Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 391 Torn 1 sheet, 1 more sheet, and... (Part 1)

Chapter 391 Torn a sheet, another sheet, and... (First update)
Chapter 389

"It is strictly forbidden to defecate anywhere... Who is this person talking about?" A minister who had always been at odds with Zhu Guangting said it deliberately, and pretended to be very ignorant and confused.

"!!!!!!" Zhu Guangting, who was about to walk up the steps, heard these knowing words. His face darkened subconsciously, and his raised feet froze in the air. When he twisted his neck, he saw the minister's face. He looked over here with a half-smile, while several other ministers suppressed their smiles and cast strange glances at him.

"The surname is Shang! The old man did not offend you. What do you mean by saying that?!" Zhu Guangting twitched the corner of his mouth and shouted at the minister.

"Shang didn't mention you, but that's what was written in the notice posted here, so Shang just asked casually out of curiosity. I don't think you, Mr. Zhu, said that it was too coincidental, right?" The adult smiled, and pointed to the notice board in front of him.

Zhu Guangting, who strode over, saw the notice, his head exploded immediately, his mouth was trembling, and his eyes flashed fiercely, as if a sharp blade would fall out of it at any time. "Chen Wenyong, you will be a young craftsman, good, good!" After taking two steps forward, he tore off the notice viciously.

"Lord Zhu, it's not appropriate for you to do this. This is the notice of the general prison. You are the Quanzhi Guozijian offering wine, and you are not a general master craftsman. How can you dispose of other yamen's notices at will."

"The old man will deal with it, what can you do." Zhu Guangting roared angrily.

Fortunately, several ministers hurriedly persuaded them for a long time, and finally persuaded the two who almost fell in love to leave.Only then did Zhu Guangting leave with an angry face, and climbed up the stairs.

"Hey, there's one over here too..." On the other side, several ministers were pointing at a notice board. Zhu Guangting shook his head like a lion, rushed down the steps as quickly as possible, and rushed over. The same thing happened. Handwriting, same slogan and signature.

Zhu Guangting was like an angry lion, he roared and rushed over, tearing off the notice again.Then I heard the minister next to me say.

"Master Zhu, there seems to be more..."

Zhu Guangting raised his head with smoke coming out of his nostrils, and saw an eye-catching notice board thirty steps away, with vaguely written words on it.

The anger almost burned Zhu Guangting to the point that his whole body almost exploded, and he rushed over at the speed of eight steps to drive away the cicada, and swished again, tearing it off.

Raising his head, he looked around ferociously. When he saw the same sign not far away, Zhu Guangting almost had a myocardial infarction.

"Chen Andao, what do you mean..." Entering the palace, the empress dowager and the emperor had not yet arrived, and Zhu Guangting was panting like a cow, holding several notices in his hand, and found the general with a dark face. The craftsman Chen Andao walked up to the person in charge who will be in charge of the prison, and Zhu Guangting shouted directly.

These words directly stunned Chen Andao, who was over [-] years old. "I said Master Zhu, you and I have no grudges in the past and no grudges in the past, what do you mean by that?"

"You, the prison guards, dare to humiliate me like this. I must seek justice." Zhu Guangting pointed angrily at Chen Andao's nose and shouted.

Although Chen Andao has been in charge of this poor, powerless and powerless general who has been in prison for several years, he has always been a figure who is on the fringes of this important minister, but he can be regarded as one of the nine ministers anyway.

Suddenly, Zhu Guangting pointed at his nose and sprayed him several times, and his temper suddenly rose. "Mr. Zhu, what do you mean? Chen has offended you before. You actually talked to me like this."

The two started arguing right here, and at this moment, the supervisory censor hurried over to dissuade him, can you please stop making such a fuss, this is the imperial court, and the squabbling all day long has provoked the emperor and the emperor The Queen Mother doesn't like it, none of us have good fruit to eat.

But at the time of persuasion, the empress dowager had already entered the main hall through the side door at the back. Hearing the quarrel in the hall, she couldn't help frowning. What is the cause of this f*cking commotion?
Just yesterday Zhu Guangting and Wang Yang had a quarrel, why did they quarrel again today? The important thing is that the Empress Dowager heard Zhu Guangting's voice, and her mood suddenly became deeply melancholy. Could it be that brat again? What a mess, right?

