Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 576 Life or Death, Only Between Your Words (Part 1)

Chapter 576 Life or death, only between your words (first update)
Chapter 585

"Because the lower officials live in the back house, and there are many people in the back house. Although these meticulous works are not afraid of death, they must not dare to alarm people. What's more, this is where the government is located. No matter where they burn it, it will definitely cause panic. riot."

"This place has been burnt to such a degree that only two guards noticed it. Don't you think it's strange?" Wang Yang's tone seemed casual, but his words were like knives.

"Oh, the lower officials also know about this matter. That day, when the Xixia people were in a hurry to attack, all the townspeople and guards were sent out to prevent any Xixia spies from making trouble in the city."

"And Song also led a team of brave men to search in the city, and when he returned to the county government, there was already..." Song Dechang said with a full face of regret.

"That's right. Fortunately, Xu Da and Zhao Laosan, the two guards guarding the county government, detected it in time and killed the three Xixia secret agents in time. It's a pity that the two of them were seriously injured because of this, and it was difficult to put out the fire. When I came here, the place was almost burned.”

Speaking of this, Ning county magistrate was ashamed and saluted Wang Yang deeply. "My lord, please punish the crime of dereliction of duty."

"So that's it, it's okay, as long as no one is killed, by the way, where are the two heroic and injured guards now?" Wang Yang asked after waving his hands.

"Oh, I asked them to go home to recuperate. If your lord wants to see them, I will send someone to pass them over here." County Magistrate Ning hurriedly said.

"That's not necessary. When I have the opportunity, I will go visit them in person." Wang Yang nodded suddenly.

"By the way, I have other official duties, so I will go to work first. According to the request of Lord Song and Lord Le, I should go back and think about it first." Wang Yang stepped forward, accompanied by the two Get down, and stride towards the county office.

But after walking a few steps, Wang Yang seemed to have just remembered something and asked. "Since those Western Xia spies pretend to be traders and hunters, they must come with goods, right?"

"That's natural, but most of the goods have been sold by them, and only a small amount of what they seized is stored in the county treasury. As for the property they got after selling, they have mostly used it for eating, drinking and having fun."

County magistrate Le smiled contemptuously. "Your Excellency must not know that those Western Xia barbarians, who live in a bitter cold land, came to our Song Dynasty and acted like a bunch of bumpkins, eager to spend all their wealth on this colorful world."

Song Dechang also nodded and smiled. "Although Huanzhou City is not big, besides the [-] Song people, there are quite a lot of merchants, restaurants, bars, and gambling stalls..."

"Well, I know. It seems that those Xixia secret agents are really a bunch of desperadoes. I'm afraid they also know that they will die soon, so they will spend all their belongings, right?" Wang Yang nodded in agreement. .

Wang Yang left the Tongyuan County government office, said goodbye to these two people, then jumped onto his horse and headed forward.It wasn't until he galloped more than a hundred steps and turned a corner that Wang Yang reined in the horse's head and headed in another direction.

"My lord, didn't you agree to go to inspect the prisoner-of-war camp outside the city today?" Wu Qilang couldn't help being taken aback.

"You and Ling Zong will keep an eye here to see if anyone has left the county office. I'll go look for Ma Shang first and ask Xu Zhao and the others to come and help." Wang Yang's face suddenly became gloomy. He exhorted to Wu Qilang.

"Sir, what are you doing..." Ling Zong and Wu Qilang looked at Wang Yang in confusion.

"Do you really believe that the county magistrate of Ning is really as concerned about the country and the people as he boasted?" Wang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Is he also a workman of Xixia?" Ling Zong's eyes lit up, and he looked eager to rush back to the county government office to capture that fat man.

"...You two just keep an eye on me. I'll ask Xu Zhao and the others to come and help in a while, understand?" Wang Yang felt very tired, and really didn't want to explain his thoughts to these two idiots.

Soon, five members of the imperial squad pretended to join the stalking team. In addition, Wang Yang also sent someone to inquire about the homes of guards Xu Da and Zhao Laosan.

In less than an hour, Wang Yang arrived in front of the guard Xu Da's house, and Wu Qilang, who had returned to Wang Yang's side, stepped forward and slapped on the heavy door.

Soon an impatient shout came from inside. "Who the hell, wait..."

After a short time, the door was opened, and Wang Yang saw Xu Da, a guard with a bandage on his left arm and hanging around his neck. This guy looked so dry and skinny, with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, it was really hard to believe that this guy actually It was one of the guards who killed the three Xixia Xizuo who were not afraid of death.

"You, you are..." Seeing Wu Qilang, who was more than a head taller than himself, Xu Da, who was originally aggressive, changed his face, and then his eyes fell on standing behind Wu Qilang. Although he was dressed in casual clothes, Wang Yang, who seemed to have an extraordinary bearing, couldn't help beating his heart.

"You are Xu Da who works in the county government office, right?" Wang Yang raised his front skirt with a smile and walked in, but Xu Da who was blocking the door had to back away and let out the door.

After Wu Qilang entered the courtyard, he bolted the door and stood behind Wang Yang.

"The young master is working as an errand in the county government. I wonder why this young master is looking for me?..." Seeing Wu Qilang's actions, Xu Da couldn't help but become a little nervous.

"How long have you known County Magistrate Le?" Wang Yang didn't enter the house, but stood in the courtyard and asked, raising his chin to Xu Da, who was skinny and thin.

"Who are you?" Upon hearing the three words "Le County Magistrate", Xu Da's face couldn't help but look more nervous than before, and he asked subconsciously.

"I'm Wang Yang, the newly-appointed Quan Zhi Huanzhou military officer. You must have heard of me, right?" Wang Yang grinned, his neat and white teeth looked extraordinarily pervasive.

"Wang, Mr. Wang Yang? Mr. Xu Da, the team leader of this county, is here to meet the senior official." Xu Da looked at Wang Yang blankly, then glanced at Wu Qilang, who was standing next to Wang Yang, holding a knife, and quickly bowed down. On the ground.

"No need to be like this, get up and answer." Wang Yang raised his hand to signal Xu Da to get up, then narrowed his eyes, and looked at Xu Da who seemed a little panicked.

"You were also present in the case of the fire in the county government's study room, right?" Wang Yang asked without giving the other party any time to think.

Xu Da's face changed slightly, but he still nodded honestly. "Yes, the little one was indeed there at the time. I don't know if you are a senior official..."

"Very good, then I have something to ask you, which is related to your own wealth and life. Life, or death, is only between your words..."

(End of this chapter)

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