Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 624 My lord, you threw away all the gunpowder and arrows... (Part 1)

Chapter 624 My lord, you threw away all the gunpowder and arrows... (first update)
Chapter 633

Next to them, Ren Duo Zonghan and Mi Qin Deshou also looked very ugly, drinking the mutton soup in silence, if it wasn't for those damned Song people's air raids, they wouldn't have fought on an empty stomach.

And more importantly, the Song people actually ambushed the cavalry despicably. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of those cavalry, at least this wave of frontal toughness should be able to destroy the long-range weapons of the Song people.

But now, after paying such a high price, what they got in return was to continue to watch helplessly as the flames dropped from the air continued to wreak havoc in the city.

But apart from sending people to professionally put out the fire, what else can be done? Is it necessary to attack once?Sa Chen, who was sitting on the main seat, had his head wrapped in torn white cloth and looked like Tianzhu Asan, muttering to himself stupidly.

Ever since this guy became deaf, it seems that his emotions have also become problematic. At such a critical juncture, the chief general actually became deaf. This is definitely the first time that Fei Ting Darong has encountered such a thing in the past [-] years in the army. situation.

What to do?Now out of 5000 troops, only more than 3000 have returned, and there are still many wounded. Such losses are only the beginning.

If these 5 horses have been trapped in the ancient city of Wuyan, it is absolutely too much for Xixia, which has already lost more than 15 horses because of the battle of Hongdezhai with the Song Dynasty and Liang Yibu’s surrender. It's been terrible.

Although the soldiers and horses of Daxia are said to be an army of 50, in fact, the number of soldiers and horses that can really be mobilized is only a little over 20. The rest are mostly auxiliary soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers. It is okay to defend the city, but it is typical to go out of the city to fight in the field. of seeking death.

Apart from the [-] soldiers and horses here, the only ones left are the last [-] garrison troops and the [-] elite soldiers guarding Xingqing Mansion.

Fei Tingdarong was extremely heartbroken when he thought that the great Xia Kingdom was losing its troops to the point where it was almost impossible for a clever woman to make a living without rice.These 5 horses really cannot continue to be lost...

Crackling, crackling... Another blast of gunpowder arrows sounded in the distance, and everyone wanted to find a prairie wolf to eat to calm down their surging mood at the moment.

"If they continue to do evil like this, what should we do?" A general said with a sad face, his left hand was still supporting the right hand that was obviously not right.

And there was a deep mark on the armor plate on the right arm, which was just when he was retreating, he was stabbed by the opponent's cavalry just now. Fortunately, the armor was strong, otherwise, this arm would not only be fractured, but would be gone.

"Let them speed up the construction of rafts, speed up the speed of crossing the river, forget about the horses, human life is the most important thing." Fei listened to Darong, thought for a while, and signaled to Sachen's soldiers next to him. "What are you doing in a daze, write down the results of our discussion and give it to General Sa for review."

The soldier holding the pen quickly agreed, and quickly wrote down the pen on the paper, quickly writing down the conclusions from the previous discussion in the complicated Xixia characters.

Sa Chen looked at the handwriting written by the soldier, and secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, although he joined the army, he still had a cultural heart, and he had been working hard to learn the complicated and numbing Xixia characters.

Otherwise, if I am now deafened by the firecrackers of the Song Army, if I don't even know the words, then I have lost the way to communicate with others. In that situation, it is like being imprisoned by everyone. A world without voice, without communication, is terrible.

"Fei listened to what the old general said, and Sa Mou also felt that, putting human life first, the horses should be kept in the ancient city of Wuyan first, and the horses should be withdrawn after the soldiers have almost withdrawn.

Of course, if the Song people were in such a hurry to attack, then all the mounts left in the city... would be killed, and they could not be left to serve the enemy.What do you generals think? "

Although he can't hear it anymore, Sa Chen's mouth can still speak anyway. Decades of speaking experience at least allow him to maintain a very fluent way of language communication, but he can't hear what he is saying at all. .

"General Sa is right. However, beheading the mount... I don't think it is necessary. After all, the Song army is clearly mainly harassing. They also know that I am stationed in Daxia. If they attack , that is courting death.

Therefore, the old man suggested that the garrison and the [-] wounded soldiers should be evacuated first, and then the horses should be transported across the river, and then the last [-] soldiers and horses should be withdrawn at an opportunity. What do you generals think? "

Ren Duo Zonghan nodded approvingly: "Yes, although the ancient city of Wuyan is not as strong as Hongzhou, it still has thick and solid walls. The Song army did not have too many siege weapons. Twenty thousand soldiers and horses are enough to defend the ancient city of Wuyan."

"Then speed up. If the Wuding River is completely frozen, even if we want to leave, it will be even more difficult." Fei Ting Darong nodded and wrote to the name again. The personal soldier tilted his head, signaling him to continue.

Through such a difficult communication method, the leaders of Xixia finally discussed a more suitable plan.As for those sparks on the head...

"Hmm... let the brothers pay more attention to those fires. In addition, try to avoid the center of the ancient city as much as possible. It should be the most dangerous and vulnerable place." Fei Tingdarong didn't do anything.

"How did you come back? Why didn't they continue to replenish the stock?" Wang Yang watched the spark falling into the ancient city of Wuyan again, and after a burst of explosions erupted, he nodded contentedly. "Come again..."

"My lord, no more." A general walked to Wang Yang's side and reported in a low voice.

"What's missing?" Wang Yang turned his head and asked.

The general spread his hands helplessly. "It's just that the [-] gunpowder arrows have been used up..."

" fast?" Wang Yang raised his head and glanced at the still dark sky, then at the ancient city of Wuyan where the fire was still flickering, he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"Sir, you threw out 250 gunpowder arrows at one time, which is only [-] in total. After deducting the part you used for testing before, you will throw away all the rest tonight." The general Said with a distressed look bleeding.

He also had a good time watching it before, but after receiving the report from his subordinates, he suddenly felt bad. What's more, the fireworks are beautiful, but they cost money. Think about it, the productions that were delivered this time You must be careful when using gunpowder weapons that can explode and injure your life if you don’t do it any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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