Similarly, the Son of Heaven walked to the door almost at the same time, and when he heard the noise inside, he felt a pain in his ass for a moment. Why the hell did he always think of Wang Yang's face that pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring the first time.

However, compared to the Empress Dowager, Zhao Xu was not just feeling a slight pain in his balls, but was more curious about what the hell happened that made Zhu Guangting roar like thunder.

Hearing the reminder from the eunuch's sharp voice, no matter how much anger Zhu Guangting and Chen Andao had, they could only forcibly hold back now.

And when the young emperor yawned covertly, the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao at the other end asked the Qing family if there was something important to report.

Zhu Guangting wanted to jump out, but when he thought about this fact, it was too embarrassing, he always used his urine and urine to talk about things in the court, he was not tired of being crooked, and the empress dowager would be tired of being ignorant.

So Zhu Guangting decided to endure it, but he could bear it, but the master craftsman Chen Andao couldn't bear it. Even if you Zhu Guangting is an important minister like Guozijian Jijiu, I'm just the head of Qingshui Yamen like Jiangzuojian, but I can't bear it anyway. One of the Nine Qings, you fucking follow the third rank, and I also follow the third rank.

How can you gossip at someone Chen, so Chen Andao directly stood up. "Your Majesty, I have something to announce, and I want to impeach Zhu Guangting, Quanzhi Guozijian's sacrificial wine."

Zhao Xu: "..."

Manchu civil and military: "..."

Empress Dowager Gao Taotao: "...I don't know why Chen Qing's family impeached Zhu Qing's family?"

"Your Majesty, I have always done my duty and never argued with others, but before the start of the court today, Zhu Guangting suddenly came to find trouble for my minister, and he spoke rudely, pointing out that I would be a prisoner and do anything wrong..."

"My minister is really wronged, and I ask your empress to uphold justice."

Zhu Guangting knew that he couldn't hold back at this moment, so he jumped out of the shift. "Your Majesty, the master impeachment officer Chen Andao is not strict with his subordinates, allowing his subordinates to act recklessly. In this place inside the palace, he even designed a notice to humiliate the humble minister. The minister was not angry, so he reasoned with him... ..."

Listening to these two guys attacking each other, the empress dowager's mood suddenly became very ugly. Can you people take these trivial things to the court all day long and tell them, okay?

"Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, please read this notice. It was written by the general supervisor and young craftsman Chen Wenyong." Zhu Guangting was rubbing so many notices in his hand, naturally he didn't want others to see the content and laugh at himself Well, now, it happens to be the other party's evidence.

The notice that was torn off by Zhu Guangting was finally placed under the eyes of the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao. Looking at the warning slogan on it, Gao Taotao had black lines on his face, what the hell is this?

Subconsciously, Wang Yang's seemingly harmless smiling face appeared in his mind. What the hell is that kid doing something again?
But it seems a bit wrong, the signature below is that young master craftsman Chen Wenyong.Gao Taotao didn't want to make the matter big, and was just about to speak out to end the dispute with [-] big boards each.

But what I didn't expect was that on the other side, the young emperor Zhao Xu suddenly burst out laughing. Although he hesitated and held back forcibly, it was so obvious in this silent hall.

Zhu Guangting couldn't help but subconsciously turned his head to look at the young emperor, what the hell, you are also His Majesty the Emperor, can you stop taking pleasure in others' misfortune?
"Ahem, um... this, I read it too, is there anything wrong with this notice?" After Zhao Xu suppressed his smile, he deliberately raised his face and flicked the wrinkled paper handed over by the eunuch in his hand. notice.

"The one above didn't name you and said that your Zhu Qing's family defecated everywhere in the palace. Why are you so angry at Zhu Qing's family?"

"..." Zhu Guangting's whole body is not well. During this period of time, who else besides himself has defecated anywhere in the palace. Who else could this person be?

But unfortunately, Zhu Guangting really had no shame to jump out and poke the word "someone" above and then poke the tip of his nose, saying with awe and awe that I am the only one who has done this.

If you really want to do that, not only will your reputation be completely ruined, but you will even be treated as a fool by everyone.

"Yes, yes, please give me your Majesty's lesson." Hearing the young emperor's words, Chen Andao was overjoyed, and the old man said with tears and grievances on his face. "It's clear that Zhu Guangting is bullying others."

Gao Taotao patted his forehead lightly, yes, why didn't he notice this, he was obviously misled by that bastard Zhu Guangting.

(End of this chapter)

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