Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 386 It's Better to Believe What You Have, Don't Believe What You Have (Part 1)

Chapter 386 I'd Rather Believe What I Have Than Believe What I Haven't Believed (Part [-])
Chapter 384

Seeing Wang Yang, Xu Degong was also very painful, but he didn't dare to hate Wang Yang in front of the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao, so he could only twitch the corners of his mouth with a fake smile. "It turns out that Mr. Wang has arrived. Please wait for a moment while we go in and let him know."

"Thanks to this father-in-law." Wang Yang did not expect that the eunuch who had been beaten twice by him would not be angry at all after seeing him. Instead, he seemed very calm. This made Wang Yang wary. ... As the saying goes, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others.

What's more, there was an enmity between himself and the eunuch. Just when Wang Yang was thinking wildly, Xu Degong appeared outside the door again and led Wang Yang in.

Wang Yang saw this grey-haired, graceful elderly woman, but there were not many wrinkles on her face. After all, she was the Empress Dowager, and she must have been well maintained. The Empress Dowager should have been a great beauty when she was young.

The last time Wang Yang was only focused on saving people, he didn't pay attention to it at all. Today is finally his chance.And since he came in, the empress dowager was there to handle official business, as if she turned a blind eye to her.

Wang Yang had seen too many such desolate scenes. After the old god looked at it for a while, he went to look at the furnishings in the palace.

Although Gao Taotao was there to deal with official duties, the corner of his eyes kept falling on Wang Yang. He never thought that this guy would be able to recognize him as the one he rescued last time after he knew his identity. Under the circumstances of an old man, he was able to look around with such an old god.

Such an expression was really beyond Gao Taotao's expectation.There is no trace of sincerity, as if you don't know what to fear.

"What a disrespectful boy... are you not afraid at all when you see Aijia?" Finally, Gao Taotao couldn't hold back anymore, put down the vermilion pen in his hand, raised his head and looked at Wang Yang with a half-smile typical.

"Your Majesty, why did you say that? My Majesty, you are not a monster, you are kind and kind, just like the Avalokitesvara Goddess who rescued the suffering, why should I be afraid?" Seeing Gao Taotao's gaze, Wang Yang replied with a chuckle.

This answer really made Gao Taotao stunned for a moment. He was about to frown when he heard the words "monsters and ghosts", but after hearing the second half of the words, he really couldn't get angry in his heart.

And that Xu Degong stared at Wang Yang with a dazed look on his face, what the hell is this kid really a sycophant?I am afraid that this kind of flattering kung fu cannot be practiced without three to fifty years of kung fu.

"Do you still recognize the Aijia?" Gao Taotao looked at Wang Yang's magnanimous look and simply changed the subject.

"Weichen didn't know your empress before, and only later did I find out that you are the empress dowager."

"Then do you recognize him?"

"Weichen didn't recognize the father-in-law before, and only later did he know that the father-in-law is the father-in-law."

Gao Taotao: "..." It seems that the first sentence and the next sentence, why do people feel that this guy is pairing couplets?
Xu Degong: "..." What the hell is your father-in-law?

Gao Taotao felt like he couldn't continue talking. Is this kid stupid or did it on purpose?Can you still speak well?

Wang Yang blinked his eyes, glanced at Xu Degong, who had a black face, and then at Gao Taotao, as if nothing happened.

Gao Taotao simply turned his gaze, and winked at Xu Degong. As Gao Taotao's close eunuch, Xu Degong naturally knew that it was time to go out on his own. "My lord, my family is a little curious. You said that if there is no such pond in the place where you came out of Gong, it will pollute the groundwater source and cause people to get sick? I don't know if there is any basis..."

"Of course there is evidence. It's just..." After Wang Yang glanced at Gao Taotao, he looked very hesitant, which really made Gao Taotao curious.

"It's okay, this place is not under the main hall. If there is any disrespectful words, Aijia will not blame you." Gao Taotao said after a faint smile.

After Wang Yang saluted Gao Taotao, his expression became serious instantly. "Then please forgive me for speaking bluntly. If there is any inappropriate words, please forgive me, my mother."

"Perhaps both the empress and father-in-law should know whether the rainwater from the world will seep into the house if it drips on the tiles, but if it drips on the ground outside, it will seep in..."

"And those human excreta also contain a considerable amount of water, and the water is permeable, and human excrement is naturally unnecessary by the human body, and even harmful to the human body. excrete out."

"But these things, because they are rich in water, will seep into the ground. In this way, they will inevitably pollute nearby underground water sources. As a result, anyone who drinks or uses such water sources , will inevitably lead to illness..."

Gao Taotao really didn't expect that the truths Wang Yang said seemed really reasonable.The waves in my heart fluctuated, and my face was cloudy and cloudy. I couldn't help but think that since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the royal family seems to have always had difficulties in having children.

Song Zhenzong had a total of six sons and two daughters, but in the end he only survived his sixth son, Song Renzong, Zhao Zhen, and Princess Shengguo.

However, Song Renzong died a total of three sons and eight daughters, and only four daughters survived to adulthood.In the end, there was only one adopted son, and this stepson was the later Song Yingzong.

But Song Yingzong was fine, three of his four sons survived, and only one died.However, Song Shenzong gave birth to fourteen sons, but eight of them died young.

And it was not an accident, all of them died of illness, the clan of the Great Song Dynasty had such a difficult time for offspring.So much so that rumors spread among the market.

It is said that because Emperor Taizong usurped the position of Emperor Taizu and killed his nephew, his moral integrity was damaged, which caused the evil spirit in the palace to be too strong, making it difficult for Taizong's descendants.

Although Qing Ming sneered at such rumors, it always made people feel very disgusted.But now, Wang Yang actually made such a statement.

It took a long time before Gao Taotao came back to his senses.Looking at Wang Yang chatting in front of him, he really couldn't figure out how old this kid was?His talent in poetry, lyrics, and poetry is almost as good as that of that generation of literary giant Su Xueshi.

Not only was he very talented in literature, but he also created the Yuanyou printing technique. Now he was thrown into the right school office. After that, Gao Taotao also knew what the hell the right school office was.

Although he felt a little disdainful for Zhu Guangting to plot against Wang Yang, the new champion, Gao Taotao also felt that Wang Yang should really polish it.

But no one ever thought that this guy would actually be able to make trouble there. Look at the person who pissed off Zhu Guangting today, and he looked like he was about to go crazy.

And now he is talking about the impact of this toilet on the underground water source and the cause of the disease, and the last time when his life was dying, he was the one who rescued him. He did not use medicine stones, but only relied on his hands and the artificial respiration of the female officer. Pulling himself back from the death line at least shows that Wang Wushan seems to be quite proficient in medical theory.

What else is this guy not capable of?Now there is only this question left in Gao Taotao's heart.

PS: The author will take a little rest on Sunday, the second watch, hehe, I hope everyone will be considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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