Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 643 A 15-pound Stone Flys Over a Distance... (Part 2)

Chapter 643 A 150-jin stone is flying across a distance of hundreds of feet... (Second update)
Chapter 652

Only then did Zhe Keshi notice that beside the four huge wooden towers, there were two more, one was about one person taller, and the other was about two people taller. Compared with these four huge wooden towers, , naturally looks so inconspicuous.

"This one is the No. [-] prototype. The counterweight weighs about [-] jin. It can throw objects weighing [-] jin [-] steps away." Wang Yang walked not far away, pointing to the throwing machine that was only as tall as one person. Shi Ji said, and then pointed to another trebuchet with a height of two people.

"This one is prototype No. 180. Its counterweight weighs [-] kilograms and can throw an object weighing [-] kilograms to a distance of [-] steps."

"The counterweight, is this what you mean?" Zhe Keshi walked up to him and looked at his hand, pointing to one end of the long pole of the trebuchet, where a large wooden basket was dropped, and inside the basket was a large wooden basket. filled with heavy stones.

"Yes, this is the counterweight. Relying on the fall of the counterweight, the other end of the long pole is raised to the sky, and the weight in the leather bag is thrown far away."

While explaining to Zhe Keshi, an official in green robe hurried over to report to Wang Yang. "My lord, the previous heavy load test has been tested. The maximum load of the four riprap machines has reached a weight of [-] jin. There is no problem with the structure of the riprap machine and the load-bearing base."

"Is there any deformation in the structure?" Wang Yang asked the green-robed official several more questions that Zhe Keshi couldn't understand, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"Since there is no problem with the aggravation, can we start testing the projectile?" Wang Yang asked.

"Of course there is no problem, but how much weight does the counterweight need to load? And how many objects do we need to throw?" the green-robed official asked Wang Yang.

Wang Yang touched his chin and took a look at the four trebuchets. "The No. [-] machine is loaded with [-] kilograms, and the projectile is based on [-] kilograms. The No. [-] machine is loaded with [-] kilograms, and the projectile is based on [-] kilograms. The No. [-] machine is loaded with [-] kilograms. The No. [-] machine is loaded with [-] kilograms. , and the projectile increases in proportion to the weight of thirty kilograms for every two thousand kilograms added to the counterweight, do you understand?..."

The green-robed official respectfully accepted the order and left. Soon, most of the craftsmen who had been relaxing began to get busy again.

The stones that have already been transported from other places are weighed first, and then added to the counterweights of the four trebuchets.

Soon, the No. [-] machine was loaded, and then, some people began to put the ropes on the cattle and horses that had been waiting at the side. Under the pull of these animals, the No. [-] machine originally stood tall, like a flagpole piercing the sky. The throwing rod with a length of five feet fell down slowly with the counterweight.

Finally, it landed on the other side of the trebuchet. When the counterweight reached the standard height, someone rushed over and tied the thick hemp rope tightly to fix it.

The animal force that had completed the task was pulled aside, and at this moment, a craftsman, with some difficulty, moved a stone that had already been weighed and weighed about [-] kilograms into the leather pocket at the top of the long pole. .

"Huh, this club head doesn't seem to be made of wood?" At this time, Zhe Keshi seemed to notice that the top shaft of the club head, which was about five feet long, had a metallic luster.

"The mild steel used there is similar to that used by our Great Song Yuanyou Crossbow. This kind of mild steel is not only light, but also has excellent elasticity. It is used to assemble the club head to ensure the firmness and toughness of this throwing club. "Wang Yang nodded, pointing to the long throw.

Not only the club head position, but also the side of the shaft that is facing the ground is also nailed with pieces of mild steel. The main reason is that the elasticity of these woods is enough, but the toughness and strength are not enough.

In the end, Wang Wushan, the most famous and intelligent weapons expert in the Song Dynasty, had an idea, and found the Yuanyou crossbow arm that had not been assembled, and used it to reinforce it. After testing, the weight did not increase too much. Under such circumstances, the sturdiness and toughness of this throwing rod have been greatly improved.

"How far can this be thrown? If a sixty-pound stone hits the city wall, I'm afraid it will have a crack or even a gap." Zhe Keshi couldn't help but seem a little nervous, he was really very nervous Looking forward to Wang Yang, who is always able to surprise Wang Daguan, can invent a sharp long-range weapon.

After Wang Yang strode forward, he drew the saber from his waist, took a deep breath, and then slashed fiercely at the hemp rope that held the counterweight in place.

Naturally, the hemp rope couldn't stop the sharp blade, so it snapped.I saw that the high-hanging counterweight hung in the air for a while, then crashed down, and the five-foot-long throwing rod made a scream, and suddenly drew a circular arc and stood upright, even in the air. The top of the throwing rod was tilted forward by more than ten degrees.

Even the naked eye can hardly tell how the stone was thrown out of the leather bag. What can only be noticed is the dark gray mottled stone, rolling and flying towards the distance. After traveling a certain distance, it fell to the ground in an arc shape.

The splashed snow and mud were mixed together. For safety reasons, no one dared to stand in the direction of the target range of the test. However, Wang Yang easily came to the conclusion that the distance was at least 170 to 180 meters.

The No. 200 machine with a counterweight weighing [-] kilograms will throw rocks weighing [-] kilograms farther, and the visual distance is at least [-] meters.

The next No. 120 aircraft did a good job. After flying a certain distance in the sky, the 240-jin boulder finally landed at a position of about [-] meters.

Every time a boulder falls to the ground, the craftsmen involved in making the heavy trebuchet can't help cheering.At least, this kind of heavy-duty catapult has left far behind the catapult that used to be pulled by manpower in terms of range and power.

Zhe Keshi stared blankly at the huge boulder that flew to a very far distance before hitting the ground, splashing snow foam, mud and grass clippings. After a long time, he slowly turned his head and looked at Wang Yang.

And Wang Yang once again walked up to the catapult with a load of [-] jin, took a deep breath, raised the saber in his hand again, and slashed down fiercely. The hemp rope was cut directly.

Then, the 150-jin stone, after being accelerated, drew a beautiful circular arc in everyone's sight, and took off towards the sky.

This irregular rock was rolling and flying in the sky, flying over a very long distance, and finally, it fell down hard...

(End of this chapter)

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