Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 523 Great Song Yuanyou Armored Cavalry, Assault! (Part 1)

Chapter 523 Great Song Yuanyou Armored Cavalry, Assault! (first update)
Chapter 522

"Patriarch, don't you see that the opponent's Song army is all armored army?" Ye Lidang couldn't help but stamped his feet. "This is definitely the elite of the frontier army, and those armors are different from the frontier army, but it seems that the quality of the armor is not inferior to the elite of the frontier army. It must be the reinforcements sent by Song Ting."

"Bastard, do you think I don't know?!" Nori Aro glared at Ye Lidang viciously. "Can I still let the infantry fight against the Song Army's forward army? If the Song Army's main force arrives at that time, how much can our soldiers escape?"

"We can only rely on the mobility of the cavalry to attack tentatively. Otherwise, after we go back, we will have no way to explain to the empress..."

After hearing Yeli Aluo's explanation, Yeli Dang could only nod his head seriously. Seeing those capable Yeli family cavalry getting on their horses, he couldn't help but murmured in distress. "I hope that guy Yeli Bobo won't be too stupid. We, the son of the Yeli family, can't risk our lives here for his Wei Mingshi."

"And you, rush to the rear army immediately and lead the rear army to retreat north."

Hearing Ye Liaro's order, Ye Lidang immediately rode his horse towards the direction of the rear army.

"Yeli Aluo is really a treacherous and cunning..." Zhong Shidao stood on the high slope, and after seeing the movement in the Xixia army formation, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and smiled at the generals around him.

"General, do you want the last general to lead the fine cavalry to attack when their cavalry is attacking our army formation?" A general beside him couldn't help asking.This is the commander of the elite Yuanyou armored cavalry.

"Why panic, now is not the time for us to be anxious. What we need to do is not to take the initiative to attack. We just need to advance slowly and crush northward, forcing Xiao Lianghou and Liang Yibu who are besieging Huanzhou to withdraw their troops on their own initiative."

Speaking of this, Zhong Shidao couldn't help but think of the urgent letter from Huanzhou Hongdezhai that he saw in front of Xueshi Su. In it, Wang Jianjun's daring plan was so daring.

It's just that now, it's not clear how well they have arranged and planned.Speaking of which, if it is a commander who is proficient in strategy, seasoned and cautious in using troops, he will never allow this plan.

However, the commander-in-chief was Su Dongpo, who was famous and famous in the Song Dynasty. He probably only had written knowledge about martial arts and military use.

Under such circumstances, Su Xueshi asked himself and Zhe Kexing for advice. As a soldier, Zhong Shidao knew very well that in every battle, he was risking his own life and that of his brothers.
If Han Zhongyan is the official, I believe that the privy secretary Han, who has a long history of family education, will directly veto this too risky plan.

However, it happened to be Su Dongpo who admired Wang Yang's talent very much, but was not very clear about military strategy.At that time, both Zhong Shidao and Zhe Kexing could see that Wang Yang's letter had almost convinced Su Dongpo.

That's why Su Dongpo came to inquire about himself and Zhe Kexing, but he felt that this plan was a bit risky, but once it succeeded, it would definitely break Xixia's muscles and bones, and at least it would become the biggest disaster in the Song-Xia war. The bright spot can even wash away the past in the confrontation between Song and Xia in one fell swoop.

In every large-scale battle, there will be a shame of being dominated by Xixia, so I and Zhe Kexing have adopted a relatively subtle attitude.

But Su Dongpo simply let Wang Yang make trouble by himself, and today, the time has passed by more than four days, and he doesn't know what's going on with them?

However, from Xueshi Su, Zhong Shidao learned a lot more about the deeds of Wang Yang, a young military supervisor.

Although he is still very young, this guy is definitely a great doer. He has proved time and time again that he can do things that others can't even think of. The important thing is that he succeeds every time.

"I hope that this time, the little Wang Jianjun will continue his miracle and not disappoint people." Zhong Shidao shook his head, put aside all distracting thoughts, began to look down at the battlefield, and commanded the changes in the army formation. To deal with the three thousand cavalry galloping out of the Xixia army formation.

The Yeli family's cavalry, wrapped in leather armor inlaid with iron sheets and copper nails, slowly galloped out of the military formation. After a short formation, a low-pitched horn sounded.

The cavalrymen of Sanqianye Lijia raised their weapons one after another, roared to the sky, and then began to urge the mounts under them to trot.

"Shield, secure it for me, and secure the back of your spears in the soil. Stabilize them all, don't be so fucking white-faced like a woman."

At the front of the Song Army's military formation, huge shields almost as tall as a man were erected, and then one after another extra-long spears stretched diagonally toward the sky through the gaps.

The bright spearheads were full of cold light, and behind the spearmen and shield soldiers were thousands of crossbowmen who had already begun to unfurl their Yuanyou crossbows.

A pair of Yuanyou crossbows with sharp crossbow arms were mounted on the machine bracket, and short and hard crossbow bolts were installed on the arrow slots. With the officer's stern voice, he slowly raised the crossbow in his hand. The crossbow began to aim.

And a large number of archers are pointing their arrows downward at the moment, and the current range is not the time for them to show off their power.

Three thousand cavalry galloped forward, like the roaring waves, and here, the officers of the Song Army stared at the Xixia cavalry opposite, waving the flags in their hands.War drums suddenly blasted in the ears of all the army soldiers.

At this moment, thousands of arrows shot forward like locusts...

And among those Xixia iron cavalry who were beating their horses and rushing forward desperately at this moment, many people were shocked, as if all their strength had been sucked away in an instant, they fell limp, and were soon caught by the horse behind them. trampled into mud...

But at this moment, a thousand elite cavalrymen of the Frontier Army and a thousand cavalrymen of the Imperial Army slowly appeared from the flanks, quickly attracting Ye Liaro's attention.

With the sound of the horn, the two thousand cavalry left behind immediately galloped out, facing the two thousand Song army cavalry at a distance.

However, this is not over yet, just before the first wave of Xixia's [-] cavalry attack was over, a cavalry suddenly appeared from the other side of the Song army's formation.

When Ye Liaro saw the cavalry with only a thousand appeared, he first subconsciously squinted his eyes, but the next moment he couldn't help but stare wide, as if his ass was suddenly hit by a gunpowder gun African Bullfrog.

Not only Yeli Aluo, but all Xixia people who saw this Song army cavalry couldn't help being horrified.

All the cavalry, under the sun, seemed to be wrapped in golden sunlight. The golden light and silver light intertwined, as if every cavalry was completely wrapped in an indestructible iron barrel.

(End of this chapter)

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