Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 512 A Typical Warmonger's Prelude (Part 2)

Chapter 512 The Rhythm of a Typical Warmonger (Second More)

Chapter 511

"That's not more than 20. Every time the Xixia army passes through a fort, there will be thousands of troops left behind. Now, outside the sixteen forts on the border between Song and Xia, there are Xixia soldiers and horses besieged, ranging from three thousand to as many. Seven or eight thousand. Now, no more than [-] soldiers gather at Huanzhou city."

"The Xixia army, the biggest headache for my Great Song Dynasty is that they rely on the large number of cavalry, they come and go like the wind, and leave as soon as they touch it. The reason why my Great Song Dynasty can only defend, but it is difficult to pursue." Zhe Ke But that face was full of excitement.

His fingers swiped across the map. "In the past, the number of soldiers we could fight on Huanqing Road was only [-], which was more than enough for defense and not enough for attack. Now, the reinforcement sent by the court is enough for us to have a good time with those Xixia people. Take the big one."

"General Zhe, what do you mean, we rely on [-] soldiers and horses just for a sneak attack?" Wang Yang looked at this guy's excited Zhe Keshi, and couldn't help rolling his eyes speechlessly. .

"That's natural. Does Wang Jianjun still want to stop all the more than [-] Xixia forbidden troops under Hongde stronghold?" Zhe Keshi said funnyly, his eyes falling on Wang Yang.

"It won't work here. The flat land in Hongde Village is too open and is not the best place to stop the attack." After Wang Yang thought about it seriously, he walked to the map and clicked on a location. "Wang thinks that this is the best place for us to prevent the Xixia army from retreating."

"...Master Wang, you are not joking with everyone, are you? We are talking about an ambush, but you are talking about blocking..." The eyes of a general in the hall suddenly bulged.

And Zhe Keshi couldn't help but gasped.Well, I thought this guy was a very prudent old driver before, but now it seems that I am blind. There is no trace of calmness on this guy's expression now, he is simply a typical warmonger.

Zhe Keshi smacked his mouth, looked at Wang Yang and said helplessly. "Supervisor Wang is joking, even if the 5000 troops arrive here, plus our Hongde village's soldiers and horses, there are less than 5000 people. If you want to block the [-] troops with [-] troops, Isn't this too much of a joke?"

"Why are you joking?" Wang Yang glanced at the group of frontier generals and the terrified Ma Shang, and he shrugged his shoulders very coolly.

"Wang remembers what you said before, General Zhe, that although Huben, the Great Song Dynasty, is not good at attacking due to lack of good horses, he is good at defending. With 5000 men, he can defend according to danger. Even the Empress Xiao Liang Even if tens of thousands of elite troops come to attack, they can sustain it for three to five months."

Zhe Keshi almost felt like a dog in his heart. He didn't expect this guy to take advantage of this, so he could only answer bravely. "Yes, Zhe did say such a thing. But that's because we have such a favorable location as Hongde Village."

"The Hongde Village was also built by our Song Dynasty border troops, right?" Wang Yang said to Zhe Keshi with a smile.

"This is natural, but the construction of Hongde Village required [-] laborers and took nearly three months to reach this scale."

Wang Yang is still stubborn and authentic. "We don't need to build a city wall. We only need to build a city wall less than one mile long and two feet wide. How long do you think it will take?"

"If [-] laborers are used, it will take at least five days to build it, but where can we find laborers now?" A general of Hongdezhai stood up and replied.

"There seems to be 5000 strong men in Hongde Village, right? And our frontier army just happens to be able to make up 2 people." Wang Yang continued.

"Isn't that right? In this way, wouldn't our Hongde village be guarded by no one? More importantly, it is simply impossible for us to block the [-] elite troops of Xixia with just over [-] soldiers and horses." ."

"How could there be so many Xixia elites passing here? Don't forget, the Xixia army attacked Huanzhou in two ways, one coming from the Dingbian Army, and there was only one Xixia army after Xiaoliang It is through here to attack Huanzhou."

"If they retreat and leave, all the elites will come this way. Could it be that the tens of thousands of Xixia miscellaneous soldiers over there are going to give me the Song border army as a military exploit?" Wang Yang has a plan. He patted the map and said.

As soon as this remark came out, no one could really speak out right now, and Zhe Keshi's eyes lit up.It seems that what Wang Yang said makes sense.

"But if we want to stop the Xixia army, we have to wait for the [-] reinforcements to arrive before rushing to build here. If the Xixia army is alert and turns around immediately, then we will become passive. Yet?"

Hearing such a question, Wang Yang smiled confidently. "Then we need bait to make the Xixia army feel that Huanzhou is still profitable. If they hesitate, it only needs to delay for a day or two. Wang is confident that he can use the wood and rocks of Maling to build a road here." It is a pass that can make it difficult for Xi Xia's elite cavalry."

"One or two days, Wang Jianjun, it's not that General Mo doesn't want to believe you, but it's impossible for one or two days." A general from Hongde Village jumped out and objected.

But Wang Yang set his eyes on the thoughtful Zhe Keshi. "That was the past, not the present, General Zhe, don't forget that among the [-] vans Wang brought, there are still [-] trucks of Yuanyou cement that have not yet been distributed. The magic effect of this thing, You must have seen General Zhe before. It can be said to be extremely fast when used to build cities or walls..."

Zhe Keshi's gaze couldn't help being a little brighter, that's right, with that thing, if you want to quickly build a wall to block the enemy, you can indeed save a lot of effort.That thing only needs water and fine sand, and the site to be built is on the bank of the river, so there is no shortage at all, and it can be used whenever you want.

Seeing the change in Zhe Keshi's eyes, Wang Yang knew that Zhe Keshi, the old driver, was already a little moved, and then he threw another flattery at him.

"Why Master Zhang is willing to send those [-] elite troops over to General Zhe to command, isn't it because General Zhe has always been a handsome talent who overcomes difficulties and knows how to make decisions before acting?"

"If we can hold this place and trap tens of thousands of Xixia's elite troops here, and the army of Su Xueshi and Master Zhang attack from the rear, at that time, at least one-third of Xixia's elite cavalry will be lost. Here, such a great achievement is much greater than the contribution of ambushing from a distance and killing one or two thousand Xixia soldiers..."

"Perhaps when the time comes, the desire of the generals present to enshrine their wives and sons will not be far away..."

"Yes, but is this too risky?" Eunuch Ma Shang looked at Wang Yang, who was about to blow the blue whale into the sky with his mouth, and couldn't help but ask.

Wang Yang walked up to Ma Shang, patted Eunuch Ma's thin shoulders, and spoke in an extremely seductive tone. "I don't want my child to be caught by a wolf, Eunuch Ma, don't you want to be promoted to be the chief eunuch in the palace at the age of a weak crown?"

(End of this chapter)

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