Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 369 Marrying My Daughter in the Future Wants to Turn Her Face and Deny Herself (Part 2)

Chapter 369 Marrying My Daughter in the Future Wants to Turn Her Face and Deny Herself

Chapter 367

Smelling the faint smell of wine on Wang Ti's body, Liu Yiyi snuggled into Wang Yang's arms in a very relaxed manner. Seeing her mother's bulging eyes, Liu Yiyi winked playfully at Wang Po, Then I saw Li Shishi pouted, looking very sad.

At this moment, her heart is so happy, she can't help but think of Wang Yang's touching love words before.There are three thousand in the world, and there are three loves, the sun, the moon and Qing, the sun is the morning, the moon is the evening, and the Qing is the morning and evening.

"Lang Jun, when are you going to marry me... I can't wait to marry you right now." Liu Yiyi murmured in a low voice after happiness closed her water-like eyes.

"Of course that's fine, why don't I tell your mother now?" Wang Yang couldn't help being overjoyed, he raised his head and twisted it. "Wang Po, can we discuss my marriage with your daughter now?"

"...If you don't let go of my yellow girl, believe it or not, I will let you go to the next door." Wang Po finally couldn't hold back anymore. After all, although Wang Po is a procuress, she is actually a very traditional feudalist. serious mother.

Wang Da Zhuangyuan could only let go of his arms with a black face, while Liu Yiyi blushed pretty, giggling and pulling Li Shishi towards the front hall.

"Wang Po, anyway, I'm the number one scholar now, can you save me some face?" Wang Yang finally straightened his crooked official hat helplessly, and said after clearing his throat.

"To save face, of course to give you face, just now Aunt Cai called you the number one scholar in front of so many people, isn't it enough to give you face?

Do you know how much money I have spent today to celebrate your admission to the No. [-] Scholar, my aunt, for your sake, treat the neighbors to eat and drink, and I don’t know how much money I gave out..."

As soon as money was mentioned, Wang Po immediately forgot about herself, oh no, she probably forgot Wang Yangnai's status as the No. [-] Scholar of Guiyou in the eighth year of Yuanyou.

Looking at the spitting star flying across the waves of Wang Po, Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a little weak all over. "Hey, it's okay old lady, don't talk about these useless things, isn't it just a few tens of pennies? I'll give it to you."

"...Aren't you joking, kid?" Wang Po asked, raising her eyebrows after a pause.

"Do you think I look like a person with tens of calibers?" Wang Yang was furious, shaking violently.

"It's not like, but it looks like someone who is hundreds of guan behind." Wang Po curled her lips, and said this sentence in a tone-deaf manner.

Wang Yang suddenly felt that his heart was stabbed deeply, and his heart was pierced. Well, there is no way, Wang Yang really underestimated the cost of labor and materials in this era.

Originally thought that the house could be built with only a few hundred guan, but at the moment, it has already cost almost two thousand guan. I'm afraid Yang is thinking of drawing liquidity from the book printing house.

After all, the dividend distribution period has not yet come, so although the business of Yihonglou and Nawanhong boutique clothing store is good, the dividends need to wait until the agreed time.

But the problem is that no one seems to know about Liu Yiyi lending money to herself?
"Hmph, that's my daughter. When that girl sees you, it's as if she's been given a potion of ecstasy. If I'm not smart, I'm afraid that my daughter will be eaten by you even the bones..."

As soon as the voice on this side fell, she heard an angry murmur coming from behind the hall door not far away, Wang Po then subconsciously pursed her mouth, looked over there with her head poking around, and then He glared at Wang Yang angrily.

"Then what is Wang Po, can we talk about positive energy topics, such as when will you marry your daughter to me?" Wang Yang decided not to care about Wang Po, an old woman who loves money like her life, and decided to go astray. Peak, pointing directly to the core issue.

"You really want to marry my daughter, don't you?" Wang Po smiled. With that look, Wang Yang seemed to see countless gold and silver treasures growing wings and flying towards Wang Po, a stingy Grandet.

"Your house is just enough, but how much are you going to pay for my daughter's dowry?"

"I really don't know about this." Wang Yang looked at the scheming Wang Po sitting on the couch with her legs crossed like a landlady with a dazed expression.

"Think about it, if my daughter marries you at that time, I will definitely let her go out in a beautiful manner. In addition to gold and silver jewelry, the dowry also includes strings of copper coins, boxes of cloth, cages of clothes, and complete sets of clothes. Furniture..." Wang Po counted with her fingers, and her face became ugly.

Wang Yang looked puzzled, right?Looking at such a big room, it is too wasteful for Wang Po to light a dim candle. The reason for lighting candles is because Liu Yiyi ordered that oil lamps are not allowed in the house. Madam, you want to light a smoky and dark oil lamp, my daughter. Just turn on you.

After such a threat, Wang Po had no choice but to light a candle.Well, it's too unscientific for such a stingy person to keep talking about how to compensate his daughter for marrying so much property here?

"I said, Wang Po, did you worship the wrong god or take the wrong medicine? I married your daughter, and you didn't ask me for the gift money, but gave me so much property?"

"Stinky boy, are you willing to be an old lady?!" Wang Po slapped her thigh angrily and shouted sharply. "Otherwise, wouldn't it be strange for those neighbors to regard my mother as a mother who abused her own daughter."

"What's the reason?" Wang Yang was completely confused.

"Because I have always had a daughter who needs a generous marriage..." At this time, a gentle and soft voice sounded faintly from behind Wang Yang.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Liu Yiyi leaning charmingly at the door, sizing up his old mother with a smile that was not a smile.

I'm afraid that if I don't show up, my old lady who loves money like her life will definitely not talk like this, and maybe she will ruthlessly blackmail Wang Yang, who is stunned.

"Daughter is here, come here, come and sit here with mother, oh...don't worry, no matter what, mother is just a girl like you, can you still have the heart to let you go and suffer hardships with this little bastard?" ?" Thinking of how much dowry she would give to her own daughter, Wang Po felt as if her heart had been stabbed by a knife, and she gritted her teeth when she spoke.

"Hey, you old woman, can you stop being prickly when you speak?" Wang Yang couldn't help being furious, and went up against the case.

"What's wrong with my old lady's thorns? I'm your aunt, and I'll be your mother-in-law in the future. What's the matter with you, if you marry my daughter in the future, do you want to turn your face and deny anyone?" Wang Po jumped up like an angry fighting cock, Opening his tiger eyes wide, he turned back with a vicious voice.

"Shut up both of you!" Liu Yiyi couldn't help but slap the table with a black face, her head was really big. "Can you say a few words less, the servants have given you a headache..."

"Oh, my dear, what's the matter, it hurts, mother rub it for you." Wang Po hurriedly pressed the daughter who had stood up back onto the couch with care.

Wang Yang rolled his eyes helplessly, let it go, for the sake of Liu Yiyi, a beautiful girl, a man, I don't want to bother with you old woman.

(End of this chapter)

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