Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 431 The Industrial Area Outside Bianliang City (Part 1)

Chapter 431 The Industrial Area Outside Bianliang City (Part [-])
Chapter 430

Instead of spending a lot of time trying to get the conservatives to reverse their ideas, it is better to directly start with an outstanding reformist who is full of enterprising and revolutionary ambitions.

Today's emperor Zhao Xu and his younger brother Zhao Ji are such benchmark figures.Both of these people gave Wang Yang full and unreserved trust.

What Wang Yang had to do was to use each new thing to make both the government and the public of the Song Dynasty aware of the benefits that these new things could bring. Although the Song Dynasty was relatively weak in some aspects, it was Very bold in accepting new things.

However, if you want to make a carriage, the most important thing is the spring. Without the spring, it is tantamount to useless wood. However, how are the springs made?First, there must be steel.

And it still requires high carbon steel. The iron smelting industry in the Song Dynasty was very developed, and both the steel filling method and the steel frying method were extremely popular.

There is even metal drawing technology. The so-called metal drawing technology is the iron wire drawing technology of later generations, which has already appeared in this era.

Wang Yang only found out this after asking his own blacksmith shop. After all, the population in this era was huge, and the number of sewing needles and acupuncture needles consumed alone could be counted in the tens of millions. Such a large amount, Of course it couldn't have been ground with a latte and pestle.

Rely on, it is this metal wire drawing technology.Even after the molten metal is poured in, it is squeezed out through a small hole.

This made Wang Yang feel that the wisdom of ancient people was indeed endless.But the work in Nayujie was completely on the right track, and Wang Yang decided to shift the focus of his work to smelting technology.

But what is regrettable is that the Ministry of Industry is responsible for almost all the steel smelting in the Song Dynasty. Considering the relationship between Wang Yang and Ning Shangshu, it is probably difficult to contact them.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Yang owns a blacksmith's shop and has been making iron stoves before, but the old blacksmith has a lot of old friends who are in similar industries.

Of course, there are also those who engage in private smelting, and the smelted pig iron will be sold to regular customers like the Wang family's blacksmith shop.

"Young master, go half a mile inward from here, and you will find Boss Wu's smelter..." Old blacksmith Chen led Wang Yang's master and servant, and after leaving the city together, they came to this piece of ground in the south of Bianliang City. , At a glance, smoke is rising in many places.

A thick choking smell of soot filled the nostrils.Wang Yang rubbed his nose and looked around.You can see piles of coal and ore piled up everywhere inside, but every smelter has its own walls. After all, their own coal and ore are bought with money, so they can't It's not like someone stole it in the middle of the night.

"Hey, why is this place so big... I'm afraid there must be [-] or [-] houses, right?"

"Because of our government's order, all smelters can only work here. After all, smelting needs to burn a lot of coal, which is very choking. Those slags can't be piled up in the city..." Old blacksmith Chen laughed. explained.

Wang Yang nodded approvingly. It seems that in ancient times, he knew that industries should be kept outside the city, instead of allowing them to grow wildly, destroying the environment and polluting the living space.

The so-called road was completely paved with slag and cinders, extending from the side of the main road to the end. Seeing these slags, Wang Yang couldn't help but have another idea. "These slags are usually of little use, right?"

"Of course it's useless. If you don't believe me, look over there. It's almost built into a mountain. But these things are all waste products after refining. They are useless at all. They can only be piled there, including the cinders."

"If someone needs it, can you give it away for free?" Wang Yang couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"Free gift?" Old blacksmith Chen glanced at his master and rolled his eyes. "My lord, this thing is useless at all. Who would want these things? If someone is willing to want them, I believe they would be eager to give them away for nothing, otherwise it would be an eyesore to pile them up there, and sometimes the government can find an excuse to fine them."

"Well, we can talk to them then." Wang Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed. Although the value of the fine sand and gravel used to pave the road is not expensive, it still costs money.

"Sir, is it useful for you to ask for these things?" Zhao Ji beside him couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Your Highness, do you think that if there are so many slags and coal cinders, they can definitely be used to replace a large amount of fine sand, which is economical and can reduce environmental pollution. Is this so easy to use that it is outrageous?"

Riding on Xiumu, following Wang Yang came here, Zhao Ji, who wanted to see what kind of tricks Wang Yang, a talented man, wanted to do, could only worship Wang Yang. "Sir, your brain is so active. You can come up with new ideas to save money when you see these things that others don't want. I really admire you."

"However, sir, what are you going to do here today, can you tell me the truth first? At least I have walked this far with you."

Wang Yang explained helplessly. "Didn't I promise Your Majesty to make an eight-wheeled carriage? But to make an eight-wheeled carriage, springs are needed, and springs require excellent high-carbon steel, and high-carbon steel requires good smelting technology, so, Let's come here and have a look..."

After listening to a long list of words, Zhao Ji was really confused. "I said, sir, isn't it just to build a carriage, and it takes so much effort?"

"Although the carriage is small, an extra pair of wheels will require a lot more parts. And if you want to make the carriage lightweight and durable, it's best not to save time and effort."

Wang Yang and Zhao Ji walked towards the inside while bragging and bragging. They came to the smelter located in Boss Wu's smelter in light cars and simple clothes.

The scale is really not small. Just after entering the factory area, you can see that there are five small smelting furnaces standing there. Dozens of workers are working hard to move coal and ore, back and forth, and some are pulling For the blower, there are also old craftsmen squatting at the mouth of the kiln, shouting something.

Boss Wu heard that it was Old Blacksmith Chen's employer, Wu Shan, the majestic Jinke Scholar, who came to visit in person. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect and came to greet the guests in person.

Seeing that Wang Yang was very interested in visiting his torch smelting factory, Boss Wu was naturally very welcoming and led Wang Yang and his party around the factory, which covers an area of ​​three acres.

I can’t help but secretly laugh at the fact that such a smelting workshop can actually produce about 3000 kilograms of pig iron and more than [-] kilograms of wrought iron in one day. However, the steel output is appallingly low, only five or six hundred kilograms in one day. About one-tenth of pig iron.

In addition, the produced iron materials were all piled aside. There were even some iron materials that were thrown aside because they contained too many impurities. When the furnace was opened again, they were thrown back into the furnace and remade.

Zhao Ji was very surprised to see it. He never thought that steel objects were actually made of these stones.

(End of this chapter)

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