Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 486 Zhao Ji Pushed into the Pit of Fire by Wang Yang (Part 2)

Chapter 486 Zhao Ji Pushed into the Pit of Fire by Wang Yang (Second Update)

Chapter 485

After Wang Yang left the Su Mansion, he thought about it and went to the Cuju Club with Wu Qilang. Sure enough, Zhao Ji was here, leading Tong Guan, Liang Shicheng, Gao Qi and the Li brothers. Run across the field.

Seeing Wang Yang's rare appearance here, the brothers stopped their movements and walked towards the sidelines.Seeing this group of guys, one or two of them were sweating and panting.

Wang Yang couldn't help joking. "Unexpectedly, for the sake of the country and the people, you adults sweat and cry every day, which really makes Wang feel ashamed."

"Haha, sweating is real, but tears are not." Li Yu, the future uncle, pulled back the hair sticking to his face coquettishly. "By the way, Wang Wushan, you've been so busy that you can't touch the ground these days, how could you have the time to come here?"

"Of course I miss you brothers." Wang Yang couldn't help but sigh. Since the Spring Cuju Competition, the number of times he has come to Wanhong Cuju Club is really only a handful.

There is no way, who made me so capable, and I have to do a lot of R & D and creation work, I am really busy...

He was so busy that he almost didn't even have time to get married before leaving the capital.

"We just agreed that whichever group loses, the other group will buy a drink. Unfortunately, Brother Wushan has interrupted us now..." Li Hao winked at the brothers next to him.

"That's right, sir. As the saying goes, it's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. How about you come to treat me today?" the little prince of Deser, Zhao Ji, said with a playful smile.

"That's not a problem. I'm not just inviting you, Boss Ling, to inform all the brothers in the Cuju club that after a stick of incense, we will go to the restaurant where we went last time to have a drink. Wang treats guests." Wang Yang laughed, I didn't bother to be hypocritical, so I ordered directly.

Soon, the entire Cuju club was full of cheers.Zhao Ji and the others looked at Wang Yang with astonishment.

Only the very old driver Li Yu laughed a few times. "It seems that someone is in high spirits on happy occasions."

"Hey, thank you, brother Ji Yan." Wang Yang was not polite, and just said "brother, go over." Now, all these guys suddenly came over.

"And me, what about me?" Li Bai also rushed over to join in the fun.

"Yes, brothers and sisters, hurry up and wash up." Wang Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes.That Li Bai walked towards the distance with a proud expression on his face, while laughing out loud. "Wang Wushan has become my sister-in-law, hahaha..."

"You're just a cousin, okay? He's my sister-in-law." Seeing Li Bai's look that was about to piss him off, Li Yu couldn't help but rant.

"Cousin-in-law is also sister-in-law, what's the matter, why, don't you think it's very happy to have a sister-in-law who is the number one scholar in this discipline?"

Looking at this cousin who hates each other, Wang Yang helplessly rubbed the center of his brows, whatever, let these guys be frightened.

Ever since Wanhong Cuju Club won the championship of the Spring Cuju Competition, Wan Bin, an outstanding businessman, has become more and more aware of the huge advertising effect that investing in Cuju Club can bring.

Without further ado, he increased investment and recruited talents, so that Wanhong Cuju Club, which originally had only 50 people, now has nearly [-] employees.

Inside the restaurant, almost all the members of Wanhong Cuju Club are calling for friends and offering cups and cups.While Wang Yang and others drank and ate meat in the private room on the second floor.

Hearing that Wang Yang was going to get married, he naturally became the target of criticism. Fortunately, the whole Cuju club didn't know about this news. The content does not meet the poisoning standard, and it is afraid that water intoxication may be caused by electrolyte imbalance in the body due to intake of too much water.

Rao, it was only these old brothers who took turns to drink, and Wang Yang's face turned red from being drunk.In addition to the happy event that Wang Yang is going to get married, there is another big event, that is, Wang Yang is likely to leave the capital and go to a border town in Shaanxi.

Everyone's originally happy smiles could not help but diminish a bit. "Sir, if you go, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with this year's Autumn Cuju Competition..." Zhao Ji couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Well, he deserves to be the best Cuju striker in the Song Dynasty. He really loves his job and is dedicated to his work.

"It takes more than 400 miles from Bianliang to Bianzhen in Shaanxi. If you go with a large army, it may take at least half a month to get there." Gao Qi slammed his mouth and looked at Wang Yang. His eyes were full of envy.

Look at yourself. Now, you can still only manage some chores. But look at Wang Yang. Not only has he won the trust of the emperor and the empress dowager, but in just a few months, he has become a dignified seventh-rank imperial official. The speed of promotion was so fast that no champion or young official could be faster than him throughout the history of the Song Dynasty.

As for myself, already in my twenties, and it seems that I am approaching my thirties, but I still haven't accomplished anything, I can't help but look a little sad.

Wang Yang sipped the fine wine, and also noticed Gao Qiu's expression. Before, on the way to the restaurant again, Wang Yang had already asked Li Yu what he thought.

But Li Yu is more fond of poetry and poetry, and enjoys his current job very much, and he is unwilling to move, and he also told Wang Yang, since our brothers are related, you recommend me to that position, and It's not very appropriate, and it's easy to leave people talking.

Wang Yang thought about it carefully and found that this was indeed the case. Finally, he focused on Gao Qiu, but in the end, Wang Yang decided to ask Zhao Ji for his opinion first.

After all, Gao Qiu is an official of Prince Duan's mansion, so he can be regarded as Zhao Ji, a courtier of King Duan. If Wang Yang wants Gao Qiu to go to Youxiaoshu, isn't this equivalent to poaching Zhao Ji's corner?
While everyone was drinking and eating meat and chatting happily, Wang Yang pulled Zhao Ji, and the two of them walked to the window, where Wang Yang whispered towards Zhao Ji.

"No way, sir, you actually recommended me to the position of military supervisor?" Zhao Ji's expression couldn't help but change, and he felt a little bit bitter in an instant. What a good job he is doing now, he is relaxed and comfortable, and he is free all day long. There are so many, you can recite poems and make pairs, or find opportunities to sneak out to play Cuju.

Now, Wang Yang kept pushing himself into the pit of fire, well, even if it wasn't a pit of fire, it was not much better. Zhao Ji seemed to see that the comfortable and comfortable official career was moving away from him.

"No way, you can't blame Wang for this, because you are the person His Majesty trusts the most. It's not you. Your Majesty is worried about handing over this burden to other people." Wang Yang resisted the conflict of rolling his eyes, and patted Zhao Ji. shoulder, very earnest and authentic.

This guy really deserves to be the stupid king in history, he can achieve results in everything, but he can't be a king.Although history has been deviated because of his arrival, no one knows whether Zhao Ji has also changed from the inside out.

(End of this chapter)

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