Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 460 The small boat is easy to turn around, let alone the government of one country (Part 1)

Chapter 460 The small boat is easy to turn around, let alone the government of a country (second update)
Chapter 459

"What did you say?" Wang Yang was taken aback, and quickly lifted off the thin quilt covering his body. Fortunately, there was no pair of fluffy black thighs on the other side of his legs, and his clothes were intact, which made Wang Yang grow out. Take a breath.

You can also say that you sleep on your feet, Idol Su, you have too much taste, right?

"After the little one came back, I saw that you had been helped to sleep in this guest room, and the little one also got together here all night. Well, it was on the floor..."

Wang Yang patted his chest with lingering fear. Since he was a child, he was only used to sleeping alone, or he would only sleep in the same bed with the opposite sex. He was really not used to sleeping in the same bed with a big man with strong male hormone secretion.

If that was the case, Wang Yang would definitely kick him out of bed before he was disgusted to death.

Wang Yang wanted to leave, but he was held back when he was going to say goodbye to Xueshi Su who had just woken up for a long time. The old driver pulled Wang Yang and insisted on leaving after lunch.

Because he drank a lot yesterday, his lunch seemed relatively light. After a few mouthfuls, Su Dongpo said something that made Wang Yang a little dazed.

"Wang Wushan, what do you think of the reforms of the former Emperor Shenzong and Mr. Anshi?"

"Why do you ask such a question, sir?" Wang Yang looked at Su Dongpo who was drinking porridge and looking at him with a half-smile, and he was a little confused, so he said authentically.

"You answered the old man's question first, and the old man will naturally answer your question." Su Dongpo said with a smile while stroking his well-groomed beard.

"Well...well, since the gentleman has asked some questions, the boy will answer one or two according to his own ideas. The boy is deeply impressed by Emperor Shenzong and Mr. Anshi's enterprising and innovative attitude. But..."

"But what?"

"There are too many new laws, too complicated, and too radical, and many new laws have not been tested. They are just..." Wang Yang opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to describe it. He was afraid that if he said it, he would upset Su Dongpo. Joy.

After all, the relationship between Su Dongpo and Wang Anshi is quite good. Even if the two parties have different political ideas in the later period, the old friendship is still there. When many new party members wanted to put Su Dongpo to death in the Wushitai case, Wang Anshi Even though he had retired and returned to his hometown at that time, he still stood up to speak for Su Dongpo.

Just when Wang Yang was hesitating, Su Dongpo suddenly said something. "It's completely behind closed doors? You want to say that..."

Seeing that Wang Yang was in a daze, Su Dongpo couldn't help laughing out loud. "I have always admired Mr. Anshi's great talent and ambition. There is no doubt about it. However, I have had many disputes with Mr. Anshi because of different ideas. In the past, when Mr. Anshi was around, I scolded him more than this. ruthless……"

"It's a pity that Mr. Anshi has passed away now, and the late emperor..." Su Dongpo couldn't help sighing long after he said this.

"Sir, you..."

Su Dongpo raised his finger and pointed at Wang Yang, and then said with a half-smile, "Then Wu Shan, do you think I should reform in Song Dynasty or not?"

"When it changes." Wang Yang smacked his mouth, but after a little consideration, he nodded vigorously and replied.His words and deeds more or less revealed his dissatisfaction with the many shortcomings of the Song Dynasty's administrative system.

In addition, although the idol of Su Dongpo is an old party that opposes the reform, he is also a moderate in the old party, and his temperament is far better than that of Zhu Guangting and Zhao Tingzhi. That kind of person is much better.

Su Dongpo raised his eyebrows, the smile on his face remained the same, but his eyes became deeper. "Oh? Since you think it should change, if it were you, how do you think it should change?"

"From point to surface, from small to large, and you should listen more to the likes and dislikes of the people who are directly related to the reformed law..." Wang Yang's reform in the Northern Song Dynasty, in addition to the more famous young crops law and the exemption law Apart from a few well-known reform provisions that were mentioned as typical cases, I don't know much about the others.

However, this does not prevent him from using the reform and opening up of Great China in the [-]th century to flicker at this persuade other people.

"...The Song Dynasty is so big that it is far more extensive than Qin Guoguang at the time of Shang Yang's reform. The territory is too big, so how can the officials below strictly abide by the decrees? This is first of all A huge problem."

"Furthermore, no one knows whether each new law has more advantages than disadvantages for the people of our Song Dynasty, or whether it has more advantages than disadvantages. If it is forced to be implemented throughout the Song Dynasty, it will inevitably cause complaints."

"So, Wang feels that before a place, or in other words, wants to introduce a new law, politicians must first carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages that this new law will bring, and then select a county. If the special area of ​​reform is to do more harm than good, then this new law means that it is not a good law, but a harmful law, and it should not be feasible."

"Or at least it should be modified first, get rid of its disadvantages, keep its advantages, and then implement it..."

"In this case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for this reform to be effective?" Hearing Wang Yang's words, Su Dongpo's eyes lit up.He really hadn't thought about it, indeed, if it could be implemented according to Wang Yang's idea.

Then, it is indeed possible to gradually change the century-old illness in the Great Song Dynasty, but such a reform seems too slow.

"Sir, what is the purpose of the reform? It is to benefit the court, the common people, or the four peoples of the Great Song Dynasty. It is not to kill the chicken and take the eggs, exploit one class, and let another class benefit. , That will only cause more and more public grievances, and it will not actually make the Song Dynasty prosperous as a whole..." After shaking his head slowly, Wang Yang carefully explained his ideas from later generations.

Think about the future generations, how many years have been spent on the reform, even before I crossed over, the pace of reform has not stopped, but it has been three to forty years since the beginning of the reform.

"The purpose of the reform... all people can benefit from it, the court of the Great Song Dynasty and all people in the world can benefit from it..." Su Dongpo looked at Wang Yang in a daze, chewing on Wang Yang's words repeatedly, but in his heart, Taotian was stirred up. huge waves.

In the past, the reason why he and Su disagreed with the new law was because he felt that this law could easily benefit some people with ulterior motives and use it as a tool for promotion and wealth. In addition, the new law could easily harm the interests of the people.

It has not been discussed in depth, or in other words, these issues have not been considered in depth at all.

When Wang Yang left, the lunch was already cold, but Su Dongpo did not leave. He just frowned, thinking carefully about Wang Yang's words just now. The more he pondered, the more he found that those words seemed to have some Faithful quotes.

"Reform and innovation refers to getting rid of old and unreasonable parts, making them more reasonable and perfect, and creating new things. Reform should be based on this...

...Why should the reform be changed from small to large? Because it is like sailing a boat. A small boat can easily turn around, and it is easy to adjust if something goes wrong. But if it is a big ship, if you want to turn around, or if you turn around too quickly, it is easy to capsize. State affairs? "

"It seems that this son's talent not only far surpasses the old man's, but also surpasses Mr. An Shi's aspirations and vision..." After a long time, Su Dongpo sighed with emotion while stroking his long beard.

(End of this chapter)

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