Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 347 Special Zone for Reform?What the hell do you mean (Part 1)

Chapter 347 Special Zone for Reform?What the hell do you mean (first update)
Chapter 345

When the guards around Zhao Xu rushed over and secretly signaled to Zhao Ji and Wang Yang, the two of them were also taken aback. They never thought that Zhao Xu, who was in a depressed mood and hadn't been out of the palace for a while, would actually come. This cuju is watching the ball from the sidelines.

After the two of them greeted the others, they followed the guard to a quiet and elegant restaurant not far from the stadium.And Zhao Xu is already waiting here.

"Eleventh Lang, not bad. I didn't expect you to be a titan in the cuju field. It's amazing. And Mr. Wu Shan, you talk and laugh and use soldiers. You have a strategy in your chest. With a little pull, the Wanhong team can Turning defeat into victory under such a situation really makes me feel very enjoyable..."

Wang Yang explained with a smile after a few polite words. "Your Majesty, the leader of Cuju's formation is indeed a secret combination of tactics. Although it is important to use the soldiers' lives on the spot, the early work is also very important."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu said with great interest. "What do you mean by previous work?"

"Knowing the enemy and knowing the enemy, you can win every battle. Before this game, Wang has carefully analyzed the players of the Hanjiazhuang team and their habitual formation. He also learned about the Hanjiazhuang team from other sources. The No. [-] salary is the highest..."

"Combining all the signs, plus the performance of the opponent's No. [-] in the first half, it is enough to be sure that this No. [-] is the soul of the Hanjiazhuang team. Therefore, Wang will send someone to specialize in the second half. Stop him and disturb the roots of the Hanjiazhuang team..."

"So that's how it is. Only by knowing the enemy can we win every battle." Zhao Xu nodded in agreement. "In less than a month, the imperial examination will be held. The two of you should not delay your business because of this Cuju."

"Don't worry, officials. My brother will definitely live up to the expectations of the officials. As for sir, with his talent, he will definitely be able to make a splash." Zhao Ji said with great confidence. Well, he was even more confident in Wang Yang than himself. There is still a three-pointer in confidence.

"That's good..." Zhao Xu nodded in satisfaction, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing, draining a large glass of dull wine in one gulp.

"Could it be that your Majesty has encountered something disturbing?" Seeing Zhao Xu's appearance, Wang Yang naturally stretched out the steps with a sense of face.

"What else could be the reason? Isn't it because even if I'm married, if I want to attend the court, it depends on the mood of the emperor's grandmother." Zhao Xu said helplessly.

"The emperor's grandmother used to excuse that I was too young, but now that I am crowned, I should be able to get married and become an adult. At this time, she still wants to control the government..."

Listening to such old talk, Wang Yang is also very helpless, because he has heard the same rant too many times, but the problem is that the emperor wants to vomit, can you still plug your ears and not listen?

After Zhao Xu chattered for a long time, Wang Yang persuaded him. "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is getting old after all. In fact, according to Wang, the Empress Dowager is not just for power. I'm afraid there is still a worry..."

"Are you worried that I will follow the example of my father and change the new law?" Zhao Xu was not stupid, so he could hear what Wang Yang meant.

"My father's reform is a way of forging ahead with determination. There will naturally be some difficulties on the road to reform, but how can we stop eating because of choking?..."

"Your Majesty's words are very kind. In fact, Wang also feels that the Song Dynasty has been in existence for a hundred years, and it is difficult to recover from the chronic diseases. It has indeed reached the critical autumn of forgetting." Of course, Wang Yang will not fight against this young emperor, but is a very enemy. Tongsheng nodded and replied.

"You also think I'm going to change my mind?" Zhao Xu couldn't help but feel happy. Well, he had indeed seen the right person. This Mr. Wushan was indeed on his side.

"However, the opposition is very powerful. The reason for this is that Mr. Anshi's method of reform in the past seemed a bit too aggressive. If we use the method of boiling frogs in warm water, not only can most of the opposition voices be eliminated, but also It can also really benefit the people..."

"Boil a frog in warm water? But if it is done slowly, when will the reform be realized?..." Although Zhao Xu is the emperor and is not a country boy, he can understand what this metaphor means.

"Wang naturally hopes that in three to five years, he will be able to see the officials of the Song Dynasty govern the Qingming Festival, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the soldiers and horses are strong. But Your Majesty, the country of the Song Dynasty is thousands of miles long, and the people are tens of millions, and the serious illness of the Song Dynasty is involved. At every level..."

Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang and the official. Although the official's tone was unkind, Wang Yang was not afraid at all or even afraid of speaking. Instead, he spoke freely.

From the shallower to the deeper, he analyzed the gains and losses of the reforms during his father's period in front of Zhao Xu, and then pointed out the various shortcomings and aggressiveness of the reforms at that time.

It can be said that it is well-organized and well-founded. Although the officials feel a little uncomfortable, they have to admit that what Wang Yang said is very reasonable.

The important thing is that Wang Yang didn't deny the reform, but just thought that the reform at that time was too eager for quick success. This is the reason why Zhao Xu can continue to sit here and listen calmly.

"...So, Wang still said that the world is changing with time, and the reform is at the right time. However, the reform is a fundamental matter that can easily shake the country. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually reform from the point to the surface, and more It's appropriate." Wang Yang wiped the foam from the corner of his mouth, drained another bowl of wine and continued.

"Dare to ask, sir, what do you mean from point to point?" At this time, Zhao Xu no longer had the previous impatience or reluctance on his face. Those words from Wang Yang's side really shocked him and benefited him a lot.

After all, even though Zhao Xu is the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, since his father, uh fart, all the new reform parties have been driven to the wilderness to squat and drink the northwest wind.

Those who remained in the court, apart from those important officials of the old party, were only a group of wall-riding factions who would fall when they saw the wind.Although Zhao Xu has been determined since he was a child to bring a difference to Song Dynasty like his father, he must reform.

The main question is how to change the law, how to change?For him, he was completely at a loss. What's more, he could only look for the footprints of the reform from the deeds of Wang Anshi and his father in the past.

However, apart from the experience of his predecessors, Zhao Xu has no other way or channel to understand the impact of the reform on Song Dynasty and the pros and cons of the reform.

And Wang Yang's explanation seems to have opened a window for Zhao Xu, the young emperor, to let him understand the benefits and disadvantages of several of the reforms for the common people.

"From point to point, it's actually very simple. That is to set up a place for reform. I call it a special zone..." Wang Yang raised his index finger and pointed to somewhere in the void, while Zhao Ji and Zhao Xu His gaze followed that finger, as if he felt that his finger was a magical golden finger that could turn stones into gold.

"A special zone for reform..." Zhao Ji and Zhao Xu both looked at Wang Yang in confusion. What did this mean?
(End of this chapter)

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