Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 609 Although Beidun is a good strategy, you have to bear the blame yourself (Part 2)

Chapter 609 Although Beidun is a good strategy, you have to bear the blame yourself (second update)
Chapter 618

Naturally, he scolded the Chinese general Li Bing for being despicable and shameless. He was indeed not of my race, and his heart must be different. He was eating the salary of Xixia, but he knelt down and licked Song Ting.

He even scolded Ye Cibo as one of the eight clans of Dangxiang, a nobleman in the Yeci clan, and also served as the governor of Yanzhou, but he was so timid and cowardly, which cut off his army's retreat and became a Rootless water, wandering duckweed.

Although this news was strictly ordered by Sachen to keep the word of the generals strictly guarded and not to pass it on without authorization, and there are more than [-] troops stationed here together with the disabled soldiers, even if it is [-] quails, I am afraid that Song Dynasty wants to slaughter them. It’s not easy to drop either.

What's more, there are more than [-] heroic and fearless Xixia warriors, not to mention that there are [-] elite Xixia Forbidden Army who are not afraid of death: the garrison is here.

Therefore, the mood of the soldiers is quite peaceful, but the generals around Sachen are already very restless.

Liang Yibu in Hongzhou would definitely not let himself come and go so lightly without taking a trace of clouds with him.And Yuzhou, which is further north, has also been controlled by Li Mao, Liang Yibu's confidant and powerful general.

All the forts of the Jianing Army Division also fell into the hands of the Han army under Liang Yibu's command. Behind them, Yanzhou was occupied by the Song army. Now, these tens of thousands of troops and wounded soldiers can be said to be trapped here. In the dilapidated barracks.

Some generals also pointed out that if they gave up the nearly ten thousand disabled soldiers and let them stand still, they would be able to ride lightly, escape north, and advance along the coast of the sandy sea. It is a way of life.

"No, this is related to the honor of my garrison, and it is even more related to the safety of my Great Xia and the face of my Great Xia. The Empress Dowager has become a prisoner of the Song Dynasty. You must not let that old dog Liang Yibu take it easy. Subdue the Song Dynasty." A garrison commander stood up and objected loudly.

"General Fei Ting, Sam knows how you feel. But now, our army is surrounded by enemies on three sides. The only way to survive is to the north. If we don't go, are we still going to stay here and wait for Song Mi and Liang Yibu's rebels to attack us?" Can’t they be surrounded?”

Sachen wanted to agree with the general who proposed the North Escape.It's a pity that the general Fei Ting in front of him is not only the commander of the garrison, but also a strong competitor for the chief of the Fei Ting clan.

Although the Fei Ting family lost troops and generals in the south, the problem is that no matter which of the eight clans in Dangxiang they are, they are deeply rooted in Dangxiang, and they are all in the same spirit.

Just like this time when he led the army to the south, although Sa Chen was the commander in chief, if he encountered any problems, he would ask Fei Ting Darong, who had been in the garrison for nearly 20 years, for advice.Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to command the [-] garrison troops.

But now, this Fei Ting Darong's strong opposition really made Sa Chen, who wanted to run northward, turn blue with anger, but there was nothing he could do, because not only Fei Ting Darong, but also many arrogant soldiers similar reasons have been put forward.

"Importantly, there are nearly ten thousand wounded soldiers here. Do we have the heart to leave these robes behind? Nearly ten thousand wounded soldiers are staying here, General Sa, have you ever thought about whether you can withstand His Majesty's anger? And the anger of the Dangxiang Bashi..."

Sa Chen glared angrily at the general who dared to threaten him. "Bastard, isn't this general thinking about everyone's safety? That's why I asked you to gather in the tent to discuss countermeasures."

"Yes, instead of staying here and being trapped, it is better for the army to move north slowly. Although it is difficult for the wounded soldiers to move, there is always a way for them to follow the army and retreat north." A general from Yanzhou said.

"How to go? They are all wounded on their legs, and the wounds have just scabbed. If they move a little, the wounds are likely to open again. At that time, more than half of the ten thousand brothers will become Lame, who will bear the consequences when the time comes?" Another general jumped out and said loudly.

"Everyone, but if we stay here, it is very likely that a large number of Song troops will arrive in a few days. If we wait for them to encircle Liang Yibu, won't we lose our teachers in vain and humiliate the country?"

"What's more, if we retreat to the north, after arriving at the edge of the Desha Sea, we can go to the four prefectures of Yinxia to the east, and return to the Xingqing Mansion to the west, but it is far better than staying in this place where the enemy is on the back. ."

"General, although what you said is very reasonable, if you just withdraw the troops like this and return, seeing Yanzhou fall into Song Ting, and Liang Yibu, who owns the Jianing Army Commander, betray my Great Xia, when the time comes , how do you ask the general of the army to explain to His Majesty?" Fei Tingdarong snorted and asked those generals who supported the northward withdrawal.

These words directly made the group of generals silent for a long time. They all looked helplessly at Sa Chen who was stroking his short beard in silence. After all, he was the main general. That's all for the state, but now, who would have expected that Yanzhou also fell into the hands of Song Ting.

As a result, the first thought that came to Sa Chen's mind was to run north as soon as possible, but now, after listening to Darong's words, Sa Chen woke up. This is a very real problem.

The loss of Yanzhou is not as bad as that of the Jianing Army. It is very likely that his actions of sending troops to Hongzhou and withdrawing a large number of troops from Yanzhou became the reason for those courtiers to criticize themselves and impose the crime of the loss of Yanzhou on themselves. .

At that time, I was afraid that I wouldn't even have time to cry, and I was still thinking about making Sa's family a powerful party member. Well, for [-]% of the crime, even if I didn't get caught and put in jail, I was afraid that I would be demoted and dismissed. of.

At this time, Sa Chen suddenly realized that the burden on his shoulders was really terrifyingly heavy, and he felt that his shoulders were about to be crushed by such a heavy pressure.

No matter what kind of decision you make, as the general, you have to bear the consequences. This is the most troublesome thing.Sachen raised his head and glanced at the generals in front of him who had their own thoughts.

Escape to the north is a good strategy, but the scapegoat is definitely to be carried by oneself alone, instead of retreating north, sticking to the spot and waiting for help?Hehe... Damn it, Daxia lost [-] elite troops in the battle of Hongdezhai in Song Xia.

But now, because of Liang Yibu's rebellion, Daxia not only lost another [-] elite troops, but more importantly, there were also [-] elite troops and some wandering soldiers who became Liang Yibu's accomplices.

It can be said that besides the nearly [-] garrison troops still guarding the Xingqing Mansion and the remaining [-] main forces of the remaining [-] captured troops, there are not many capable soldiers in the Great Xia.

(End of this chapter)

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