Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 434 The Song-style iron armor is actually inferior to the Xixia barbarians? (Part 2)

Chapter 434 The Song-style iron armor is actually inferior to the Xixia barbarians? (Second more)

Chapter 433

The Song Dynasty had more than one million troops and was well-armed. However, in terms of armor-making tools, it lacked enough new concepts or means to prepare lightweight, strong defensive armor like the excellent armor. heavy armor.

"Sir, you must not know that the heavy armor of our Song Dynasty weighs sixty kilograms, while the Xixia armor only weighs thirty or forty kilograms, but its defensive power is extremely powerful, not even weaker than the heaviest armor of our Song Dynasty. A step-by-step person."

"You mean, our Song Dynasty's armor is not as strong as those Xixia barbarians?" Wang Yang's eyes immediately stood up.

What the hell is this still China?Is this still the center of the world?How dare he be better than our Chinese nation's armor? I can't kill him.

Wang Yang, who had a strong self-esteem, suddenly changed his face and looked murderous, which really shocked Zhao Ji.

"That's what, sir, I'm not saying that, but there is real evidence." Zhao Ji was startled by Wang Yang's ferocious look and hurriedly explained.

"I just feel depressed. The armor of my Song Dynasty is actually not as good as those barbarians. Isn't this ridiculous?" Grandpa Wang was very angry. As an outstanding Chinese son and daughter, how could he just watch With something like this happening?

But Wang Yang couldn't figure it out, um, I was quite upset in my heart. After all, from ancient times to the present, Great China has always regarded itself as a kingdom of heaven, and since the Song Dynasty paid so much attention to military equipment, the quality of armor was actually not as good as those of Xixia savage.

This deeply humiliated Mr. Wang's strong self-esteem, and Zhao Ji was a big fan of Mr. Wang. He was the one who humiliated his ministers to death. Well... in short, I felt the same way.

That's right, how can my great country of Song Dynasty be inferior to those Xixia barbarians in armor forging technology?However, although Zhao Ji is His Royal Highness, his current position is just a small eighth-rank official.

It's not something they can do if they want to go to the Military Weapons Supervision and conduct inspections. After all, Da Song's confidentiality work in the Military Weapons Supervision is fairly standard.

They had nothing to do, but that didn't mean that the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Xu, had nothing to do. He was squatting in the palace and was so bored that he went out in person. Zhao Xu, who was playing Cuju with a group of eunuchs, received a call from Wang Yang and Zhao Ji. After the news of the visit, he couldn't help being taken aback.

He said in his heart that on this day of rest and bathing, the two brothers came here because they had something important to do, so they naturally agreed.After meeting with Zhao Xu, Wang Yang directly raised his own question.

Zhao Ji also talked about the topic of weapons production in the Song Dynasty that the two talked about today, and stated that Wang Dacai knew the production method of the Haozi armor worn by Tie Yaozi, the elite master of Xixia.

Zhao Xu rubbed his face numbly and stared blankly at Wang Yang in front of him. "I'm thinking, is there anything else in the world that you don't know how to do?"

"Of course I do. I don't know how to have children." Wang Yang answered very quickly.However, his tone seemed so confident, which probably meant that, apart from having a child, there was really no problem to get him.

"Since you are interested, I am taking a break today, so I will go to the Arms Monitor with you. Having said that, although our Song Dynasty has the largest Arms Monitor in the world, with over a million troops, alas..." Having said this, Zhao Xu couldn't help but shake his head.

With such excellent equipment and such a large number of troops, why can't they pinch Xixia and Beiliao?This problem has been deeply troubled the passionate young emperor, at least he thinks Da Song shouldn't be like this.

After Zhao Xu changed into casual clothes, a group of people rushed to the Military Arms Supervision, and the imperial guards rushed to the door to show their waist badges. After muttering a few words, the imperial guards who were guarding the gate of the Military Weapons Supervision hurriedly opened the gate. .

"Jiazuo can be regarded as the largest production workshop in the Song Dynasty. There are more than a thousand craftsmen in it all year round. They can make hundreds of armors every day and more than [-] armors a year."

"We have a lot of armor in the Song Dynasty. The infantry armor weighs 58 kilograms, the crossbowman's armor weighs 54 kilograms, the archer's armor weighs 66 kilograms, and the gunner's armor weighs seventy kilograms." Hearing that the emperor came to inspect the armor workshop, someone naturally notified the official in charge. The official carefully accompanied him and kept showing off his rich knowledge of armor.

What was placed in front of him were some finished armors. Looking at these shiny metal armors, Wang Yang moved forward to take a look at them.

But I soon felt that something was wrong. Although I had applied oil for maintenance, when you used your fingers to skim off the oil, the metallic luster of the nails underneath seemed a bit rough, without the metallic luster of later generations of steel at all. , more like a piece of iron.

"Ours is iron armor, not steel armor?" Wang Yang couldn't help but asked in shock after pointing with his finger.

"This is natural. A pair of armor like this requires several craftsmen to spend dozens of days to complete. If it is made of fine steel, the cost is unknown. Ordinary armor of this kind would cost a lot of money. Qian Sanguan..." The official couldn't help but seem a little disapproving, thinking that Mr. Wang who was following the emperor is a joke?
Iron armor, of course, is made of iron, who the hell has so much steel?The best steel is not used to make swords, but is it also used to make armor, are you so funny?
"Thirty rounds... indeed cost a lot, but, are your iron armors hot-forged or cold-forged?" Zhao Ji smacked his tongue secretly, a pair of armors cost thirty armors, isn't it said that the million-dollar master of Song Dynasty It would cost 3000 million gold to equip all of them with Kaijia like this?
If that's the case, even if the national treasury is completely emptied, it may not be enough.

"Cold forging? Hehe...Your Highness was joking, our Iron Armor Workshop has always used the method of hot forging." He and this No. [-] scholar came here specially to find fault.

"May I ask, sir, how much does Xixia's Xia Zijia weigh?" Wang Yang asked at this time.

"Sir Wang, Xixia's Xia Zijia weighs about forty pounds." The official replied subconsciously after being stunned.

"Then why is Xixia's wart armor much lighter than our Great Song's armor, but its defense power exceeds our Great Song's standard armor?"

"I'm also a little curious. I heard that the Xixia Haozijia used the cold forging method, which made their armor both light and strong. Why don't we, the Song Dynasty, use it?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but complain at this moment.

"Your Majesty, it's not that the craftsmen of Song Dynasty don't want to use it, but that they can't use it..." The official didn't expect the three people to come together to find trouble, so he could only explain with a bitter smile.

In order to let Wang Yang and others know the truth, the official in charge of making the iron armor simply led Wang Yang and others to the place where the smoky armor was made.

It can be seen from a distance that there are dozens of smelting furnaces burning with flames. The shirtless craftsmen wearing only leather aprons took out the red-hot iron pieces from the fire, and then began to hammer them carefully. Fighting, looking at the splashing sparks, the scene is very emotional.

(End of this chapter)

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