Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 442 Birth of Forged Steel Armor (Part 2)

Chapter 442 Birth of Forged Steel Armor (Second Change)

Chapter 441

"...The problem is, sir, you have produced too many eye-catching things these days. If you make that kind of armor again, I... I can only say that Da Song can win Sir, it really is the blessing of my Great Song Dynasty." After Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang for a long time, he said with emotion.

In fact, he sincerely wanted to kneel down and worship Wang Yang. The abilities of this idol far exceeded the limit of human imagination.

The important thing is, what did he do just to make the armor...Zhao Ji shook his head, um...refusing to think about it anymore, after all, his brain has become a little numb these days, and he doesn't want to accept such a big wave anymore Then the shocking shock of a big wave.

After thinking about it, Zhao Ji turned his head and said to Chen Tiejiang. "Chen Tiejiang, just build it. With Mr. Gu and Mr. Wu Shan here, we are all under the holy order, so no one can blame you. At that time, there may be a lot of rewards."

"Holy command? Reward?" Well, these two words, like two searchlights, shot into his heart at once.

The fish-scale armor is awesome, but the forging time is too long, labor-intensive and time-consuming. You know, an ordinary pair of iron armor needs more than 800 pieces of armor, and each piece of armor needs to be cold-forged thousands of times...

Of course Wang Yang is not really that stupid. What he needs is a kind of armor that is not weaker than warts, but can save time, labor and effort.

After careful consideration, Wang Yang finally got the result: plate lock mixed with full body armor.

The advantage of plate armor is that as long as it is forged and rolled from high-quality mild steel, its defensive properties are not much inferior to fish scale armor, but its flexibility is not as good as fish scale armor. However, if a large area of ​​plate armor is used and mixed with chain armor, Not only can it play a certain role in weight loss, but it can also enhance the flexibility of soldiers.

The important thing is that the defense is still very strong, um... As long as there is good steel, there is no fear of not having a strong and sturdy armor.

"I don't need fire forging, only cold forging, can this work? I have been forging iron all my life, and I have never played it before. Besides, using steel to make armor is too wasteful..." Chen Tiejiang's thinking was rather rigid , in his consciousness, steel is too precious after all, and it is a waste to use it to make iron armor.

"Well, old Chen, you really don't have to worry. Mr. Wu is going to modify all those old blast furnaces of mine, leaving two for the production of iron, and the rest, just follow the method of Zhuangyuan Gong to make steel, let alone Armor made of mild steel, even if you want armor made of fine steel, Wu can afford it..."

Well, it seems that since we can directly make steel using a tong pot, the important thing is that we can produce high carbon steel, medium carbon steel and low carbon steel according to the quality and quantity as required.

This Boss Wu has been wandering these past few days, and when he talks, cowhide is flying all over the place. Fortunately, Wang Yang has repeatedly warned that this old man has finally not had to leave his smelter.

In Wang Yang's words, this kind of smelting technique should be dedicated to His Majesty first, and whether it will be promoted or not will be discussed later. In short, it is very eye-catching to bring it to His Majesty first, don't you want to?
Hearing that he could have a relationship with the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Mr. Wu almost went crazy with joy. In the past few days, he personally handled all the purchases, and also increased the workers' wages by 20%. All craftsmen, regardless of young ones, He is still experienced, and he was signed for 16 to 30 years at a rate. There was even a [-]-year-old apprentice who was directly signed for [-] years.

Regarding Boss Wu's performance in order to retain talents, Wang Yang is very calm. At least Boss Wu is still a good person, not a sinister capitalist. At least he is willing to use salary increases to retain employees instead of other abnormal means.

For cold forging, all you need is a hammer, and of course the heavier the better.First, a mild steel plate with a suitable thickness was cast, and then it was placed under a huge water-driven water hammer and smashed wildly.

Seeing the two-fen (one inch can be divided into ten) thick steel plate was slowly flattened under the water hammer, and then pulled out, Chen Tiejiang couldn't help but slapped his tongue. "Hey, this thing is really easy to use, look at it, such a thick steel plate is only half the thickness of a grain of rice, and it took so long..."

"Of course, otherwise why build this water hammer?" Wang Yang is very satisfied, but in order to test the defense of such a thick steel plate.

Boss Wu volunteered to find a Xiangyong from the bow and arrow club. This so-called most famous marksman in ten miles and eight villages was also surnamed Wu, but he was the nephew of Boss Wu.

Song Dynasty likes to form associations, that is to say, to form associations. Whether it is playing Cuju or playing weapons, each has its own association.

Although this guy named Wu Mingzhang is not tall, he has quite long arms and a shoehorn face. Well... his whole appearance fits one adjective: big horse monkey.

But after this buddy arrived at the scene, he came to meet Wang Yang and His Highness Duan Wang with two hard bows on his back.

"Good boy, what are your stone bows, and the arms of this bow are thick enough." Zhao Ji asked in surprise when he saw the hard bow on his back.

"Your Highness, grass people are used to using two-stone bows, and this is a two-and-a-half-stone hard bow that grass people use to practice strength..." Wu Zhang replied flattered.

"Two stones and a half..." Zhao Ji couldn't help but gasped, and Wang Yang couldn't help being taken aback. This is not Han stone, nor Tang stone. Han stone is equivalent to fifteen kilograms, while Tang stone is about 53 kilograms. Song Shi weighed more than 90 kilograms.

"The bows used by the guards around me are usually more than one stone, or at most one and a half stone. You actually use two stone bows?" Zhao Ji couldn't help but said in surprise.

"How dare common people deceive Your Highness? Your Highness, please see..." Wu Zhang quickly took off the two hard bows on his back and handed them over.

Zhao Ji took the two-stone bow and arrow and tried to pull two of them. After pulling most of them, he gave up unsustainably.

And Wang Yang also tried it. Although he had never shot an arrow before, Wang Yang's physique of ironing all the year round still allowed him to pull the hard bow of these two stones with ease.

"Hey, sir, I didn't expect you to have hundreds of catties of strength in your two arms. It's terrible. I'm afraid it's no worse than that martial arts champion..." Seeing Wang Yang like this, Zhao Ji couldn't help but praise. "Brother, little brother, I really think that you missed the exam for the No.

"...How about I take part in the next martial arts examination?" Wang Yang was also a little eager to try after hearing this. Even the top martial arts champions were knocked down by him. Maybe he is really likely to become the first in the Song Dynasty to be both civil and martial arts. The double champion.

"Of course that's fine... If you can win both civil and military champions, then your name will be immortalized, sir."

"...Well, well, let's get down to business first, brother Wu, come on, come on, have you seen this steel plate here? Shoot it down fifty paces away with your two stone bows, See if you can get through it."

One is the majestic No. [-] Scholar, and the other is His Highness the Prince. Boss Wu has already given his nephew a thorough understanding of the identities of these two. Naturally, if he is asked to do it now, he has to do his best.

(End of this chapter)

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