Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 525 Xixia people are frightened by their own brain holes (Part 1)

Chapter 525: Xixia people are frightened by their own imagination (first update)
Chapter 524

"Why don't you go to rest? Are you going to sleep with Mr. Wang?" Wang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes and complained maliciously.

Ma Shang shivered involuntarily, shaking his head rapidly. "Master Wang, can you stop joking? Our family is a little worried. If those Western Xia barbarian troops come through here, with our little manpower, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop them?"

Wang Yang touched his chin, looked at Ma Shang, who looked like a patient with severe persecution delusions, and shrugged helplessly.After another round of deception, the timid Ma Jianjun was calmed down.

Early the next morning, Wang Yang climbed up the mountain ridge next to the valley with difficulty. From a distance, the entire valley, already dyed yellow by autumn, looked so tall and majestic.

Moreover, the mountains are densely covered with virgin forests, and the valleys are wide and narrow, which is not suitable for a large number of soldiers and horses to fight here. According to the previous inferences and calculations with Zhe Keshi, the main force of the Xixia army will definitely pass through Suyuan Village Heading north, they would never give up even if the village wall blocked them.

As for this small path, it is very likely that when the opponent cannot attack the wall for a long time, they will send a partial division to go northward through this place, trying to copy the back route of Suyuan's defense line.

What needs to be done now is to build a defense line here as much as possible, even if it is not as good as the defense line in Suzhai, but relying on the terrain here that is almost impossible for the enemy to attack and charge on a large scale, with these five hundred Yuan Youjia soldiers , a thousand border troops and a thousand local braves are enough to defend.

In addition, those young and strong militiamen were originally roadside villagers in Shaanxi, and many of them had been trained in the team of village braves. Pick another five hundred shooters and strengthen the long-range attack.

The line of defense set up by Wang Yang almost blocked all the forks in the valley.But the problem is that on the west side, there is also a trail that goes up the ridge.

The road was not wide and was very rugged and difficult to navigate. However, just in case, Wang Yang decided to send fifty rural warriors there.

Wang Yang entrusted this important task to Wu Qilang and Ling Zong, two restless guys. "Remember, when you get there, dig more traps, get more ropes, in short, use all your vicious and vicious methods, and let those village warriors use their methods of hunting beasts Use it all."

"Even if there is only one Xixia person passing through this path, you have to try to stop it for me. If there are few people, just catch more live ones. Prisoners of war are worth more than dead ones..."

"But if no one passes by, wouldn't our two brothers be working in vain?" Wu Qilang scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Don't worry, don't you two still trust me, my lord?" Wang Yang's eyeballs bulged, and the two guys were immediately intimidated.After Wang Yang's persuasion, Wu Qilang and Ling Zong led fifty brave men away full of resentment.

Although there is a lack of stone here, Wang Yang had the foresight to ask in advance, so in addition to most of the [-] sidecars used to transport equipment, arrows and other defensive weapons, [-] vehicles were also loaded. Although there are not many stones, it is better than nothing.

Just when this new line of defense was being constructed in full swing, Xiaoliang under the city of Huanzhou once again saw Yeli Aluo who led the troops of the Yeli family to a tentative confrontation with the reinforcements of the Song Dynasty.

Nori Aro used more than 700 of the best Nori family cavalry in exchange for the safe retreat of the large army.Even compared to the over 730 soldiers and horses of the Yeli family, the number of [-] seven people is not large, but the problem is that they are all the most capable warriors of the Yeli family.

The most elite cavalry can only watch them die under the sharp crossbows and spears of the Song army.If he hadn't acted decisively, ordered the army to retreat actively, and left all the cavalry behind to cruise, blocking the Song cavalry's intention to attack, it is very likely that the casualties would be even greater.

"Their armor is very good. I even saw that among the cavalry of the Song Army, they were wearing a kind of armor whose whole body was covered by large pieces of solid armor. The whole body seemed to be made of copper and iron." kind of cavalry."

"Before, Wei Chen thought that it was just the armor specially made by the Song people for their generals. Unexpectedly, there were thousands of cavalry there, all dressed up like this. The Yeli family's elite cavalry suffered the greatest losses when fighting with those Song soldiers. Lost in a cavalry engagement."

"You mean, it's the kind of armor that we can occasionally see in Huanzhou City, where the whole body is wrapped like an iron barrel?" Liang Yibu couldn't help but feel shocked.

How the hell is this possible? You must know that what the Xixia people are most proud of is not just the bravery and proficiency of the Xixia warriors.At the same time, the Xixia people have unique armor-forging technology.

Xixia warts Jia, not to mention in Xixia, even among Song people or Liao people, is well-known.Every year, Xixia people will pay a small amount of tribute to the Liao Kingdom as tribute.

The emperors of Daliao liked it very much, and often bestowed it on those military generals who had meritorious service.Whether it is the Northern Liao Dynasty or the Song Dynasty, even if the number of troops far exceeds that of Xixia, when it comes to raising troops with fine armor and strong armor, Xixia should be the leader.

However, during the battle against Huanzhou City these days, it was discovered that among the Song Army guarding the city, there were some Song Army wrapped in dazzling iron plate armor covered in silver light.

The armor of these Song soldiers is extremely strong. Sharp weapons such as swords, bows and arrows cannot cause any harm to them. Even heavy weapons, as long as they do not hit their vital points, the opponent can still jump up and down and move flexibly. Killing and wounding the heroic Xixia warriors.

You must know that Xixia can wear Xixia's elite troops. For more than a hundred years since the founding of the country, they have scrimped on food and clothing, and now they can only make up the number of thirteen thousand.

As for the Song army with iron plate armor on the top of the city, although there are not many in number, there are at least over a hundred. I thought it was just a new type of iron armor worn by the generals of the Song army.

But now, after hearing the words of Ye Liaro, who was like mourning his concubine, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Among the [-] forwards alone, there are [-] cavalrymen like this. If the Song Army's army is all in one..." Wei Mingji said shocking words in a very rude way.

Even if the [-] Song army is only equipped with [-] such plate-armored cavalry, if the opponent's strength is [-], the biggest support and support of the Xixia army is the [-] precious heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor and horse armor. Iron Harrier, but in the end, the opponent developed a more powerful plate-armored cavalry.

Even if the strength of the armor on both sides is almost the same, if they are dragged under the city of Huanzhou by the Song army, the Song army on all sides will come to help.The [-] army of Xixia might die immediately...

Well, the Xixia people have been frightened by their own imagination...

(End of this chapter)

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