Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 395 Asking him to come over is better than me going there in person (Part 2)

Chapter 395 Asking him to come over is better than me going there in person (second update)

Chapter 393

"After those ordinary materials are mixed together, such a miraculous thing can be fired. These things are definitely good things to be used to build cities and penetrate walls..."

Wang Yang looked at it for a long time, knocked out some debris with a small hammer, pinched it to feel the hardness and texture, well, it does not feel much different from stone.

"The only thing that consumes the most manpower and material resources is mining and grinding. We have no good way to mine, but we have hydraulic grinding machines. With hydraulic grinding, one machine is enough to grind several thousand kilograms of materials a day. The kiln is smaller. , can’t burn so many finished products in one day.”

"It doesn't matter, anyway, let the craftsmen try to calcine it first, and do it according to the ratio of the formula I gave before, and see which formula hardens the cement the fastest, which one is the slowest, and which one is the fastest. The strongest kind of hardness..."

Wang Yang praised those craftsmen, and promised each of them a reward of ten pennies. After watching them leave happily, he turned his head and said to Wan Bin.

Wan Bin was taken aback. "I said, brother, don't you plan to produce it and sell it?"

"There is no comparison of this kind of cement that is coming out now, so I don't know if it is of good quality. Wait for the master craftsmen to test a few more batches to see..."

"Isn't Wan Mou going to renovate the huts for people during this time? It's a waste of the cement after it's out of the oven. Why don't you just use some to experiment and leave the rest to Wan Mou?" Wan Bin is really serious Think about making the most of everything.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yang nodded in agreement with Wan Bin's approach. "It doesn't matter, if you need it, just use it." Anyway, even if you really fired high-grade cement on your side, would it be useful?
It's not like they are sold for money, well, but having said that, this kind of preliminary test sample can be used as a gift to the court.

Over the years, the Northern Song Dynasty has been under extremely heavy pressure on the northern border, whether it is the Liao Kingdom, whose national strength is not inferior to the Great Song Dynasty, or the Xixia Kingdom, which has occupied the northern border of the Great Song Dynasty and established itself as a country.

These were all the worries of the Song Dynasty. Although several generations of emperors had always wanted to solve these border troubles, after Emperor Zhenzong, it was difficult for the Northern Song Dynasty court to have the ambition to make progress. What's more, the current conflicts between the old and new parties in the DPRK are in vain and consume the country. Power.

Moreover, there are also serious internal problems such as redundant officials and redundant soldiers, which are becoming more and more difficult to return.The words of the Northern Expedition have almost become a dead letter, and the collection of Youyan Sixteen Prefectures has changed from an ideal in the past to a delusion in the present.

Therefore, the idea of ​​living in a corner has almost become the common wish of many dignitaries in the Song Dynasty.As for Xixia and Naliao, they mainly focused on defense.

Since they want to defend, they need to build a city to defend, and cement, a powerful tool for building a city, will definitely be very popular with the rulers of the Northern Song Dynasty.

It will also be welcomed by the generals of the frontier army of the Song Dynasty. Their fortresses that can only be built with a large amount of wood and a small amount of bricks and stones, if cement can be used, then the stronger the fortress is, the stronger the fortress of the Song Dynasty will be. The more secure the border, the more secure it will be.

However, with the bloated bureaucracy of the Great Song Dynasty and those important civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty who did not deal with Wang Dacai at all, even if Wang Yang exaggerated this thing, it would not have much effect.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the renovation work of the palace toilets has only been carried out by a quarter.So, Wang Yang decided to start directly with practicality.

After all, the glutinous rice juice is not so easy to make. Every time before using it, you have to prepare several stoves, several large pots, and several large buckets of glutinous rice that have been soaked in water.

When it is time to use, you have to wait until the glutinous rice is completely boiled into juice, then pour it into the prepared clay and fine sand for stirring, and then use it while it is hot.

It is labor-intensive and time-consuming. The most important thing is that the stove in the palace cannot be set up randomly, and it is not like camping in the wilderness.

But if cement is used, it can be said to save time and effort. More importantly, it can also save glutinous rice, an important food resource, and return it to its original purpose.

Chen Andao just came back from court that day, and after returning to the government office, he remembered that he hadn't asked about the right school office for a long time, and he didn't know what was going on there.

Ever since he tried the clean and tidy new public toilets in the palace, Chen Andao hated the suspended depth charge-style latrines in his home, so he read about the renovation of toilets and porcelain toilets in the "Tokyo Houbo" after the ad.

While Chen Andao scolded those profiteers for being pervasive, they would definitely jump out to show their presence as soon as there was a good and profitable business. At the same time, Chen Andao asked his servants to rush to place the order on the same day and became the first to get rid of them. The first private flush toilet outside Duanwang Mansion and the Royal Palace.

My own hut has now been renovated, and the whole family feels it is very good to use it. It is clean and hygienic, and it does not stink.

After questioning his subordinates, Chen Andao was stunned by one of the pieces of information. "The right campus doesn't want Nuomi. Is it because you transferred too much Nuomi to them before?"

"No, we sent them a cart of three stones of glutinous rice the first time. But then they asked for other materials twice, but they never asked for the glutinous rice again."

"The lower officials also asked curiously. They only said that Mr. Wang invented a new material, which can play a role no less than that of glutinous rice juice, and even stronger than the coagulation effect of glutinous rice juice. The important thing is that stuff It’s also extremely cheap, so they used the remaining one stone of glutinous rice to exchange for two thousand kilograms of building materials called ‘cement’.”

"Cement? What the hell is that..." Chen Andao glared at the subordinate with a look of bewilderment. "I know what water is, and I know what mud is, but what the hell is this cement?"

"I don't know much about this, but they said that thing is called cement. Oh, by the way, the full name is 'Yuanyou Cement'."

"Yuanyou cement..." Chen Andao couldn't help thinking of that thing called Yuanyou printing with a black line on his face, the f*cking number one scholar named Wang, can you hang all the ghosts with Yuanyou? Can color work?

Besides, what exactly is this "Yuanyou Cement" really aroused Chen Andao's curiosity. "Come here, go and invite Master Wang to come over..."

Soon, the dispatched officials came back and reported that Wang Yang was not in the government office, but was checking the construction of the project at the palace.

Chen Andao wanted to send someone directly into the palace to find Wang Yang to inquire, but soon he changed his mind. "Wait, forget it, let me go to the palace."

"I'm still a general supervisor and a master craftsman. Even if the matter is entrusted to the right school office, I should go and see the progress..."

After Chen Andao explained himself in front of his subordinates, he strode across the threshold. At this time, several busy officials quietly raised their eyes to look at each other.

Sigh... I am a dignified member of the court from the third rank, and I want to go to the palace for such a shit, what is this called, but Chen Andao has no choice but to do it. A chance for the kid to make a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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