Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 530 We Are Just Doing Our Best and Listening to the Fate (Part 2)

Chapter 530 We Are Just Doing Our Best and Obeying the Fate (Second Change)
Chapter 539

However, that was his own sister, and even His Majesty's bride, and the important ministers of Xixia beside him dared not, and had to save her.

Liang Yibu frowned and walked slowly in the tent. The dozens of generals inside the tent were all quiet at this moment, as if they were afraid of being named by Liang Yibu.

In the end, Liang Yibu's eyes fell on Wei Mingji, a veteran of the Western Xia royal family, who kept stroking the wound on his cheek. "Old General Wei, you are a rare veteran in my Great Xia. You have been battle-hardened and lasted for several dynasties."

"For the lives of the tens of thousands of Xia elites under his command, as well as those Xixia elites trapped in Huanzhou, Liang is really in a dilemma now. I wonder if the old general has a good plan?"

Wei Mingji raised his head, and seeing the eyes of Liang Yibu and the other generals, he couldn't help frowning hesitantly. "The old man is just a rotten tree in the army, a defeated general, how dare he have any good strategies..."

"Old general, there is no need to be so humble. Besides, old general, you just came here to ask for help on the orders of the empress. The opinions you expressed may be very useful to us." Liang Yibu had no intention of letting Wei Mingji go. , and continued to ask.

After Wei Mingji thought for a while, he smiled helplessly. "Forget it, I'm just showing off my humiliation. In my opinion, the Song Army has now regarded us as fat meat that is about to be eaten."

"And almost all of our Xixia elite are trapped in the Song Dynasty, which can be described as a dilemma. At this time, in fact... the best way is to cut off their tails to save lives."

After hearing this, everyone raised their eyes and looked at the old driver. They had to admire that this old driver was really bold enough. At least what he said, others were not as bold.

Liang Yibu's expression couldn't help but change, and the faint smile that appeared on his face gradually faded away. "Then old general, what do you mean..."

Wei Mingji stroked his long beard, a shrewd light shone in his cloudy old eyes. "However, we can't do this. There must be no less than one of the eight clans of the party. So we need to save, but why do we have to face the difficulties?"

"Old general, can you find other ways to rescue the empress?" A general couldn't help asking.

"Yes, but I don't know if I can still make it in time..." Wei Mingji smiled bitterly, walked to the map hanging in the big tent, raised his arm, and drew an arc.

Everyone can't help but shine.But soon, it fell silent again.Indeed, there is a road, but this road is equivalent to two-thirds of the way that the army has to detour.

If we really want the army to come together, I'm afraid that Xiao Liang's side will be completely cold long ago.

Liang Yibu's expression was also not much better, his eyes wandered back and forth on the map and Wei Mingji's old wrinkled face. "Old general, do you really think that after the army marches around the north, the empress and the others can still hold on?"

Wei Mingji also knew that this was not a good time to show off, so he said it bluntly. "It's not the entire army. Most of our army retreated slowly, controlling many Song armies here, while my elite cavalry of the Xia Dynasty directly detoured to the north and went straight to Hongde Village..."

Liang Yibu's eyes lit up immediately, and he walked quickly to the map.

"In this way, it only takes two to three days to arrive at the defense line created by the Song Army. Our Xixia elite will attack from both sides and break through the defense line in a matter of seconds. By that time, that line will The line of defense might even become the key to splitting the entire Huanzhou into two in Daxia."

"Understood, if my army can arrive here in time, at least half of Huanzhou in the Song Dynasty will become the territory of my Great Xia." Liang Yibu smacked his mouth and his eyes lit up.

"I said, old general, since you have such a good plan, why didn't you come up with it earlier?" A general next to him couldn't help but asked Wei Mingji.

Wei Mingji couldn't help smiling indifferently as he faced the full tent of Xixia generals. "This old man came to the general's camp. Today is the first time he has had the opportunity to enter the account and discuss matters. Do you think that before that, you would listen to what a defeated general like this old man said?"

All the generals in the tent couldn't help being speechless, and Liang Yibu also shook his head with a wry smile helplessly.As soon as Wei Mingji arrived, Liang Yibu only waved away after hearing the message from Empress Xiaoliang that he had brought.

He was only allowed to take a good rest, and never saw Wei Mingji again. It was not until Dajun met Zhe Kexing, an old driver, who was in a dilemma, that Wei Mingji was allowed to participate in this military meeting.

What else can I say?Liang Yibu patted his thigh angrily, but the problem is that now he regrets having something to do with it.

"Go to Li Tuoye..." Liang Yibu's eyes swept away, and he fell on a very thin general who was about forty years old.

"The last general is here, what is the general's order?" Xiang Li Tuoye strode out and raised his head.

"You are in charge of leading [-] cavalry, detoured north, and went straight to Hongde Village. This commander will personally lead the army, and retreat to Guidebao to respond."

"Remember, you must rush to Hongde Village as quickly as possible, try to break through that line of defense, and meet your empress."

After promising loudly to Li Tuoye, he quickly walked out of the big tent.Soon, the generals were ordered by Liang Yibu to rush to their respective military tents, urging the soldiers to prepare to leave the camp.

And Wei Mingji was kept by Liang Yibu.Wei Mingji, an old driver, seemed to be taking his time and poured himself a glass of wine.

After looking at the calm old driver for a long time, Liang Yibu asked slowly. "Old general, do you think it's still too late?"

"Do your best and obey the destiny." Wei Mingji had a forced smile on his face, playing with the wine glass in his hand. "Before, the old man once said to the empress that it is best to join forces with you, the general, and return directly to Xiajing."

"But the empress is not willing. She always feels that she has suffered a loss, so she must find it. Who would have expected that that rare soldier from the Song Dynasty would become a reminder for my [-] elite troops from Xixia today..."

"Do your best, listen to the destiny... That's a good point. Unfortunately, even this commander-in-chief thinks it's a bit late." Liang Yibu murmured this old saying, shook his head, and walked into the middle with a wry smile on his face. Army account.

"Has Wei Mingdang come?" Xiao Lianghou walked back and forth anxiously, looking south from time to time.At this time, the generals around him were urging Xiao Liang to go in quickly.

"I also ask you to go in as soon as possible, and I will leave this place to Weichen to wait for Weiming to become a general." Liang Zuo rubbed his hands anxiously.

"How many of our soldiers and horses have gone in?" Xiaoliang Bing turned his head and looked at the narrow entrance. Outside the entrance, thousands of elite cavalry were waiting silently, slowly filing in.

(End of this chapter)

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