Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 514 I just hope that the Xixia army will not arrive at that time (Part 2)

Chapter 514 I just hope that the Xixia army will not arrive at that time (second update)
Chapter 513

"Two generals, do you think General Zhe and Wang Jianjun's strategy is feasible?"

Zhong Shidao first came to his own conclusion, very happy and authentic. "It's feasible, but the risk is not small. It's just that the benefits are huge. If this strategy can be successful, Xixia will definitely be hurt..."

"What the teacher said is very true. I also feel that the benefits are great, and the risks are indeed not small..." Zhe Kexing could only stand in the neutral position.

"The two generals, do you think it is feasible? Or is it not feasible?" Su Dongpo stroked his long beard, pondered for a while, and asked these two.

"If the last general looks at it from the perspective of General Zhe, with such a big profit, this risk is really worth taking." Zhong Shidao first nodded apologetically at Zhe Kexing, and then answered truthfully.

"The old man also thinks like a teacher." Zhe Kexing is not hypocritical, it is better to be more straightforward.

Su Dongpo really has some headaches now, and these two veterans he trusts most say so, so, it seems that he should give it a try.

"Since the two generals think it's worth a try, then so be it." After pondering for a while, Su Dongpo finally made up his mind to write two letters, one to be sent to Zhang Yi in Huanzhou, and the other to send People passed on to Hongdezhai.

As for the Xixia defenders outside Hongde Village, after the first day of bloodshed, the defenders in the city seemed to lose interest in these rangers from the second day onwards, so they finally recovered.Keep up the harassment momentum.

But the Song Army in Hongde Village didn't show any signs of taking the lead, which made Wei Mingji secretly heave a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that the Song Army in Hongde Village would come to make trouble for him.

The next two consecutive days seemed very ordinary, but Wei Mingji's heart was restless for a long time, and he always felt that Hongdezhai's actions were really abnormal.

After spending the first peaceful night, Wei Mingji began to consider that except half of the thousand cavalry remained at the central army as a mobile force, all the other cavalry would be scattered to prevent being attacked by the Song army.

However, Wei Mingji's behavior did not arouse the vigilance of the generals under his command. On the contrary, they all felt that the older the old driver, the less courageous he was.It is believed that all the villages of the Song Army are now besieged, and it is a waste to use the cavalry in this way.

It's better to let the Rangers continue to harass Hongde Village, so that the Song Army defenders in Hongde Village will not be at peace, and it will be difficult for them to have time to rectify their troops and horses to go out of the city to make a surprise attack.

Seeing that all the cadres were so opposed, and the Song Army hadn't made any changes in the past two days, Gui Mingji finally stopped insisting on his ideas.

But at this time, the adventure took a light boat and went down the water for less than [-] miles, and landed on the river beach here.But Wang Yang, who was only wearing a leather armor but not Yuanyou Armor, jumped off the light boat. Behind him was none other than the village owner of Hongde Village.

Zhe Keshi was also wearing leather armor. There was no way, they came by boat. If they wore heavy armor on the boat, if they fell off the boat due to a bump, they would not be able to escape at all.

So both of them put on light leather armor, and carefully climbed up under a few new escorts.

After struggling to cross the muddy river beach and came to the solid ground, Wang Yang took a deep breath with a smile on his face. "It seems that my memory is not wrong. We traveled north from Huanzhou City, and this can be regarded as the narrowest area..."

"The width of this place is indeed no more than [-], Wang Jianjun, are you really sure that you can build a wall that is about [-] feet high in three days with more than [-] people here?" Zhe Keshi looked at the people here. Terrain, after nodding his head, he still has a lot of doubts.

"Well, did General Zhe see it? The ridge here is full of towering ancient trees. We just need to cut down the ridge and let the broken trees go down the slope. Although there is a lack of stones in this area, Hongdezhai's There is no shortage of stones nearby. And we still have a full [-] vans as a means of transportation.

With these logs and stones transported from nearby Hongdezhai, together with Yuanyou cement and the inexhaustible clay here, a thick and solid wall can be obtained in the shortest time. And strong walls. "

"Just a hastily built wall made of mud and logs, no matter how strong it is, it won't be strong..."

"Of course, such a wall cannot last long if it encounters the opponent's siege equipment. But don't forget, the Xixia people themselves are not good at siege. They went to Huanzhou this time, and they brought siege equipment with them. There aren’t many instruments.”

"After so many days of exhaustion, do you all think that they can still slowly advance towards Hongde Village with those siege equipment?"

Zhe Keshi patted his thigh suddenly. "Not bad, how come Zhe almost forgot this, the sharpness of the Xixia elite lies in that they all have two rides per person, they move extremely quickly, and they come and go like the wind.

But siege has never been their strong point, if they can really build a high enough city wall here in the shortest time.With the sharpness of my Song crossbow, it can indeed become an insurmountable gap for Xixia barbarians. "

At this moment, Zhe Keshi's expression suddenly changed.After gesturing to everyone, everyone immediately lowered their stature and hid among the reeds by the river beach.

Soon, a sound of hoofbeats could be heard. Looking through the gaps in the reeds, Wang Yang could see a group of about twenty Xixia cavalry passing by, but these cavalry had no intention of staying. He just rode his horse and galloped, looking around scribbledly, and quickly left the river beach where Wang Yang and others were located far behind him.

Wang Yang and others also knew that they would not stay here for a long time, so they quickly left here, boarded a boat and headed north against the current.

Sitting on the boat, Zhe Keshi sighed softly. "It's a pity that we haven't received the military orders from Master Zhang and Academician Su yet. Alas... I don't know if you two will agree to our plan."

"General Zhe, Mr. Zhang is a person who is familiar with military aircraft. He probably won't object to our little adventure. As for Academician Su, Wang feels that with Xuexiang Su's character, he will definitely not save only safe and secure lives. Abandoning such a great fighter opportunity."

"That's true, if our plan can really be passed, then we will be busy..." Zhe Keshi nodded and smiled wryly. "I just hope that Empress Xiaoliang will pass here by then, not Empress Xiaoliang and Liang Yibu together."

Seeing that the old driver was still harboring such thoughts at this time, Wang Yang couldn't help but roll his eyes. There would be risks at any time, but wealth and honor are always sought after risks. If even this risk is not willing to take Well, it's better to just squat in the Hongde village and count the ball with mud and water every day.

(End of this chapter)

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