Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 382 Ready to start a model project (3 more)

Chapter 382 Ready to start a model project ([-]rd shift)
Chapter 380

"My dear brother, what are you going to test?" Wan Bin asked casually after nodding his head.

"It's cement and glass." Wang Yang also replied subconsciously.He doesn't know how to make the glass thing, but he knows the cement very well. In a word, you can get cement by burning stones, calcining limestone and clay and grinding them.

Even if the label is not high, it's better than having to cook glutinous rice juice every time you make a brick, okay?In the past few days, every time Wang Yang saw that the craftsmen had to boil glutinous rice when they wanted to pierce the bricks, he felt deeply pained.

Wan Bin blinked his big eyes and asked Wang Yang curiously. "Cement? About this glass, Wan has heard about those big food merchants and other Hu merchants, but what is this cement?"

"Have you heard of glass?" Wang Yang couldn't help being taken aback, but soon came to his senses, too, it's neither the Han Dynasty nor the Tang Dynasty.

Now it is the Song Dynasty, Western churches do not know how much has been repaired, and what Western churches like most is to use that kind of broken glass to inlay the windows of the church.

And it seems that glass production in the West started after the ancient Rome invaded ancient Egypt, and captured those craftsmen to Venice, where they began to make glass.

"That's right, some Hu merchants even brought samples, which looked rather novel, but unfortunately those Hu merchants were too greedy, and the prices were set extremely expensive, and the glass didn't have any very applicable uses, that is, it was used to make some small glass. It's just an object for decoration." Wan Bin's explanation also made Wang Yang realize a problem.

"Did they use it to frame windows?"

"Well, it's impossible. The glass they sell is not big, and the shape is not very regular. The important thing is that it is not elegant at all. It is colorful and inlaid with a window. I am afraid that there will be no seven or eight holes. ..." Wan Bin pointed to the window in Wang Yang's room and said.

Hearing this, Wang Yang couldn't help but lie down a lot. Damn, he didn't expect...those western barbarians are still earning money from the Song Dynasty, which is not bad.

The important thing is that I just thought about trying to make glass, and the other party has already started selling glass in Song Dynasty. Isn't this a typical Chiguoguo's face-grabbing business?

As the saying goes, uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it.Wang Yang asked Wan Bin in detail, and he had to say that Wan Bin really deserved to be a genius in shopping malls. He had only seen glass as a commodity once, but he had inquired about many things about glass clearly. Judging whether the value of this kind of product is worth mixing with yourself.

In his eyes, his keen sense of business does allow him to judge the use value of the products in front of him, but it is a pity that he is an ancient person after all, and he does not know what a large piece of flat glass is or what is transparent Glass.

However, even though Wang Yang had already considered the value of glass, he suddenly felt that it was a lie. He only knew that glass was made of quartz, but he knew cement in great detail.

Because he has a relative who was sent to a labor camp for some things and worked in a local cement factory for three years. The problem is that he does what he does and loves what he does, and he is full of research spirit.

After the results came out, he was directly recruited by the cement stone boss to work as a technician in his private cement factory.

This shows that all success in the world will come to those who are prepared. This is what the relative who eventually became the head of the technical section of the cement plant often said.

"By the way, brother, you haven't told Wang what the cement is..." Wan Bin was really persistent, and after talking about the glass for a while, he turned back to the cement.

"Cement is a building material. Its function is similar to that of glutinous rice juice, but the buildings built with it are far more durable than glutinous rice juice. It can be said to be as solid as a rock." Wang Yang's words made that person Both Wan Bin and Liu Yiyi couldn't help being taken aback.

"That's alright, I'll keep a kiln mouth for testing when the time comes, and if my virtuous brother gets out the cement, remember to let me know just in case, and go and see how the cement is as solid as a rock."

Looking at Wan Bin's dubious look, Wang Yang knew that bragging was about words, but the reality was that it required both hands and brains.

The renovation of Duanwang's Mansion did not waste too much time for Wang Yang, and now it is the turn of spring and summer, many drainage ditches need a lot of manpower to solve the dredging, making Uncle Wang's scalp numb, it is really necessary to manpower Not much.

After all, it is the turn of spring and summer, and even the common people are now in the farming season, so there are not many common people who go out to serve.You can spend money to hire craftsmen, but you have to spend money if you want to hire them.

Wang Yang simply took the official documents requesting more manpower and renovation of Bianliang ditches and public toilets, and went to the general supervisor, hoping that his superiors could allocate money and manpower.

The officer in charge of prison was smiling when he first saw Wang Yang, but when he heard that he was asking for money, his face changed like a March day, and he kept crying at Wang Yang. No money, no important people, Jiang Zuojian is such a Qingshui Yamen, and he really can't spend extra manpower and material resources to renovate the ditches and public toilets in Bianliang.

This made Wang Yang also understand that it is not easy to be an official. Even if you want to do something seriously, there will be too many constraints that make you return without success, and even Is disheartened.

"Mr. Zhuangyuan, there is no way to do this... After all, we have so many yamen in the Song Dynasty, and we need money everywhere, and you are going to renovate so many public toilets at once. The money you need to spend is nearly three Wan Guan, this is not a small sum..."

Hearing about Wang Yang's troubles, the official report had already been typed up, and Mr. Tu, who was at ease in the school office on the right, tried to persuade him sincerely.

"This year, the repair cost of our right school office is a total of [-] yuan. It doesn't take too much money to repair and repair it. If you want to renovate the public toilets and ditches, Mr. Zhuangyuan, I can approve it for two." Qianguan will give you money.

As for the others, they can't be used, after all, if the palace needs to be repaired and painted, the old man really has no way to raise money..."

"Then thank you, my lord..." Wang Yang slammed his mouth, what the hell can two copies of Qianguan do?What I have to do is to renovate the two hundred public toilets in Bianliang, which will cost tens of thousands of toilets.

Two thousand guan is really pitifully small. After Wang Yang walked out of the old man's office, he took a breath of fresh air and returned to his own room.

"My lord, let's drink some water first. Although it's only two thousand guan, it also shows that Mr. Tu still doesn't want to offend you, the number one scholar, so he gave it to you." Wu Qilang poured Wang Yang a glass Said.

"But what can you do with 150 guan... I'll do the math here. If you want to renovate a public toilet with [-] squatting seats, even if you don't need to pay for the start-up, the cost of food and materials will cost about [-] guan. If you want to turn it into a public toilet with tiles, you have to add another [-] guan to the cost."

After vomiting for a long time, Wang Yang thought about it, since he can't eat a fat man in one go, it doesn't matter, then he will solve the smallest problem by himself.

Renovating ten public toilets first is equivalent to creating a sample room, so that the common people in Bianliang can feel the comfort of the new public toilets, and then apply for it in the future. It will be much easier.

(End of this chapter)

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