Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 607 Seems to Be Just the Beginning (Part 2)

Chapter 607 Seems to be just the beginning (second update)
Chapter 616

It was the arrival of this young man that made the original a pool of stagnant water. Although there were occasional waves, they soon calmed down. Song and Xixia have come and gone for nearly a hundred years, and have been entangled for a hundred years. Although each has victories and losses.

But in fact, the Song Dynasty lost more than it won, and lost a lot of territory, such as Xiazhou, Yinzhou, Youzhou, Shizhou, Longzhou, Hongzhou, Yanzhou and many other territories, all of which were descended from Xixia. It was taken from the hands of Song Dynasty.

Although the Song Dynasty has been unwilling to be reconciled, and has repeatedly fought for it, it has also won back a lot of territory, such as the current Suide Army, Mizhi and other sites. However, once the Song Dynasty gained the upper hand, the Northern Liao Army began to suppress the territory. It prevented Song Dynasty from attacking Xia with all its strength, forming an embarrassing situation of repetition and stalemate.

With the support of Beiliao, Xixia is like a shit-stirring stick, which makes Da Song a headache, and even Da Song wants to give Xixia more than [-] taels of silver, tea, and silk every year, hoping to be able to in exchange for peace.

It is a pity that peace is not obtained by exchange for money, but by strength.However, it is difficult for people who know these truths to speak up in the court full of hypocrites.

Especially in this era when literati lead the army and deliberately suppress military generals, although military generals can get more salaries and rewards than civilian officials, they lack the right to speak.

Whenever there is a battle, the court also likes to send some civil servants who are not familiar with martial arts to supervise the army, and they often command blindly, which leads to the final result of many sure-win battles in the Song Dynasty.

It can be said that Zhe Kexing has been in the army for more than [-] years, and he has been depressed for more than [-] years. After all, since he led the army, all the emperors he has experienced, except for Emperor Shenzong who was a little excited, the rest are all in a good mood. And the posture of being precious.

The battle of Yongle City also destroyed Emperor Shenzong's self-confidence, resulting in heavy casualties, and severe setbacks in political reforms. In the end, Emperor Shenzong was exhausted physically and mentally, and finally died of depression.

Just after the death of Emperor Shenzong, the emperor Zhao Xu ascended the throne at the age of nine, and the empress dowager Gao Taotao listened to the government behind the curtain.The old party that originally opposed the reform was invited back to court, and the new party that supported the reform began to be expelled.

After the old party came to power, the old party, which was leaning toward conservatism, even abandoned the new party's policy of opening up borders, and Sima Guang even advocated returning all the cities, villages, states, and armies in Xixia that it occupied during the Xifeng period.

Maybe Xixia will be able to appreciate the kindness and righteousness of Song Dynasty, and finally shake hands with Song Dynasty.For such remarks, even among the old party, there is quite a market, but fortunately not everyone is so irrational.

The crux of the problem is that no one can guarantee that with the capricious nature of the Western Xia barbarians, they will be able to maintain peace with the Song Dynasty after returning to the city.

On the contrary, I am worried that if Da Song does this, it is very likely that the barbarians in Xixia will think that Da Song is showing weakness in Da Song.

As a result, the old party was also arguing over this issue, and it was impossible to make friends. In the end, with the support of a group of neutral ministers who were familiar with military affairs, such as Han Zhongyan, and the approval of the Empress Dowager, Da Song decided to adopt a compromise route.

Keep Lanzhou as Xihe Commander's Mansion, and only return a few cities to Xixia, so as to examine Xixia's attitude and see the effect.The result came out soon, and Xixia, who got the fortresses captured by the Song Dynasty, was not only not grateful, but very aggressive.

While urging the Song Dynasty to continue to return more cities and villages, they also stationed troops at the border fortresses in a large-scale manner, with the attitude that if you don't give it to me, I will kill you.

Under such circumstances, Sima Guang, who has always been proud of his reputation for benevolence and righteousness, also realized that his policy was wrong. Therefore, Song Ting's main topic changed from shaking hands with Xixia and singing songs of friendship together. Set up the strategic defense of the Northwest Frontier Mirror to guard against the intrusion of the greedy Xixia barbarians who only know how to use big blades.

The defeat of the Suide Army can be said to be another disastrous defeat of the Song Dynasty after the Battle of Yongle City. It was a shame in the hearts of every soldier in the northwest frontier army of the Song Dynasty. The Suide Army was invaded and Suide City was destroyed. Losing troops and losing generals.

Afterwards, Xixia was even more ambitious and returned to Xiajing before the reinforcements from Jinning Army, Linzhou, and Fuzhou arrived, and then came towards Huanqing Road. After Xiaoliang, he brought troops to help excitedly. A posture of wanting to take down Huanqing and Huanqing, the important northwestern towns of the Song Dynasty, in one go.

As a result, Su Dongpo and Mr. Xiao Wang came. When they arrived at Shaanxi Road, Zhe Kexing was originally worried that although Su Xueshi was famous all over the world for his talent, that was just the name of his talent and learning, and it did not mean that he was proficient. Military affairs.

If Han Zhongyan, who has a long history of family education, replaces the appeasement envoy of Shaanxi Road Economics, it may be able to make Zhe Kexing feel more at ease.

However, who would have guessed that it was Su Dongpo, the economical appeasement envoy who was famous all over the world and didn't understand military strategy, and the top scholar in the modern science department who was only heard of his mischievous behavior in Bianliang, Tokyo.

Although Xueshi Su doesn't understand military strategy, he knows people and uses them well. He has always been guided by his own subjective opinions, but he is good at accepting people's words.And this Wang Yang, the Wen champion who once won the Jinke Wu champion in a fight, although he is only a seventh-rank go-horse to undertake official duties, he is capable of ingenious tricks.

The Suyuan village was demolished, an exaggerated wall was built in front of Hongde village, Xiaolianghou and [-] Xixia elites were put to death, and Song Dynasty won an unprecedented victory. Even the empress dowager of Xixia They all became prisoners of Song Dynasty.

And that seemed to be just the beginning. In just over a month, another big event was done at the Dingbian Army, which was to seize Yanzhou, which Song Dynasty had always coveted.

In the past, Yanzhou was occupied by Xixia, and the salt used for Shaanxi Road in the Song Dynasty could only be purchased from other places.Not to mention expensive, but also a long way to go.

Xixia took the opportunity to start a private salt trade and made huge profits from it. Although the Song Dynasty repeatedly banned private salt, it was difficult to achieve any results. Now with Yanzhou, the northwest border of the Song Dynasty no longer suffers from salt shortage, and at the same time, it is also completely free of salt. This is a great source of wealth for Xixia.

The ebb and flow, the impact brought by it is definitely not just as simple as obtaining a Yanzhou, because the land of Yanzhou is only [-] miles away from Xingqing Mansion, the capital of Xixia, and it only takes two days to go fast. The army is marching, and it can be climbed ten days later.

Moreover, from Yanzhou to Xingqingfu, as long as you follow the ancient Great Wall to the northwest and cross a mountain ridge, you will reach a flat plain, and the road will go straight into the hinterland of Xixia.

With such a short distance and no danger to defend, Yanzhou, which was originally the most important salt producing area and wealth blessing place in Xixia, has now become the most deadly sharp knife to the capital of Xixia.

(End of this chapter)

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