Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 626 Another 1 Han soldiers came to help (Part 1)

Chapter 626 Another [-] Han soldiers came to help (first update)
Chapter 635

Boom……………… Boom……………… Boom……………

The exhausted Xixia soldiers all stared at the sky at this moment, even though their faces were full of exhaustion and helplessness, but there was no way to stop the damn explosion.

Even if there were cloth strips stuffed in the ears, such a loud sound could not be blocked at such a close distance.

But the Song soldiers outside the city slept extremely soundly. After all, everyone is at least two miles away from the center of Wuyan ancient city. It will hardly have any impact, and it is not even more shocking than the snoring of some strong snorers.

Even in the morning, huge thunderclaps would still explode over the ancient city of Wuyan with great regularity.And some timid war horses seemed to have been frightened mad, biting and kicking their companions in panic, and finally were stabbed off by those Xixia cavalry with tears in their eyes.

Time makes people feel extremely tormented, especially for those Xixia warriors living in the ancient city of Wuyan, this is definitely torture that is worse than death.

For the Song Army outside the city, it didn't seem to have much impact. Those who should have breakfast had breakfast, and those who should brag and spank would continue to brag and spank.

As for Wang Yang at the moment, he is holding a bowl of mutton soup, chewing cooking cakes, and admiring the ancient city of Wuyan in the distance. The Xixia military flag that hangs down limply because of the lack of wind is just like those Xixia soldiers and horses at this moment, without a trace vitality.

"I said, if you do this, will you push those Xixia people too hard? If they fight out at all costs, we may be the ones who will suffer." Come here specially in the name of checking the enemy's situation Zhe Keshi, who came here, was drinking the mutton soup, admiring the rising smoke and citron in the city.

"Then you have to wait for them to eat, drink, rest and rest before you can kill them? Also, at midnight yesterday, Wang had already sent scouts to return to Prime Minister Han. I believe that it will not be long before the reinforcements sent by Prime Minister Han will arrive... ..."

"What reinforcements? Aren't our soldiers and horses almost all sent to guard everywhere?" Zhe Keshi was slightly startled.

"I asked Prime Minister Han to send [-] more surrendered soldiers for reinforcements. After all, last night, Liang Yibu and those Han troops proved their will to us and those Xixia troops... It seems inappropriate if we don't give them any sweeteners. , what do you think?" Wang Yang's eyes fell on the Han army camp south of Wuyan Ancient City.

"So that's it. This is a good way. It doesn't need to transfer our soldiers and horses, and it can also get an army with good combat power." Zhe Keshi nodded and smiled in agreement.

Wang Yang had also sent someone over to inform him last night. At that time, Zhe Keshi had already guessed what Wang Yang meant.

Another [-] reinforcements will not only make Liang Yibu and others feel the goodwill of Song Dynasty, but also put enough pressure on the Xixia soldiers and horses in the ancient city of Wuyan, so that they dare not go out of the city easily to launch a surprise attack .

After all, Xixia has lost too many troops. If they dare to attack with the whole army, they will attack the Song army that has already set up camp. Both sides will pay a heavy price. At that time, Xixia will still be able to How many troops are there to prevent Song Dynasty from marching to the territory of Xixia?

"...It is precisely because of this that these Xixia talents will think of using tricks to seize Hongzhou, but they don't know how to seize Hongzhou. After learning that Yanzhou was captured by my Song Dynasty, they fled to the ancient city of Wuyan as soon as possible. It’s because today’s Xixia really doesn’t dare to engage in a war of attrition with the Song Dynasty…”

"Because they really can't afford it anymore." Wang Yang said firmly as he looked at the ancient city of Wuyan with another roar in the distance.

Zhe Keshi took a deep breath, nodded heavily and replied. "That's right, having said that, if it wasn't for Mr. Xiao Wang and you, a lucky star, here, how could I, Da Song, have such victories."

"Please, Wang just relied on his own brains and talents. This is not luck." Wang Yang rolled his eyes helplessly.

Now, the gang of Song border soldiers looked at him one by one, as if they were admiring a mascot, which made Wang Daguan feel very unhappy.

"Okay, General Zhe, how about we go to Liang Yibu's Han army together? We have to let him know our intentions." Wang Yang said after drinking the mutton soup in front of him.

When [-] Han troops, escorted by [-] Song cavalry, and commanded by Li Mao, arrived at the south gate of Wuyan Ancient City, Liang Yibu couldn't help but feel much better, and for the first time, he showed a smile that he hadn't seen for many days. .

This means that after hard work, he has finally won the trust of Song Dynasty, at least it can be said that he has won the trust of Han Zhongyan, the deputy envoy of Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy.

The [-] troops brought here not only made Liang Yibu happy, but also made those Han soldiers stationed at the south gate feel better. After all, they always thought that they would become Song Ting's cannon fodder.

However, in the battle last night, the timely reinforcement of the Song Army's iron cavalry allowed them to severely block the attack of the Xixia soldiers.

But today, he sent his former brother Paoze to strengthen his own strength, which is enough to prove Song Ting's trust and tolerance for these Han troops.

At the same time, it also made them feel a little ashamed. The majestic Xixia elite Han army almost collapsed last night. Look at the Song army at the East Gate. They also have 1 horses. They were not afraid at all last night, and today, they are not afraid Soldiers and horses come to help.

"Father, someone is coming over there, it seems to be General Zhe Keshi and that Lord Wang..." Just as Liang Yibu was having an intimate exchange with Li Mao, he heard the voice of the eldest son Liang Shou beside him.

Liang Yibu quickly led a group of generals to rush forward to greet them.

"You generals don't need to be like this, General Liang, Wang is being polite." Wang Yang happily turned over and jumped off the horse, and quickly returned the salute.

"Thank you sir. Last night, if it weren't for the Song Dynasty, well, if it wasn't for the cavalry of the army to come to the rescue, I'm afraid those little bastards would have been frightened." Liang Yibu almost said the wrong thing and quickly changed his words.

"This is originally part of my duty. Since I am a brother, how can I ignore my brother when I see him in danger." Zhe Keshi stroking his long beard and smiling, surrendered to the general cordially.

"Last night, Wang learned that General Liang's men may have had low morale and reduced combat effectiveness. In order to prevent the general from being unable to guard the south gate, Wang after discussing with General Zhe specially asked Prime Minister Han to transfer [-] men. The army came to help..."

(End of this chapter)

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