Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 472 Wang Yang's old driver is on the move, one is better than two (Part 1)

Chapter 472 Wang Yang's old driver is on the move, one is better than two (second update)
Chapter 471

After Su Dongpo stood up, he impassionedly expressed his contempt and denunciation of Xixia's kind of thieves. At the same time, he believed that Song Dynasty is a great country, and it has been good enough for Xixia all these years.

But the other party not only didn't appreciate it, but kept attacking the border town of Dasong repeatedly. For Xiaoxiao, who hates dogs like this, he should punish them severely and let them know that the pot is made of steel.

Su Dongpo's talent is not for boasting, and his eloquence is definitely not for cover, otherwise, with only a few members of the Shu party, how could it be difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat in the face of attacks from dozens of old party members?

Therefore, Su Dongpo's impassioned words made Zhao Xu fascinated and drunk, and Gao Taotao's mood like still water couldn't help but fluctuate, since the defeat in the battle of Yongle City when Emperor Shenzong was in power.

The Song Dynasty has always been on the defensive against Xixia, and has no intention of advancing, but the Xixia has been conquered every year, and the seasons come every season, which disturbs the frontiers of the Song Dynasty.

However, since the old party came to power, it has held high the banner of peace and not war, strictly prohibited all roadside towns from provoking, and even punished several officials who arbitrarily caused border conflicts and disputes.

For Xixia and Beiliao, they backed down step by step, and kept saying that Da Song would use gentleness and benevolence to influence each other, so that the other party could feel Da Song's benevolence and righteousness, and finally they were so moved that they cried and repented, and finally held Live in the hand of friendship stretched out by Da Song, let’s sing together The world is so big, it’s just a family or something...

But now, or today, I don’t know which tendon of these guys has been pulled, the style of painting is too harmonious, no matter whether it is a scholar or a general, they all have the same caliber, thinking that those damn Xixia barbarians must be severely punished, let them know , Da Song's left hand is holding the Four Books and Five Classics, but Da Song's right hand is holding an unparalleled sword of the king.

After Su Dongpo finished speaking, other than the clan officials and some neutral officials who continued to speak cautiously, the military commanders and many old party leaders stood up and clamored to let Xixia Xiao know the great Song Dynasty. The benefit of the armor.

Be sure to wave Da Song's powerful and powerful fist until the damn Xixia cried and called Da Song's father.

At this moment, Zhao Xu was also confused. What the hell is going on?In the past, jumping up and shouting for war and not peace was the right of generals, or the right of the passionate young emperor himself.When will it be the turn of these civil servants who always try to convince others with their virtues every time there is a war, jumping up and down?

It's too unscientific, even the young emperor Zhao Xu sensed something was wrong.However, isn't such a situation exactly what he longed to see countless times in the past?

After Gao Taotao announced his withdrawal from the court, those ministers who shouted loudly for war and not peace finally left the hall slowly, while Gao Taotao sat behind the bamboo curtain with a tired face, his expression was still full of puzzlement with doubts.

And Zhao Xu could have left straight away as usual, but seeing the emperor's grandmother behind the curtain without any movement for a long time, he couldn't help getting up and walking over. "Grandmother, the court has already left, why don't my grandson take you back?"

Gao Taotao, who was in a daze, finally came back to his senses, raised the bamboo curtain and walked out.Looking at this face that resembled the emperor Shenzong, he couldn't help revealing a rare kindness. "Alright, Aijia has a lot of things in his heart today and wants to have a good chat with you, Guanjia, let's go together..."

Walking slowly on the way to the Spring and Autumn Palace, Gao Taotao subconsciously glanced at Zhao Xu who was beside him, but noticed that he always liked to fight and kill, or in other words, whenever he encountered a provocation, he would either look extremely angry, or The expression of the young emperor who would strongly demand to send troops seems a little too calm now.

Gao Taotao, who was puzzled in his heart, couldn't help asking curiously. "Officials, in your opinion, what do you think of the performance of the ministers and workers in the court today?"

Zhao Xu smiled impressively. "Grandson can't tell. I just feel that things are a bit strange. The important thing is, when did these ministers and workers who have always been fighting each other in the court of my Song Dynasty become so united..."

"It seems that the official family has really grown up now, even if they are already thinking about things in their hearts, they don't show anything on the surface, okay..." Gao Taotao couldn't help nodding his head approvingly when he heard this.

But Zhao Xu also wanted to ask Gao Taotao something. "Grandmother, since the civil and military people of the whole court thought that Xixia invaded our Great Song frontier this time, they should teach the other party a lesson, but you did not give a clear answer, may it be because you think that my Great Song Dynasty is really inferior to you?" That Xixia?"

"You must not underestimate that Xixia, otherwise, be as careful as the first emperor. Today's Song Dynasty can't bear another defeat in Yongle City." After Gao Taotao sighed, he looked at the young and Vibrant grandson.

He couldn't help but recall that when Emperor Shenzong heard about the great defeat of Yongle City, he wept bitterly and lay ill in bed. It can be said that he was completely depressed, but after more than two years, he died in his prime.

In the past, Zhao Xu would definitely be unhappy and immediately refute, but now, after listening to Wang Yang's rational analysis, Zhao Xu, who has completely believed in Wang Yang's words, nodded slightly.

"Grandson knows that although our Song Dynasty is powerful, we can only take defensive positions because of its vast territory, and the national power of Xixia is not [-]% of our Great Song Dynasty, but we can gather our strength..."

"...You, the official family, you came up with all these?" Gao Taotao looked at the grandson in front of him in disbelief, who had indeed changed a bit beyond his expectations compared with the past, and was surprised. asked calmly.

"Most of these were analyzed by Wang Wushan to his grandson before. The grandson thinks what he said seems to be quite reasonable. I don't know you, grandma..."

Gao Taotao took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart. "Officials, let's start from the beginning, let the Ai family listen carefully, what exactly did Wang Wushan tell you."

Zhao Xu simply described in detail the content of his communication with Wang Yang after he received the news of Xixia's invasion, and Gao Taotao was aware of it.

After Gao Taotao listened, after a long time, he had no choice but to nod his head deeply. "This Wang Wushan is indeed a peerless national scholar..."

"Unexpectedly, at such a young age, he is not only extremely talented, but also has a lot of research on military strategy. The Ai family is really more and more curious about what else in this world he doesn't understand."

"Grandson also feels that there are really few things in this world that can beat Wang Wushan, I'm afraid there are not many..." Zhao Xu couldn't help but said with emotion.

In the past, Zhao Xu admired Wang Yang, but now, Zhao Xu is almost superstitious towards Wang Yang. He always feels that as long as this old driver gets involved, one and the other will definitely win, and there will definitely be no problems that cannot be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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