Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 367 The Champion Parade Once Every Three Years (Part 3)

Chapter 367 The Triennial Champion Parade (Third)
Chapter 365

It didn't take long for Li Qingzhao and Liu Yiyi to see that Gao Qiu was smiling happily and Tong Guan and others came back here. After asking about it, they learned that Zhao Ji was already on the list, but they didn't see Li Yu and Wang Yang. name.

"Presumably with the talents of Brother Qingfang and Mr. Wu Shan, they are still at the top of Division B, which has not yet been ranked, or above Division A."

"Then I'll thank you for your kindness." Li Qingzhao smiled sweetly at Gao Qiu and said.

After Liu Yiyi forced a smile, she was not as calm as Li Qingzhao in her heart. After all, she knew very well Wang Yang's talent that he could make a fuss even if nothing happened.In case this guy accidentally hits someone again on the main hall today.

If you offend the empress dowager or the civil and military officials in the court, tsk tsk tsk... I hope that hooligan understands that if he doesn't want to have a bright future, it's better to have a clear mind and not to hate others when he is in the court.

The first-class imperial list of Yike was also posted, and Li Yu's name was on the list, which made Li Qingzhao smile even more. However, there was still no name of the old driver Wang Yang.

"That guy, can he really be in the top three?" Liu Yiyi covered her little heart that was jumping faster and faster, and she almost didn't know how to express it.

Li Shishi's clear water eyes were wide open, and she stood on tiptoe and looked over there, but that side was already surrounded, how could she squeeze through.

"It's out, it's out, the names of the top three have come out..."

"All of you are not allowed to squeeze, don't let me back down."

"Master Jun, it's not that the younger ones are willing to squeeze, it's the ones behind who are squeezing me..."

The moment the top three imperial lists were taken out, the crowd suddenly surged again. If it weren't for the large number of forbidden troops and their strong suppression, it is very likely that even the forbidden troops would have been squeezed to the wall and turned into pot stickers.

"Silence, silence!... My official announces now that Yuanyou and Yuanyou's Eighth Year of Guiyou Division will be the best candidate for Zhao Juan, Yuanyou's Eighth Year of Yuanyou's Guiyou Division will be second in the list, and Yuanyou's eighth year's Guiyou Division will be the No. [-] scholar Wang Yang!"

Accompanied by the official's loud shout, the onlookers who had opened and shut their mouths a moment ago couldn't help cheering.

"Wang Wushan, it really is Wang Wushan who won the first prize, hahaha..."

"Mr. Wu Shan is worthy of being our idol, a mere number one scholar is easy to catch."

"Fart, then Bi Jian and Zhao Xuan's literary talents are not inferior to Wang Wushan's. It's just that he, Wang, took advantage of being a Bianliang person, so he was fired like this by you. Who the hell beat me? Disgraceful."

"If you dare to speak ill of Mr. Wushan, this guy is from the Guozi School. Hahaha... Beat him up. The Guozi School Dog actually dares to slander Mr. Wushan here."

"Brothers, Tai Xuezhu is here to bully people again, come on..."

"Ahhh, my eyes, you must have slapped your mother's face."

"Scumbag, let you steal my peaches in the wine shop last time!"

"Brothers, for the honor of Guozixue, beat them up."

Among the onlookers, many students from Guozixue and Taixue also entered the palace examination this time.

Naturally, their classmates and friends also came to support the platform. Before, because waiting for the big event such as watching the list was ahead, everyone put patience first.

But now, the imperial list has been posted. In excitement and being provoked, these passionate young people started to fight each other like a bunch of aggressive cocks.

The official who had finished announcing the results never imagined that the crowd of onlookers who had been in order just now had become so chaotic.

"My lord, look, what should I do?" The leader of the imperial army saw dozens of students from Taixue and Guozixue in Confucian robes huddling together there, and couldn't help feeling dizzy and looked away. It fell on the official.

The official yelled several times, but seeing that the bullet could not be suppressed, in desperation, Zhi Neng shook his sleeve angrily. "It's General Lao's suppression, but these are the seeds of my Song's study, don't hurt them..."

Sure enough, it was a literati who protected each other, the leader of the forbidden army nodded with a smile on his face, then turned his head and ordered sharply. "Turn around the long gun and pull it away for me. If anyone dares to resist, beat him with the body of the gun, so as not to see blood."

After receiving the order, a group of armored Forbidden Army soldiers rushed out ferociously and finally suppressed the riot without large-scale riots.

As the number one scholar, Wang Yang felt heavy pressure at this moment, whether he was leading all Jinshi to express his gratitude to the emperor in the hall, or after he came out, he had to go out from the middle gate of the Vermilion Bird, and then walked to the left gate of Chang'an to watch the list.

You must know that there are three gates to the Suzaku Gate, and there is a Yemen on the left and right sides. Usually, the Suzaku Gate will not be opened, and it will only be opened when the emperor's guard of honor enters and exits the palace.

The civil servants go to the east, the military officials go to the west, and the queen can go once when she is married and enters the palace.In the palace examination, only the champions, second places and Tanhuas who have won the top three in the examination can go once, while the other Jinshi of the second department can only go to Yemen.

After Wang Yang and the others were authenticated, they first left the main hall and went to the Depian Hall. They began to take off the robes representing ordinary people, and put on the brand-new Jinshi scarves bestowed by the emperor that day.

The Jinshi scarf is like a black gauze hat, with a slightly flat top, more than an inch wide corners, and about five inches long. It is tied with a hanging belt and is made of soap gauze.As for the hairpin with green leaves and red flowers, one side has a bronze medal with the words "Qionglin Banquet" on it.

But Wang Yang's black gauze hat is more unique than those ordinary Jinshi. The flowers, branches and leaves of the hairpin are all decorated with silver silk, and emerald feathers. Gilt silver medal.

The clothes worn by the rest of the Jinshi were dark blue robes, edged with blue robes, wide-sleeved robes, leather belts around the waist, decorated with black horns, and tails hanging behind.

But only Wang Yang, the new champion, wears Fei Luo, which is red and blue, with a round collar, lined with a white silk coat, and a brocade ribbon that covers the entire knee and is made of plain silver. One belt, one pair of medicinal jade pendants, one pair of court boots and felt socks.

After the emperor saw Wang Yang who was the most eye-catching standing in the front and wrote Yuxuanang very angrily, he felt more and more that he was indeed a hero with discerning eyes, and Wang Yang did not disappoint himself.

After some words of encouragement, they announced a banquet in Qionglin Garden. After Wang Yang and others thanked the emperor, they left the hall and headed towards the Suzaku gate.

At this moment, the imperial street and the road leading to the left gate of Chang'an have been pulled on both sides of the street by the brigade's imperial guards, but there are still countless people who come here because of their reputation, especially admiring the parade of Jinshi that has only been seen for three years.

Later generations were naturally rumored to be the No. [-] scholar parading the streets. Wang Yang walked in the front with his head held high, and even waved to the onlookers who were blocked by the forbidden soldiers from the main road from time to time. How many screams of nympho girls came.

Even a hidden weapon had already begun to strike, Wang Yang looked at the bouquet of flowers flying towards him, raised his hand, and took it in his hand with a very chic movement, and there was a burst of applause immediately, making this guy secretly He was proud of himself, but the next moment, a few embroidered shoes rushed towards his face like hidden weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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