Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 516 The Drums of War Before Dawn (Part 2)

Chapter 516 The Sound of the War Drums Before Dawn (Second Change)

Chapter 515

"Horse Supervisor, General Hu and the others chose the early hours of the morning because they wanted to raid the Xixia camp. I have always been short of horses in the Song Dynasty, so there are not too many cavalry among this elite, so they should try their best. The surprise attack will only be launched after getting close to the camp of the Xixia people..."

Just after Zhe Keshi's explanation was finished, at this moment, a sudden cry of killing was heard, which suddenly came from the northwest direction.

Zhe Keshi turned around immediately, rushed to the edge of the village wall and looked over there.I saw countless torches lit on the northern periphery of the Xixia camp, as if the entire northern sky was about to be set on fire.

Seeing this scene, Zhe Keshi slammed his fist hard into the wall of the village, turned around and took the helmet from the hand of the guard, put it on his head and shouted loudly. "Beat the drum, open the gate of the village, soldiers, brothers, follow me to kill Xixia thieves!"

Zhe Keshi quickly climbed over the wall of the village, jumped on the back of the horse, pulled out the bright ring-sword at his waist, and made a virtual chop forward. He was the first to strike the gate, and headed towards the slowly rising gate of the village. .

After a few breaths, the five hundred Song cavalry roared wildly, raised their Changrou one after another, followed closely behind Zhe Keshi, and rushed towards the direction of the Xixia camp.

But at this time, more than ten military drums in Hongde Village were sounded together. The piercing sound of the drums was like the roar of thunder from the other side. The charging sounds of the soldiers below were all covered.

It was only at this time that Wang Yang and the followers around him came back to their senses. Subconsciously, Wang Yang wanted to rush down to the city and join the assaulting pawns, but unexpectedly, he walked towards the steps for a while. Just one step away, he was stopped by a Hongde village general who stayed behind.

"Master Supervisor, don't go, this is a battlefield, swords have no eyes, if you go, if there is a mistake, we brothers can't afford to lose our lives..." The general of Hongdezhai He stopped him with a bitter face.

Wang Yang's nose was almost crooked, but he was not the only one on the other side, there were more than a dozen subordinates around him, as if he was going to be tough if he couldn't be soft.

"...Your surname is Zhe, are you ashamed to do this?" Wang Yang could only glared at the guy angrily in the end, and with both hands, he pushed the guard of Hongdezhai back several steps, and then He roared loudly towards the city.

It's a pity that under the cover of the uproar, Wang Yang's roar could only be heard by those on the wall, Wang Yang could only angrily rush down the wall and gesture with his middle finger to vent his anger.

After turning around, he saw Wu Qilang, Xu Zhao and others eager to try, but full of unwillingness, and directly slapped Wu Qilang on the chest. "Why, do you want to go down for a stroll too?"

"That's right, but you can't even go, my lord..." Wu Qilang and the others nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

Wang Yang's eyes rolled, and his eyes fell on the guard of Hongde Village. His originally angry expression instantly felt like a spring breeze blowing on his face. "This general, I was in a hurry just now, didn't I hurt you?"

The Hongde village guard who was pushed back three steps by Wang Yang's strange force quickly shook his head quickly. "No, no, but Wang Jianjun, your strength is really not small." Xin said that Wang Jianjun was worthy of being a civil servant, and his face changed so quickly, it was as easy as flipping through a book.

"That guy, Zhekeshi, just asked you to stop Wang and Eunuch Ma from leaving Hongde Village, right?" Wang Yang continued to ask with a smile very kindly.

"That's right, as General Zhe ordered, as long as Wang Jianjun and Eunuch Ma don't leave the village." The guard of Hongde village nodded and replied.

After getting the answer, Wang Yang turned his head and shouted at Wu Qilang and the others who were still standing there stupidly. "Have you heard, those who are willing to make contributions should hurry up, but Mr. Wang can say first, life and death are up to fate, wealth is in the sky, before rushing to Hongdezhai, think about it first."

"Then, the little one is gone, thank you, young master." Wu Qilang and Ling Zong, the two stupefied people, rushed out immediately, while Xu Zhao and the Yuqian team first took a look at the little eunuch Ma.

Ma Shang rolled his eyes helplessly. "It all depends on what our family is doing. If you want to go, go, but don't forget what Mr. Wang said."

"No!" As expected of the Yuqian Banzhi, the answer seemed very majestic, but the speed of rushing out was not inferior to Wu Qilang and the two brothers.

And the guard of Hongdezhai watched these guys jump down, smacked his mouth, and didn't feel embarrassed to stop him. After all, General Zhe only ordered to stop these two supervisors, and even their subordinates, uh ...Why would I take the initiative to offend these two supervisors who wanted my subordinates to do meritorious service?
Last night, after eating almost a leg of lamb and drinking half a jug of wine, Wei Mingji, who had fallen into a deep sleep, finally regained consciousness amidst the panicked shouts of his own soldiers.

When he heard the faint sounds of fighting and the thunderous sound of hooves, the veteran who had been in the army for nearly 30 years still didn't understand what was going on.

"Enemy attack! Blow the trumpet and let the children gather in my camp!" Wei Mingji, who jumped up from the couch, immediately copied the knife hanging by the couch into his hand, and then asked the soldiers to put on armor for himself He shouted sharply.

"Tell the children not to panic. There are not many soldiers and horses in Hongde Village. As long as we can hold on, we will definitely be able to kill those Song dogs."

It's just that when Wei Mingji hurriedly lifted the tent and came out, his expression suddenly became ashen.Only now did he notice that the Song army in Hongde village almost came out in full force, attacking Xia army's camp in three directions.

If there are only these 3000 troops, Wei Mingji is confident that under his command, he will be able to stabilize his position. But the problem is that the more intense fighting in the north, the damn north, reminds Wei Mingji that there are at least thousands of people. The Song Army is attacking Beizhai violently.

At this moment, a rider galloped towards Wei Mingji hurriedly. Before the horse stopped, the man on the horse jumped off and reported to Wei Mingji quickly and quickly. "General, the northern camp is under attack. There are at least thousands of enemies. We can't stop them. The opponent has at least one or two thousand cavalry..."

Hearing some words, Wei Mingji grabbed his own soldiers and shouted sharply without thinking about it. "Retreat! Quickly retreat, bring me a horse, we retreat, retreat south, our army elite is in the south, as long as we retreat south to Suyuan Village, we will have reinforcements and helpers..."

However, at this moment, the five hundred elite cavalry led by Zhe Keshi were less than 150 steps away from Wei Mingji's handsome tent, and the big tent on the handsome tent still looked so eye-catching and arrogant.

"Wei Mingji, today is the time for you to give the head! Kill!" Zhe Keshi roared, and then urged the mounts under him, and the five hundred riders speeded up together, like a sharp knife, towards the arrow. The commander of the Xixia army on the ground charged straight away.

Hearing the sound of hooves getting closer and closer, Wei Mingji's face became paler, and he simply pulled away the cavalryman who came to report the news, then turned over and jumped off the horse's back, and galloped straight to the south. go……

(End of this chapter)

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