Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 601 Open the door and let the eldest son enter (Part 2)

Chapter 601 Open the door and let the eldest son enter (second update)
Chapter 610

After eating and drinking enough and resting for a while, riding the distance and the sky was still bright, [-] cavalry led the way, while Zhe Kexing waited for the cavalry to leave before leading the infantry to move on.

And when the [-] fine riders arrived less than two miles away from Qin Tuo's mouth, the sky had completely darkened.In the sky above, the moon flickers between the slow-moving clouds.

Liang Shou took a deep breath, and glanced at the 100 "soldiers" around him. Well, among the more than [-] guards who really belonged to Liang Shou, only five of them remained by his side.The rest are all the elite soldiers selected by Wang Yang, Mr. Wang Zhe Keshi, from among the cavalry.

And I was completely surrounded by groups in the center. If I did something that was not good for Song Jun, I believed that I would be chopped into fine Sixi balls by these "guards" who were supposed to protect me in the first place.

The [-] elite cavalry behind him were quiet and silent at the moment. Liang Shou didn't turn his head, but he could feel that Wang Yang's knife-like gaze was fixed on his back.

He rode his horse forward slowly, and soon, just a stone's throw away from the Qintuo Mountains, a sharp shout came from the pass where torches had already been lit.

Naturally, the party language was used, and he asked loudly who it was.

"I am Liang Shou, commander of the Chaoshun Army Division on the right side, and the city guard is General Li Bing, let him come and see me quickly." Liang Shou stood up on his horse and shouted loudly.

Hearing the shouts, the defenders above quickly shouted to Liang Shou to wait, and quickly sent people to find Li Bing, the general who defended the city.

Qin Tuokou pass is not big, within less than a cup of tea, Li Bing, who was reading a book in his room, received the news that Liang Shou, commander of the Chaoshun Army Commander in the right wing, as Liang Yibu's confidant, how could he not know It was Mr. Liang who came here.

Dang walked quickly towards the south gate of the pass, and soon boarded the south gate. "Is the person here the eldest son?"

"General Li, it's Mr. Liang, who opened and closed the door quickly. Mr. Liang is ordered by his father to pass through this pass." Liang Shou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Li Bing's voice, and quickly replied loudly.

"General, I obey, why are you still standing there? Put your weapons away, open the door quickly, and let the eldest son enter..." Soon, Li Bing's voice shouted to the soldiers guarding the gate. .

Soon, with that unpleasant creaking sound, the closed door was slowly opening.But at this moment, Zhe Keshi led two thousand and four fine cavalry whose hoofs were wrapped in cloth, and quietly advanced to the place only one mile away from the closed door.

Seeing the moment when the door was closed and opened, Zhe Keshi really had the urge to order a surprise attack, but in the end, reason overcame the impulse.

Comforting the mount below him who was also eager to try, he continued to stare at the front with his eyes almost unwilling to blink, watching the thousand "party cavalry" slowly move forward, and finally entered the pass.

"General Li, I haven't seen you for several months. I didn't expect you to still be as handsome..." After entering the customs, Liang Shou jumped off his mount, stayed where he was, and looked at Li Bing who was walking towards him with a smile.

"It's not as good as your eldest son, hey you... what are you doing?" After Li Bing approached cheerfully, he soon realized that something was wrong, but the ring-headed knives on the left and right sides were on his neck. Afterwards, Li Bing was immediately stunned. "My lord, what are you doing?"

"Tell your men to put down their weapons and get out of the city gate. Mr. Liang will personally explain to you, General Li..." Liang Shou stepped forward, saluted Li Bing deeply, and smiled wryly.

Li Bing looked at Liang Shou's "guards" who had already drawn their weapons and started to attack from both sides. He no longer hesitated and shouted loudly.

Soon, the defenders in the pass retreated to the sides one after another, giving way to the city gate. "Please, General Li, follow us to take down the North Gate. At that time, your glory and wealth, General Li, will be indispensable." At this time, a deputy commander lifted the mask on his face, and showed Li Bing a mask with a mask on his face. A good smile.

"You are the Song Army... Hey, please come with me, General." He glanced at the eldest son standing beside him, then at the elite Song army rushing in, and the sound of rumbling hoofs coming from the south , there are at least tens of thousands of cavalry, and when the south gate has been lost, how can Qin Tuokou, who has only less than two thousand defenders, stop the murderous elite of the Song army.

A quarter of an hour later, a battalion commander led [-] elite cavalry to gallop out of the north gate, intercepting and killing dozens of Dangxiang defenders who hurried over the city wall in an attempt to escape.

Without horses, how could these two-legged party defenders outrun the five hundred elite cavalry.

At this moment, Li Bing was standing in front of Wang Yang and Zhe Keshi dejectedly.After Liang Shou explained by his side, this General Li is also a bachelor, anyway, things are inevitable, and besides, he has lost such an important pass as Qin Tuokou.

Even if I can escape back to Xixia, what is waiting for me is to be the ghost under the sword. It is better to fight with these Song soldiers. It is also a good choice to become a rich man in the Song Dynasty in the future.

"Leave two thousand cavalry to guard the prisoners of war, and then send people south to report to the old general Zhe. Let's continue on our way. By the way, General Li, since you are guarding the gate of Yanzhou, you must be familiar with the way to Yanzhou. How about How about going to Yanzhou with General Liang as a companion?"

"My lord told me that Li will obey his orders, but Li really doesn't know the situation in Yanzhou." Li Bing nodded with a wry smile, and then hurriedly declared.

The army left [-] riders to guard the prisoners of war at the pass, and [-] fine riders were mopping up those who escaped. After the remaining [-] riders passed through Qin Tuokou, they were led by Li Bing all the way. Drove north.

When they arrived in the south of Yanzhou City, forty miles away from Qin Tuokou, they were already close friends of Chou and Yin.Between the sky and the earth, it was still pitch black, and the bright moon that was still hanging high in the sky had already set in the west.

"Finally caught up..." Zhe Keshi breathed out, and patted the mount on his body, the body of the beloved horse was already covered with sweat.

Wang Yang took off the helmet on his head and wiped off his stinky sweat. Even in winter, after running for more than 100 miles, he was really exhausted. Fortunately, it was winter. If it was summer, he might not run No wonder you're dehydrated.

"The biggest question for us now is, how to get in, is it still the old way?" Zhe Keshi asked Wang Yang while touching the short beard on his chin.

"Liang Shou, do you have any suggestions?" Wang Yang squinted his eyes, looked at the dots of fire on the top of the city, and then set his eyes on Liang Shou beside him.

"Your lords, according to Liang's opinion, finally knocked on the door from the west with hundreds of dead soldiers pretending to be routs. As long as you can seize the opportunity to capture the west gate, as long as you can control the west gate, welcome the elites of the Song Dynasty to enter the city and take down the city. Yanzhou, which is empty of troops, is as easy as turning over the treasurer."

(End of this chapter)

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