Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 558 Do you want your grandson to take charge? (Part 2)

Chapter 558 Do you want your grandson to take charge? (Second more)
Chapter 567

"The founding uncle of the fourth grade, the servant of Longtuge, and what else, the right to know the military in Huanzhou..." The empress dowager slightly raised the corners of her lips. It seems that these old party ministers and workers, in order to let themselves return The emperor agreed to let Wang Yang stay outside, and the money he spent was really not small.

As far as the Song Dynasty is concerned, the title of title is not considered high-ranking if it is not a public marquis, which is nothing. However, the Longtu Pavilion servant system is definitely what every official of the Song Dynasty yearns for.

Before the Yuanfeng reform in the Northern Song Dynasty, most officials had three titles, namely official, post and dispatch. "Officials use rank and status to write, and their posts are for the selection of literature, not for sending them to govern internal and external affairs."

For example, Kou Zhun of the Zhenzong Dynasty was a doctor of Yubu, a privy direct scholar, and Dongquan of the Judgment Department.A doctor is an official, a direct bachelor is a job, and Dong Quan, the official judge, is dispatched, which is his actual duty.

"Position" is a special title of bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty. The official in the early Tang Dynasty has become a symbol of official rank in the late Tang Dynasty. This situation has been followed in the early Song Dynasty.

The actual duties of officials depended on the many positions assigned to the Song Dynasty, and they were divided into several levels.As far as the title of "bachelor" is concerned, it can be roughly divided into three categories according to its nature.

The first category of bachelors is Hanlin Bachelor, Zhi Zhihao and Hanlin Shidu Bachelor.Bachelor's College, that is, Imperial Academy.Its job is to "control the affairs of the system, imperial edicts, imperial edicts, and decrees".His official position is Hanlin Bachelor, Zhizhigao.The chief accepted the decree for the Hanlin bachelor.

The second category of bachelors is the museum and hall bachelors.In the early Song Dynasty, it followed the Tang system and set up three halls.The chief of the three halls, the bachelor of Zhaowen hall, the supervisor of national history (the chief of the history hall), and the bachelor of Jixian academy (temple) are part-time prime ministers.

The most senior positions in the Song Dynasty were the Bachelor of Guanwendian, the Bachelor of Guanwendian, the Bachelor of Zizhengdian, the Bachelor of Zizhengdian and the Bachelor of Duanmingdian.The bachelors of Guanwendian must have served as prime ministers, and the bachelors of Guanwendian are also "except for those who have not been in power".The Bachelor and Bachelor of Zizhengdian are also the honorary titles of prime ministers and rulers.The Duanming Palace (later changed to the Yankang Palace) has five generations of bachelors, and after Yuanfeng, "the present government is the one".

The third type of bachelor is the Ge Bachelor.In the Song Dynasty, there was a special title of cabinet bachelor, referred to as "Ge Zhi".There are four levels: bachelor, straight bachelor, waiting system and straight cabinet.

According to the system of the Song Dynasty, after the death of each emperor, a pavilion must be built to house the cultural relics left by the previous emperor.For example, Longtu Pavilion housed "Taizong's imperial books, imperial anthology and classics, pictures, treasures, and Zongzheng Temple's books and genealogy".Later, Tianzhang Pavilion, Baowen Pavilion, Xianmo Pavilion, Huiyou Pavilion, Fuwen Pavilion and the Southern Song Dynasty's Huanzhang, Huawen, Baomo, Baozhang, and Xianwen Pavilions were built.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, the direct bachelor of Longtuge was the most learned position. The common people called the bachelor of Longtuge the old dragon, the direct bachelor of Longtuge the big dragon, and the waiting system of Longtuge the little dragon.

Officials in the Song Dynasty attached great importance to job titles.Those who enter the pavilion must be of Jinshi background, "once this position, they will become celebrities."

And Wang Yang, at the age of weak crown, became the waiting system of Longtu Pavilion, which is definitely an unprecedented event since the founding of the Song Dynasty, and it is also an unprecedented honor.

As for the official position of Huanzhou Zhizhou, it is indeed full of sincerity. From the fifth rank, he is no longer a green-robed official, but has become a nobleman.

His scattered official has become a doctor of Taizhong from the fourth rank.Well, it can definitely be regarded as full of sincerity, but, can you be satisfied today?
Naturally, Gao Taotao would not agree to it on the spot, but he would not agree to it. After he retired from the court, he summoned the emperor and handed over the memorial.

Zhao Xu looked at this memorial dedicated to Wang Yang's meritorious service, and after a long time, he slammed his mouth and said. "They're still too stingy, not to mention a county duke, they don't even have a marquis, no, at least the title must be the founding marquis of the third rank."

"As for the others, I reluctantly accept it. I don't know what the imperial grandmother thinks?"

"Well, the Ai family also thinks it's the best, starting from the third rank's Founding Marquis, the fourth rank's Longtu Pavilion, and the fifth rank's Huanzhou to know the state. At least the Ai family thinks this is not bad, after all, Wang Wushan is still very young ." After pondering for a long time, Gao Taotao nodded in agreement with Zhao Xu's suggestion.

"Grandson also thinks so much. In the future, Mr. Wu Shan will have a long time to make contributions. I can't let Mr. Wu reward nothing, seal nothing..." Zhao Xu nodded in agreement.

"The official's words are very true. Seeing that the official's consideration is so comprehensive now. The Ai family can really breathe a sigh of relief. Hmm... When the New Year's day comes, the Ai family will withdraw the curtain. At that time, Your Majesty, Your Majesty Song's Jiangshan Sheji, Aijia will be returned to your hands..."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu stood up abruptly with an expression of disbelief, looked at the imperial grandmother in front of him in a daze, and couldn't help stammering.

"Imperial grandmother, you, you want your grandson to be in charge?" Zhao Xu stuttered. This news was too sudden.

In the past, Zhao Xu always wanted to be in charge of the government as soon as possible, and always hoped to become the supreme ruler of the Song Dynasty as soon as possible.However, when the relationship between him and the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao became relaxed.

Although his thoughts have not changed, but he seems to be more cautious, and his thoughts have gradually matured, especially in the past half a year, Zhao Xu has been observing and practicing more humbly.

In the past six months, Zhao Xu himself has not mentioned to Gao Taotao whether he should be in charge of the government, because the more he studies, the more he feels that this position is really not easy to sit.

To use the simplest analogy, the old driver Wang Yang analyzed it in detail with him. Those old parties who opposed the reform were not entirely because the reform was bad, but each had their own goals. Some believed that there were some new laws. There are problems in the implementation process, and some new laws have their own problems.

Su Dongpo opposed those problematic new laws, but there were still some people who strongly opposed the new laws because the emergence of certain new laws touched their vital interests.

There are also some who feel that the reformists have taken power and that they have lost the opportunity to become the backbone of the court, so they oppose the reform and want to drive those reformists out of the court.

After the reformers in the court were all gone, new splits began within the old party. A clean-cut person like Su Xueshi couldn't get used to those who used power for personal gain.

The old parties, who thought they already had great power, were naturally unwilling to give up their power, and naturally started a new round of fighting among themselves.

As for the former reformers, there were also many people who had no purpose, such as Lu Huiqing, who was first a student of Mr. Anshi, and then tried to fight for profit, and regarded the reform as his own right. tool.

Among them, there are also political speculators like Cai Jing who are omnipotent. After Wang Yang's analysis, coupled with his own observation and inference, Zhao Xu feels that Wang Yang's grasp of human nature is accurate.

I also deeply understand that, whether in the new party or the old party, there are very few people who are really dedicated to the country and the people.

(End of this chapter)

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