Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 353 An Extremely Difficult Match (Part 1)

Chapter 353 An Extremely Difficult Match (Part [-])
Chapter 351

To put it bluntly, it is to try to create opportunities for penalty kicks and free kicks to score goals.The quarter of an hour of rest passed in a flash.Soon, the second half began, and it really did not exceed Wang Yang's expectations.

After the Wanghu team rested for 15 minutes and regained their strength, they launched another wave of attacks at the beginning of the game. However, such waves of attacks were blocked by the Wanhong team, which had endured the entire first half. down.

Even though there were several shots, Ling Yun, the former Bianliang Cuju star player, used his keen sense of smell in front of the goal and blocked the football from the goal several times.

Wang Yang had to lament that without a good shooter talent, he would not be a good goalkeeper. This sentence is indeed correct.The shooter needs a keen sense of smell in front of the goal, and the goalkeeper also needs a similar sense of smell, but one is for offense and the other is for defense.

"...The Wanghu team almost suppressed the Wanhong team today, seemingly unable to fight back. However, the Wanhong team held on to their goal and also used the players stranded in the opponent's backcourt to pass long passes. The distant transmission poses a threat to the opponent's hinterland..."

"It started again. No. 11 of the Wanghu team began to insert from the side. No. [-] of the Wanhong team pounced on it. No. [-] got rid of others beautifully, and then continued to dribble forward. There are two members of the Wanhong team stuck in their positions...Aha, the ball was stolen, and now they pass the No. [-]!"

"Master got the ball again!" Li Shishi couldn't help cheering, and his bright eyes were full of sparkling brilliance.

The beautiful eyes of Liu Yiyi and Li Qingzhao also fell on Wang Yang, who looked very tall and strong among the players on the court, but after seeing him get the ball, he turned around lightly and let The opponent's player staggered into the air, and then began to dribble forward.

The entire Wang Hu team, which was rushing forward, had to immediately retreat.

"Master is so handsome, he even turns around so handsomely... It's just, so handsome..." Li Shishi's beautiful eyes are full of pink hearts.

And Liu Yiyi curled her lips, wanting to say something, but in the end she held back, well, the important thing is that Brother Wang is really handsome...

Li Qingzhao also stared at Wang Yang firmly, clutching his skirt with both hands, as if he was more nervous than Wang Yang who got the ball. "Pass it, pass it quickly, they are rushing over again, why don't you pass it quickly..."

Li Qingzhao's anxious look caught the eyes of Liu Yiyi and Li Shishi. The two vixens, one big and one small, looked at each other with ghostly eyes and smiled strangely.

It's a pity that Li Qingzhao was so concerned about Wang Yang that he didn't notice anything strange around him.

After Wang Yang took the ball forward for more than ten steps, he suddenly made a cross pass. Tong Guan, who ran near the middle circle, received the ball from Wang Yang. He looked ahead and saw that both Li Yu and Zhao Ji were defended by the opponent. The team members followed closely, and could only pass the ball to Liang Shicheng who was nearby, and after Liang Shicheng got the ball, he passed it to Gao Qi.

After several passes, the ball returned to Wang Yang's feet again. This time, Wang Yang finally found the gap in the frontcourt and threw the ball straight through.

In an instant, Zhao Ji and Li Yu started almost at the same time. Li Yu, who was close to the ball, intercepted the Cuju ball from Wang Yang in the third step, and then ran straight forward.

However, what he didn't expect was that one of the opponent's central defenders happened to rush over to defend him. However, he saw that Li Yu was as nimble as a civet cat and was about to pass by him, so he couldn't help but subconsciously stretch his hands and feet.

All the players on the field saw that Li Yu, who was running fast, rolled to the ground, rolled six or seven times before stopping, and then rolled around on the ground hugging his calf in great pain.

"Foul!" Almost everyone yelled in unison at this time, and the referee who was not far from the football blew a sharp whistle, pointed at the place where Li Yu had fallen, and A hand reached into the pocket.

"The defenders of the Wanghu team made a defensive foul and were warned by a yellow card. The Wanhong team got the first frontcourt free kick since the opening. This is an excellent scoring opportunity for the Wanhong team, but it is a pity What's more, the top player of the Wanhong team is sure to be a spectator on the sidelines today..."

The commentator whose commentary style was biased towards the Wanhong team said so, which also caused many viewers to focus on sitting on the sidelines, with one foot without a shoe, but a white part wrapped around his ankle, and there were still On Li Bai, who was wearing two crutches and had a bitter face.

"How about it, let me see..." Wang Yang first drove away those team members who had changed their faces and were about to rush over, and were about to use violence, then walked up to Li Yu and asked with concern.

At this time, the old team doctor of the Wanhong team also rushed over, and he breathed a sigh of relief after skillfully examining Li Yu. "It's nothing serious, the ankle and bones are fine..." As he spoke, he applied some medicated oil on Li Yu's painful part as fast as he could, and then rubbed his hands quickly.

After a short time, Li Yu was finally able to stand up with his teeth grinning, and after walking a few limping steps, he nodded towards Wang Yang.

Only then did Wang Yang heave a sigh of relief, and turned around, only to see that Zhao Ji, the terrific little prince, had already picked up the football and put his foot on it, discussing with Tong Guan and the others next to him about where to entertain him. A set of free kick tactics.

The Wang Hu team also set up a human wall in a decent manner. Well, since the free kick, the human wall is a simple and easy-to-use obstacle, and Wang Yang does not need to remind it. Almost every team can think of using this method.

As the whistle blew, Tong Guan ran towards the ball slowly, as if about to volley vigorously, attracting almost everyone's attention.

And those players of the Wang Hu team subconsciously turned their heads and took off on the spot. At this moment, Zhao Ji, who seemed to be just standing by the side watching the excitement, rushed forward like a whirlwind, before The child goes out.

A powerful volley did not fly towards the goal as everyone imagined. Instead, after a collision, the ball bounced back.

Zhao Ji looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, and raised his hands to cover his face in disbelief. Wang Yang shook his head helplessly, stepped forward and patted the guy on the shoulder. "It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities."

In the following time, although the Wang Hu team was strong, after the entire first half and the indiscriminate bombing quarter of an hour before the second half, their physical strength was close to the limit.

Even those players who were originally running all over the field began to feel weak in their hands and feet when running. They were even intercepted by the Wanhong team several times because of their weak passing and started to fight back on the spot.

However, although the Wanhong team survived the opponent's torrent and tsunami-like offensive, their own side is already exhausted, and Li Yu and Zhao Ji, who were originally on the front line to support the overall situation, are really very nervous at the moment. I want to lie on the ground and stick out my tongue without standing up again.

(End of this chapter)

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