Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 456 Liu Yiyi's real life experience...

Chapter 456 Liu Yiyi's real life experience...

Chapter 455

The emperor can also buy court ladies or buy folk women as concubines to courtiers. For example, during Song Zhenzong's time, Wang Dan was frugal and had no concubine at the beginning.Song Zhenzong, a good emperor who is a caring minister, took a look.

Oops, my humble minister doesn't even have a concubine, which is too inappropriate, so I sent an eunuch to buy a concubine and give it to Wang Dan.

Later, Song Zhijing and Song Qi during Renzong's time also won the trust of Renzong, and felt that rewards alone were not enough to express his loyalty to his ministers, so he also gave him a concubine from the palace maid.

In addition, if they are slaves, they are not even eligible to marry them as concubines, because slaves belong to lowly streams and exist as private property without any autonomy.

But there are also maidservants under the contract system, so the law of the Song Dynasty stipulates that concubines have a service life limit.The law also stipulates that this period of service must be counted consecutively, up to a maximum of three years.

That is to say, if you buy a woman to be a concubine, and then resell it a year later, what you resell is only the "right to use", and she will work with the new owner for another two years. In her own hands, she was free.

At the end of the service period, if the concubine feels that she has "high salary, good benefits, and potential for appreciation" with her master, so she is unwilling to leave, then she will face a "change job". One way is to be promoted to "Madam", but The procedures for doing so are complicated and troublesome; the next best thing is to become a maid.

The Xingtong of the Song Dynasty stipulated that the maximum service time for maidservants was ten years.After becoming a maidservant, she can continue to serve for seven years. If there is still no hope of promotion and she is unwilling to leave, the Song people still have a way to take advantage of the legal loopholes, which is to become an "adopted daughter", and the adopted daughter has no service period.

As for how to calculate the seniority of the children born to the master and the "adopted daughter"... that is a confused account of the people of Song Dynasty.

In the Song Dynasty, the words "concubine and maidservant" were used together, and girls who specialized in labor were called "female servants", which means "handmaid".

In a sense: Being a concubine and maidservant is actually a way of working for women in the Song Dynasty. The concubines and maidservants of the Song Dynasty are a group of "Song Dynasty migrant girls". They earn their dowry by renting out themselves, so there are "two Zhejiang women Everyone cares about clothing and food, but is ashamed of earning a living." "Although a poor girl from a poor family, there are one or two brocade clothes and skirts, and some headgear."

If a migrant worker has a relationship with her boss, she will continue to work.No feelings - either looking for a new owner, or marrying a money-grubbing man as a "wife" with money.This is the life of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty.

"Master, do you mean that you want Shishi to be a concubine for three years and a maidservant for seven years, and then recognize you as a godfather?" Li Shishi blinked, turned his head, looked at Wang Yang, Said in an extraordinarily charming voice.

The godfather screamed crisply and softly, Wang Yang was so numb that he almost fell under the desk, he quickly raised his head subconsciously and glanced at Liu Yiyi, fortunately, this beauty is studying Da Song attentively The law of marriage, did not pay attention to himself.

Wang Yang couldn't help but glared at Li Shishi, an underage female goblin who giggled like a vixen stealing a chicken. "Stop talking nonsense, master, I am such an upright gentleman, how can I be such a person?"

"Why does Shishi think that you like to listen to it, master?" Li Shishi arched to Wang Yang's side again, and his figure, which was gradually showing exquisite curves, was soft and soft, gently rubbing against Wang Yang's arm, whispering Whispered in Wang Yang's ear.

"Hmm...cough cough, this old man is a gentleman, let's talk about this later, should we talk about something more positive?" Wang Yang said, smacking his lips and finally regaining his gentlemanly face.

"However, fortunately, someone Wang caught a loophole, that is between wife and concubine, and my wife." Wang Yang raised his index finger.

"What the hell is it?" Liu Yiyi, who was studying the law with great interest, raised her head, looked at the incomprehensible Lord Wang angrily and amusedly, and asked.

"In the laws of the Great Song Dynasty, there is another regulation, but for all officials of the fifth rank and above, except for the main wife, their concubines are regarded as concubines, and they are regarded as the eighth rank... If they are second rank, eight concubines, they are regarded as the seventh rank. The king of the county and the first rank, ten concubines, are regarded as the sixth rank..."

Moreover, if because of her husband's meritorious service, concubines of Tonggui who are named Ruren, Anren, Yiren, and Gongren, etc., also enjoy the same right to wear fish as officials.

You must know that only officials in the Song Dynasty can admire fish, and from this direction, at least it is a great improvement compared with the Tang Dynasty.

"Master, then you are only at the seventh rank now, which is not enough." Li Shishi couldn't help curling his lips and said angrily.

"Silly girl, have you forgotten? Your master is now the founding Viscount, which happens to be the fifth-rank title." Liu Yiyi looked at Wang Yang angrily, gritted her teeth with a half-smile. "It's really rare. As expected of Lord Wang who wants to take advantage of legal loopholes, my family has really learned a lot."

"That's natural, um... What are you doing in the film, little girl? Don't be rude to me." Wang Yang touched his face that was kissed by Li Shishi, and was speechless. It is only appropriate for a pure man to take the initiative in this kind of thing. You, an underage girl, can easily tempt you to commit crimes if you know it or not.

Li Shishi was stunned at first, then squeezed to Liu Yiyi's side with a blushing smile. "Master, you are so cute."

"In this way, the slave family and sister Shishi can finally rest assured..." Liu Yiyi smiled sweetly, raised her hand, and gently stroked Li Shishi's beautiful hair and said in a low voice.

Without waiting for Wang Yang to speak, Liu Yiyi took the initiative to sit next to Wang Yang, gently snuggled into his arms, feeling the warm and strong embrace, and murmured softly. "Please also ask your husband to promise me something."

"My husband, please make a decision early and marry Qingzhao's younger sister." Liu Yiyi saw that Wang Yang opened his mouth to speak, but his soft hand had already blocked Wang Yang's mouth.

"Although my Great Song Dynasty seems to have no distinction between good and bad, it is actually no different from the previous dynasty. If your husband takes a slave's family as a concubine, people will only take it as a good story, saying that your husband will not forget your kindness after you are rich."

"But if you marry the slave family, you will be impeached... Can you please listen to the slave family?"

Wang Yang, who had moved away Liu Yiyi's slender hands and was about to speak, looked at Liu Yiyi's reddish eyes, and could only sigh lightly, and nodded heavily.

"Husband, you have unrivaled talent. You should be a planner for the world. Since you became an official, everything you have thought is to hope that my Great Song Dynasty will prosper. Every time you chat with me, every time you talk about the past, you hope My Song Dynasty can return to the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the past..."

"Perhaps you don't know, my husband. The father of the slave family is named Liu. He was originally a martial artist. He made an agreement with my mother that if he can get the military service and return it, then he will definitely marry my mother into the family."

"...When my mother was pregnant with Liujia, she only received news of my father's death. It was brought back by my father's comrades-in-arms. My mother was worried that she would eventually die in childbirth." At this point, Liu Yiyi had tears streaming down her face, unable to speak out.

(End of this chapter)

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