Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 479 Won the popularity and support of Wang Wushan (Part 1)

Chapter 479 Won the popularity and support of Wang Wushan (first update)
Chapter 478

Sure enough, Old General Yuchi slowly opened his eyes, and seemed to be struggling to stand up with some embarrassment. "Oh, the old man is old, it's really useless, what about Mr. Wang, you mean, you can make more than 1 Yuanyou crossbows in one day?"

Looking at this old general Yuchi who was struggling with a weak physique and wanted to break the casserole, Wang Yang nodded helplessly.

"If all of them are used to produce Yuanyou crossbows, more than 600 can be produced in one day..."

"In that month, wouldn't it be nearly 50 yuanyou crossbows?!" Zhao Xu once again made a chicken sound, his face full of disbelief.

After seeing Wang Yang nodding vigorously, all the ministers of civil and military affairs, including the old woman, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao, couldn't help leaning hard on one in their hearts.50 a day, nearly [-] a month, if this continues for ten years, um... Gao Taotao suspects that the people of the Song Dynasty may be able to reach the number of people.

Nima, who refuses to accept it, I sent millions of crossbowmen over there, such a beautiful scene, I can't even imagine it...

Su Dongpo couldn't help but his eyes lit up, oh, what the hell, isn't this just someone bringing a pillow when he wants to fall asleep?Why did I forget about this kid? That's right, Da Song Yuanyoujia, and this Yuanyou crossbow with a daily output of more than 600.

When I take up the post at that time, there will be 10 elite soldiers from the Song and Yuan Dynasties and [-] crossbowmen by my side. This kind of power is absolutely devastating.

"Good boy, you are indeed Wang Wushan. With you, our Great Song Dynasty will win a hundred thousand tigers." Su Dongpo strode up to Wang Yang, and punched Wang Yang's chest fiercely.

Wang Yang smiled shyly, but it was Su Dongpo who took a step back because of the force of the shock.Gao Taotao looked at Wang Yang, what else could he say?
Yesterday, he asked Wang Yang to make more Da Song Yuan You Jia, but today he gave himself such a shocking gift.

At this moment, Zhu Guangting was so excited that he fell to the ground, exaggeratedly waving his hands in mid-air, like a witch with a hemiplegia and a strong mind.

"Madam, Your Majesty, this is the blessing of our Great Song Dynasty. It really is God bless our Great Song Dynasty. Just now, there was news that Xixia invaded my border town. Now, Lord Xiao Wang invented such a sharp weapon as the Yuanyou Crossbow in one fell swoop. Song Yuan Youjia, as the saying goes, wears perseverance, and Xixia Xiaoxiao is just right to use them."

"Master Zhu's words are very kind. It really is God bless my Great Song, God bless my Great Song... ah..."

Nima, seeing the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty chattering and screaming, Wang Yang and the other brothers who had just entered the court for a while were a little confused. Could it be that these guys are rehearsing a stage play?Do you want to be so exaggerated?So provocative?

"Okay, all of you, hurry up and calm down, everyone, how can the Ai family not understand what you are thinking. My Da Song, I am indeed blessed by God..." After calming down, Gao Taotao persuaded the performers The lusty ministers got up and went back behind the bamboo curtain.

"That Xixia is a small barbarian country. It has been deeply favored by the Great Song Dynasty for a long time, but it has always been unfaithful. It has always disturbed the border of the Great Song Dynasty, destroyed my city, killed my soldiers, and captured my people..."

Following the empress dowager Gao Taotao's words, everyone couldn't hold back their inner excitement at the moment. Such a tone, such a declaration, if it is not a declaration of war, it is the empress dowager Gao Taotao joking with Manchu civil and military officials. Brain teasers.

The eloquent decree made the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty kneel down and praise him.And Su Dongpo was appointed as the envoy of Shaanxi's four-pronged strategy, pacification and recruitment.

Han Zhongyan, who was in the middle of the DPRK, was appointed as the Deputy Envoy of Shaanxi Economic Strategy and Appeasement, and Zhang Wei, the former Economic Appeasement Envoy of Huanqing Road in Jinglueyan Road, was also promoted as Deputy Envoy to assist Su Dongpo in managing Huanqing, who was facing the enemy of Xixia. Road and Jingyuan Road.

And at this time, the Deputy Envoy of the Privy Council made a request to the Empress Dowager, which means that now the Song Dynasty has developed a large number of weapons and equipment, whether it is the Song Yuan Youjia, or the Song Dynasty border town. There is an urgent need for Yuanyou cement and other materials for building the walled city.

Therefore, I hope that the empress can appoint an excellent, capable young official who is also proficient in these businesses to guide the local officials and soldiers on how to use and maintain these new things.

Because all of this came from Wang Yang, the first scholar of the Jin Dynasty, everyone in the Privy Council unanimously believed that this important task belongs to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang was still immersed in the beautiful scene where all the ministers in the court were happily shouting that they would severely punish the children of Xixia and return peace to the Song Dynasty.

It never occurred to me that the painting style of the fuck suddenly changed suddenly, making myself such a newcomer in the court seem to be very popular and supported by the court.

It's like Wang Dalu Renjia was eating melons and enjoying a road car chase, when suddenly the old driver who just passed by on the road drifted, the front of the car directly changed direction and rushed towards this side, directly throwing Wang This passer-by, Yang Sheng, was dragged into the car by Shengsheng, and then drove off. Isn't this f*cking too unscientific?

Zhao Xu, the young emperor, also looked confused, what the hell is this, but what those people said seemed to make sense, so he couldn't refute it.

Who knows Yuanyoujia and Yuanyounu of the Song Dynasty better than Wang Yang?Who else knows Yuanyou Cement better than Wang Yang? These things were all invented by Wang Yang with painstaking efforts.

Gao Taotao was also a little dazed. What kind of plane are these guys doing? They have just given Su Dongpo, whom they regarded as a bandit in the past, to the position of the high-ranking appeasement envoy of the Shaanxi Economic Strategy. Wang Yang, the handsome young man they had disliked in the past, was pulled out to go for a walk in Shaanxi.

But soon, Gao Taotao finally got a taste, and his originally relieved but slightly confused expression gradually became gloomy.

But the problem is that the reasons given by the old party ministers and workers of the Manchu Dynasty really made her, a scheming empress dowager, feel a little numb.

"Dear gentlemen, the little Wangqing family still has important responsibilities, I'm afraid..."

"My lady, on the side of the general supervisor, Mr. Tu, who is also the order of the right school office, is diligently carrying out the renovation work of the imperial street. As for the military supervisor, although Mr. Lu is in good health now, he is old and frail after all. It is really difficult to go to the border town. As for Bai Shuling and Zhang Shuling, although they are smart and capable, when it comes to their understanding of Dasong Yuanyoujia and Dasong Yuanyounu, I am afraid that they are not as good as Xiao Wang..."

"The minister seconded the proposal, and the old minister also felt that only Mr. Xiao Wang would be the best candidate. Moreover, Mr. Xiao Wang is also the lucky star of my Great Song Dynasty. Maybe he can make great achievements in the border town..."

"Master Ning's words make sense. Master Xiao Wang is by no means helpless. Think about the battle between the former and the current number one scholar, hehehehe..."

" quiet, be quiet first,'s getting late today, and the Ai family is tired, so we'll stop here and discuss other matters tomorrow." In the end, Gao Taotao had no choice but to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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