Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 538 The Xixia Elites Beleaguered on Four Faces (Part 4)

Chapter 538 The Besieged Elites of Xixia (Second Change)

Chapter 547

The "Queen Xiaoliang" in silver armor and face shield finally sat on the seat that belonged to her under the gentle support of the soldiers around her, and continued to look at the army ahead that was rectifying and preparing to attack the enemy. Array.

And one of the guards left the side of "Empress Xiaoliang" and stood beside Liang Zuo. Liang Zuo went forward to report to Empress Xiaoliang knowingly. Song Jun sneaked in and caused losses.

Empress Xiao Liang hummed softly, nodded slightly, and agreed to Liang Zuo's request. Soon, Liang Zuo picked thirty of the most fearless confidant guards, together with Empress Xiao Liang who was disguised as a guard. leave.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the trail, and at this moment, Xiao Liang lifted the face shield on his cheeks, and looked towards that direction, the attack had already begun.

"Your Majesty, let's go quickly, we can't delay any longer, don't let General Wei's painstaking efforts go to waste..." Liang Zuo hurried over, urging Xiao Lianghou.

"I, Liang Shu, swear to God, I will wash away this shame myself in the future." Xiao Lianghou said to herself in a low voice, then raised her head and walked forward. Under this, stepped onto this rugged mountain road.

"Continue to maintain the rhythm, don't be messy, just shoot over like this, don't give those Xixia thieves a chance to raise their heads..." The roars of the officers on the wall continued one after another.

The soldiers, who had just had a good meal, were very motivated to fight at the moment, and continued to splash the sharp rain according to the previous rhythm.While admiring the extremely weird gait and posture of those unlucky Xixia soldiers.

"General, our cavalry has finished dressing up. Do you want to do it? It's almost dawn. Those Xixia thieves feel that they are almost exhausted..." A general came to report to Zhong Shidao.

Zhong Shidao rubbed his red eyes, and looked at the Xixia soldiers and horses below who were no longer screaming and fighting as excitedly as before. It seemed that their physical strength and will were indeed approaching a critical point.

Turning his head and looking over, at this moment, more than [-] soldiers have already rushed here, but in order to prevent being detected by the Xixia people, they have been sitting or lying down to rest silently.

"It's time for us to make a move..." Zhong Shidao slowly stood up from the big rock and patted his numb legs.

The four-way scuffle below has lasted for more than an hour, and until now, it has gradually stopped, but they are still stubbornly and numbly gathering in the direction of the Taniguchi.

Ye Libona, already carrying the body of Ye Liaro, left quietly after being protected by dozens of confidants.But Fei Ting Sidie and Fang Dang Nuoyan are still alive, but now, they don't have much energy, and they are numbly looking at those Xixia warriors who are still pushing each other, wanting to enter the valley to gain a chance...

"Over there... my lord, look over there..." Fang Dang Nuoyan's bodyguard suddenly yelled in panic, Fang Dang Nuoyan glared at this idiot angrily, and then followed the direction he indicated looked over.

The brilliance of the morning sun, over the mountains in the distance, across the galloping Maling River, swayed down and reflected on those swaying objects that reflected the golden brilliance.

The silvery metallic luster was intertwined with the dazzling sun, making it almost impossible to open your eyes.Fang Dang Nuoyan squinted her eyes, her heart stopped beating instantly as if it was suddenly grabbed by a powerful hand.

The drums gradually began to sound, becoming more and more numerous, louder and denser. The Xixia warriors, who had almost lost any fighting spirit due to killing each other, turned their heads in astonishment.

They saw a scene, thousands of cavalrymen of the Great Song Dynasty wearing dazzling Yuanyoujia, shouting the sound of victory, accompanied by the earth-shattering and changing drums, Waving the sharp blade in his hand, he rushed towards this side.

The sound of galloping hooves almost completely covered up the shouts and the sound of war drums. Looking at the armored cavalry who suddenly appeared, they were as radiant as gods.

The first thought of the Xixia soldiers was that they were dazzled. The second thought was not to pick up weapons and prepare to fight in formation, but to subconsciously squeeze hard towards the mouth of the valley, squeezing in. Only by squeezing in, as long as If you can rush into the valley, you can survive.

Some Xixia soldiers who were squeezed to the periphery, when they saw the charging and murderous Song Guoyuan Youjia Cavalry, immediately turned their horses' heads and galloped in the opposite direction, even if there were still soldiers there. A Song Army defense line that seems to be unable to collapse until the end of the century, but it is much luckier than being trampled into a pulp by the sudden torrent of iron hooves of the Song Army...

The cavalry of Song Dynasty had already rushed down, while the infantry of Song Dynasty came to the highest point. They saw the cavalry of Yuanyou of Song Dynasty rushing down, and they also saw them shrinking in front of the valley entrance like a group of quails in the autumn wind. Xixia soldiers.

I even saw a lot of Xixia elites racing their horses and fleeing towards the rear in a panic. Where did they still have the bravery and desperation of the past, they were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

A step general raised the ring head knife in his hand and roared fiercely. "Assault, the whole army assault, don't stop, brothers, those Xixia dogs have been frightened, what we need to do is to kill him, those who have weapons will cut him down, and those who don't have weapons will let them lie on the ground. On the ground..."

"Great Song Dynasty, ten thousand victories!" An infantry general roared loudly, and then countless people also chanted this slogan, raised their weapons, and began to take long strides and rush forward...

"It's over, it's all over..." Fang Dang Nuoyan looked at the Song Army cavalry who charged, and saw more and more Song Army infantry appearing in sight, roaring excitedly and waving their weapons. Come here.

I took a look at the place where it was still blocked. Countless Xixia warriors cried, struggled, and squeezed over there. There was still no trace of their former fearlessness.

"Let's go, let's retreat!" Fang Dang Nuoyan glanced not far away, and was roaring loudly, trying to catch Feiting Sidie, a Xixia soldier beside him. "We ran along the banks of the Maling River. I remember there was a pile of logs in one place. Let's build a raft and try to find a way to cross the river..."

It's up to that old Feiting Sidie to want to be a hero.Fang Dang Nuoyan didn't send anyone to say hello to Fei Tingsidie, because he knew that with that guy's bad temper, he would rather die here than be flexible like himself.

(End of this chapter)

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