to make the artillery out .

It's a pity that I can only think about it now, not to mention that the Song Dynasty government and the public are not very aware of secrecy. Under such circumstances, once the production of gunpowder weapons is leaked, the national power is slightly inferior to that of the Song Dynasty, but they also have According to the investigation of Beiliao, who has a considerable number of skilled craftsmen.

Then in the future, if the Song Dynasty wants to conquer the Northern Liao Dynasty, it will be much more difficult to regain the old land of the Han and Tang Dynasties.Therefore, at this stage, Wang Yang is also very clear that what he should do is to consider how to develop cold weapons to the extreme.

As for the research and development of firearms, it is safest to wait until I return to Bianliang, Tokyo before implementing it.

Although the launch speed of the heavy-duty catapult was horribly slow, with the joint efforts of the four Yuanyou catapults, it was at dusk.Then they completely destroyed the three gates in the north, west and south of the ancient city of Wuyan.

And it also caused the collapse of several sections of the city wall, and through the reconnaissance of the telescope, it can be confirmed that those Xixia people are retreating slowly, and most of them are concentrated in the middle and east of Wuyan ancient city.

There, it can be regarded as a safe area for the time being.The two bed crossbows, which had a range that could almost reach the middle of the ancient city of Wuyan, had been damaged due to continuous shooting over the past few days and had to be maintained several times.

Although you can continue to launch the Thunderbolt, if you want to throw stones weighing more than [-] catties, then forget it. I am afraid that you will not be able to shoot a few rounds. The two bed crossbows that are about to reach their limit have to be destroyed.

After seeing the power of the heavy-duty trebuchet, Zhe Keshi complained why Wang Yang only made four of them. "If there are a few more, not to mention the gates and walls, the entire ancient city of Wuyan will be reduced to ruins."

"Do you think I don't want to? It's not because there are not enough materials. Do you know that the wood consumed by these four Yuanyou stone catapults alone is enough to fill fifty carts, and even a lot of tents?" I ordered all the poles to be collected." Wang Yang glared at this guy, he was not a god, and it was hard to get all these wood together.

If there are a few more units, I am afraid that the door panels of the houses in Hongzhou City will have to be folded and sent over.Otherwise, there will be no ready-made wood.

"Do we need to take the night to move the position forward?"

"That's not necessary. The night is not a cover for us. On the contrary, it may give those Xixia people a chance to launch an attack when we move our position. It would be better to slowly advance towards the ancient city of Wuyan tomorrow morning."

"As for the task of the four catapults today, it is to find a way to smash down the entire eastern city wall, so that the Xixia people cannot attack us by virtue of the location."

"That's a way, but having said that, I'm afraid that this thing will be indispensable in the future when I attack the city and plunder the land in the Song Dynasty." Zhe Keshi smiled redly.

Before, he watched tens of thousands of Western Xia soldiers defending the ancient city of Wuyan so calmly, and then retreated through the Wuding River calmly, and his heart felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

However, the Xixia people were able to rely on the ancient city of Wuyan to stick to it, and Wang Yang insisted on assuring him that he would invent a method that would allow the Song Dynasty to take full advantage, and would be able to stay outside the opponent's bow and arrow range. It is an excellent long-range weapon for the Song Dynasty to siege cities and land.

Only then did Zhe Keshi hold back the urge to attack the ancient city of Wuyan.But now, Wang Yang really didn't make a mistake. With his usual high level of invention, Zhe Keshi understood that as long as this guy can talk, he can definitely do it.

Even in the middle of the night, the stone-throwing machines of the Song people were still rattling, and huge boulders fell on the ancient city of Wuyan one by one, smashing the remaining walls toppled and crumbled.

And the nearly [-] Xixia soldiers and horses in the city no longer have the courage they used to have at this moment, and the hearts and hearts of the soldiers seem to be hanging in their throats.

As for Fei Ting Darong, after learning that the Song army was madly shooting destructively at the city wall in the west of the city, he finally had to order the defenders in the west of the city to retreat a hundred paces behind the city wall.To prevent the soldiers from being smashed into meatloaf by those boulders without knowing why.

In the early morning of the next day, Fei Ting Darong came to the west city with a pair of dark circles under his eyes that were worse than the previous day. In the distance, not only the city wall, but even many buildings in the city had already collapsed , the entire western part of Wuyan ancient city was almost completely turned into ruins near the city wall.

Moreover, because the huge rocks thrown by the powerful rock-throwing machine of the Song Dynasty not only smashed the west into ruins, but also completely blocked the three main roads.

Even if the Xixia warriors want to overcome obstacles and attack the Song army, they must first carefully trek a distance of nearly ten feet among the ruins, and among them, not only must pay attention to those unlucky houses, but also have to be careful. Avoid the three-foot-deep potholes formed after the boulders fell.

That is to say, the area west of the city has become a stage for infantry battles. For cavalry, there is nothing but hehe or hehe. The elegant four-legged animals simply cannot overcome the obstacles that even nimble humans have a headache.

After losing their impact, the power of the cavalry was directly reduced to the minimum. The cavalry wielding swords was not even more threatening than the infantry holding spears.

(End of this chapter)

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