Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 498 Various Preparations Before the Expedition (Part 2)

Chapter 498 Various preparations before the expedition (second update)
Chapter 497

Just after Gao Taotao was Emperor Shenzong, uh fart, he fully supported Sima Guang, an old driver who fiercely opposed the new party and reform, to preside over the government.

After Sima Guang came to power, the first thing he did was not how to make the reform slow down, but to use the most brutal means to directly wipe out all the new laws, good or bad.

Then all the new reform parties, regardless of their ability, regardless of their moral character, will be kicked out and driven to the backcountry to eat dirt.

After that, those who control the government and the government are really lonely and invincible, and they have long forgotten their ambitions and political aspirations when they entered politics. More moisturizing.

Regardless of the declining national power of the Song Dynasty, Gao Taotao was fooled by these old party bosses, and was intoxicated by the singing of Yaoshun, the female middle school.

But when Gao Taotao gradually came to his senses now, he realized that he was simply being fooled by these shameless people who kept saying that they were for the country and the people, but in fact they were either scheming or wanting to enrich their own pockets all day long. However, thinking How difficult it is to stop Da Song's heavy carriage.

What's more, Gao Taotao has completely driven the new party out of the political center and completely offended the new party.

So, even if she wanted to make some changes, how could the old party, which is now in charge of the government, allow her to do so?

This made Gao Taotao not only troubled, but also quite self-blaming. He was a cocoon, but his grandson, that is, the young emperor whose personality and appearance resembled the Emperor Shenzong, was stubbornly reforming. Pai, the important thing is that his thoughts and will were so exposed in the past.

This made the conflict between him and Gao Taotao almost irreconcilable, and when Wang Yang, an old driver, brought a fresh and biting wind, he disturbed the entire court party, and made those old The party bosses were repeatedly plotted against, those who lost their officials lost their officials, and those who lost their faces lost their faces.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't catch the kid's sore feet, and he could only watch Wang Yang keep making contributions there to earn his reputation. He was simply the best mocking fighter in history, with excellent frankness.

Attracted all the attacks, but his countless heinous labors have become his excellent armor.

Those important ministers of the old party are like dogs biting hedgehogs and have nowhere to talk. They can only watch helplessly as Wang Yang is favored and promoted.

In the end, Xixia's invasion of the border towns of the Song Dynasty inspired these old party members, and finally reached an agreement after exhausting their efforts, concentrating their efforts, and bringing Wang Yang and Su Dongpo together. Kicked out of court.

However, he paid a high price for this. Su Dongpo became a senior official of Shaanxi Economic Strategy, a comfort envoy, and a deputy envoy of officials and secretaries.If he made some more meritorious service in the battle with Xixia, after returning to the court, Su Dongpo is likely to take over the position of the neutral Han Zhongyan and become a privy envoy.

As for Wang Yang, a young man, although he has only become a special envoy of the imperial court to undertake official duties, don't forget that this guy has already been promoted to Shaoqing, the military inspector.

Even if it is a temporary appointment, as long as he can return home safely from the expedition, according to the practice of the Song Dynasty, Shaoqing, the military inspector of this guy, is likely to become a full-time official.

However, there was nothing the old party group could do about being shocked by Wang Yang, who was stunned. After all, if Wang Yang was allowed to stay in court like this, God knows what else he would come up with.

What's more, the things he has invented and created now have gained great favor among civilian literati, as well as the favor of military officers.

And the cement paved on the Royal Street made everyone mention Wang Yang, the top scholar in this subject, and all of them raised their thumbs and said yes.Even the No. [-] Scholar Bucket has become a talking point among the people of Bianliang.

Especially whenever outsiders come to Bianliang, the people of Bianliang will show off and tell each other what the Zhuangyuan Tong is, and the Royal Street that every outsider must appreciate and pay homage to.

It can be said that Wang Yang, who is less than 20 years old, is now in the limelight in Bianliang City, even in the Song Dynasty.

But nowadays, in addition to spending about an hour and a half every day teaching basic physics to Zhao Ji, Wang Yang spends more time supervising production and modifying sidecars. Of course, material preparations are also indispensable.

"Mr. Zhuangyuan, we have a total of [-] vehicles in the Military Weapons Supervision. This time, I have sent you [-] vehicles. This old man has done his best. I really can't give you any more, let alone you. The appearance has been changed to that weird look, but many officials privately complained about your misbehavior."

"I've tried my best to suppress you, but you still don't think it's enough, and you still want another five hundred cars, which is impossible." Mrs. Lu, who had taken the pills in advance, spit at the moment Xingzi refuted Wang Yang's unreasonable demands.

"Lord Lu, you know, you know, this time we are going to the border of Shaanxi, where there is war, where tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting. At that time, whether it is weapons or armor, It will require a lot of craftsmen and raw materials to repair it. In addition, the Empress Dowager and His Majesty both believe that it is just in the frontier fortress of Xia and Song Dynasties that the test work of building the fort with Yuanyou cement will be carried out..."

"For Yuanyou cement alone, according to the construction scale of the Dasong Border Fort, at least [-] to [-] catties of cement are needed. Even if it is [-] catties, it will take [-] vehicles to load it. Who can I find?" Wang Yang said helplessly, rolling his eyes.

Mr. Lu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed now. After a while, he slapped his forehead. "Building a fortress is a matter for the Ministry of Industry. You can go to them."

"The Ministry of Industry? I said Master Lu, but you are my superior. You actually made it difficult for me to go to the Ministry of Industry? You are ashamed, but I am ashamed." Wang Yang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Taking into account the hostile relationship between Ning Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and himself as mutual enemies, let alone five hundred cars, if he could bring out five cars, it would be regarded as the sun rising from the west.

Rather than wasting a lot of time arguing with that Minister Ning of the Ministry of Industry, it is better to continue squatting here and messing with this easy-talking Mr. Lu. If you mess up this old driver, you might still be able to make money. Some good stuff.

Wang Yang's judgment was indeed correct. Under Wang Yang's shameless interference, Mr. Lu finally had no choice but to take out two hundred cars.

However, after taking out [-] cars, Master Lu directly issued an expulsion order for the old driver Wang Yang. "Leave quickly, if you continue to stay here, the old man will really make you sick from anger, and the old man will not let you go if he does something wrong..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to leave right now. Sir, please take care and don't let anything happen to you." Wang Yang ran out of the door with a playful smile, thought about it for a while, patted his butt and pointed towards the right school office. Ran over.

 I wish my dear book lovers a happy Valentine's Day, and find the one you like as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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