Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 342 The Printing Industry Really Is a Profitable Business (Part 2)

Chapter 342 The Printing Industry Really Is a Profitable Business (Second Update)

Chapter 340

Looking at Wang Yang's suspicious gaze, Zhao Ji laughed dryly. "Then what, this is the Royal Commercial Press, I'll count it out for you, sir."

"Isn't that good?" Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but get a little dizzy. I'm giving you an idea. In fact, I hope you can come out to set up this Royal Commercial Press and successfully attract those booksellers and bookstores. firepower.

And I just continued to make a small fortune with my own newspaper in a muffled voice, and now you drag me over, okay?

"Sir, you came up with an idea, but you can't just leave it alone after you come up with an idea, can you? I don't know anything about management, my brother, and I don't have any talents in management. At that time, I have to support a few people." A disciple of the clan who has graduated from the fifth service..."

Zhao Xu's side treated Zhao Ji, his fellow brother, very well. He only wanted [-]% of his shares and gave him the right to be named by the royal family.

And Zhao Ji was going to take out [-]% of the shares, and was going to ask Zhao Shixun, Marquis of Pingyin, who was Chen Jie's husband, to buy [-]% of the shares. In addition, he would find two clans to buy [-]% of the shares.

In this way, Zhao Ji still has [-]% of the shares in his hands, and he is going to give [-]% to Wang Yang, just hoping that Wang Yang can help his Royal Commercial Press from time to time like Qianyi Honglou taught. , do planning, come up with ideas and so on.

Wang Yang patted his chest and agreed, but he didn't want to accept the shares, but Zhao Ji acted like if you don't accept it, you won't give me face. In the end, Wang Yang had no choice but to accept Zhao Ji's kindness.

The eyeballs of Liang Shicheng and Tong Guan who were standing behind Zhao Ji were so red, but apart from envy, they couldn't feel jealousy at all. After all, not everyone is like Wang Yang. ability.

As soon as the eyeballs rolled, a golden idea for making a fortune came out, just like this Royal Commercial Press, after hearing the flickering of this Wang Wushan, not to mention Zhao Ji, even the two of them couldn't help but secretly moved, and they all secretly talked about it. They discussed whether to find an opportunity to ask Wang Wushan, an old driver who is good at making money, for advice, and give them advice on a way to make money.

After all, it is impossible for eunuchs like them to have direct bloodlines. Since there will no longer be descendants, of course they hope to enjoy this life.

While discussing important matters with Zhao Ji here, Wang Yang's eyes still inadvertently swept across the faces of Liang Shicheng and Tong Guan, taking a full view of their expressions.

The game is still going on, and after more than half a year of integrated training, and the adoption of the advanced football concept brought by Wang Yang, as well as the clear division of the backcourt, midfield, and frontcourt, and the full-back insertion On the assist, the central midfielder is responsible for intercepting or organizing the attack.

After having a clear position and duties, the superb skills of the Wanhong Cuju team members have been fully utilized.The three games can be said to be as refreshing as chopping melons and vegetables.

Except for a goal being poured in in the first game due to a problem with the goalkeeper, the other two games had a score of [-]-[-] or [-]-[-].

Let the audience watch with excitement and excitement.Especially after the live commentary by the commentator, it aroused the emotions of the audience.

But when Wang Yang found out that the brass horn could only cover about half of the court, he made a decisive change.For each game, there are two commentators, sitting at both ends of the field, and each commentator has his own team to support.

In the previous cuju competitions, although the cuju balls were high and high, it was fancy and beautiful, but it was difficult to see the goal, after all, the coquettish eyes were like chrysanthemums.

But now, with such a wide goal, even if there is an extra goalkeeper who uses both hands and feet, the shooting range has become larger.

The important thing is that in the past, you could only rely on clever tricks to win. Even if you could always get cheers and applause, the audience would just sit there calmly.

But now, it seems a bit different, especially when there is such a strong volley that hits the goal, the players are excited and run all over the field with their tongues sticking out like a dog.The audience clasped their fists and cheered in the stands.

Once Wang Yang even saw a gray-haired old lady clenching her fist with tears in her eyes and throwing several coppers towards the field. The integrated Cuju is indeed an activity that is loved by the general public.

And when in the third game, the players of the Wanhong Cuju team were very excited after once again scoring zero against their opponents.Of course, everyone did not forget to go around the field to thank the fans and spectators.

The screams of the girls and the cheers of the men resounded throughout. It seems that the Wanhong Cuju Team has attracted the first batch of loyal fans with their excellent skills and tenacious style.

Especially the flowery smiles of those youthful girls made the pure men of the Wanhong Cuju Team straighten their backs even more, like proud roosters.

And with the progress of the competition, the sales of "Tokyo Hou Bao", which launched the Cuju column, increased by a bit, and those major booksellers and bookstores who run tabloids stared blankly.

In addition, the Great Song Royal Commercial Press, which was opened by the descendants of the clan's descendants, quietly opened.

On the surface, they are the sons of the clan, but in fact the supervisor is Gao Qiu, and Wang Yang appointed the old Mr. Zhao to be the foreman to help Gao Qiu train the engraving craftsmen of the Royal Commercial Press.

And Zhao Ji hung the plaque of the Royal Commercial Press next to his palace almost on the second day after the emperor's approval.

The reason why they are in such a hurry is that, when Xia Wei and early autumn begin, the new season of recruiting students of Guozi Zhuxue is coming.

The books in the various schools of Guozi are all provided by the court, but every few years, the books distributed to the students will become damaged due to long-term reading or insect infestation.

And had to be replaced, or a new batch was purchased.And it just so happened that a large number of books needed to be replaced this year, so the first order received by the Commercial Press was from the Imperial College.

The Imperial Academy ordered [-] sets of "The Analects of Confucius" and "Great Learning", "Mencius", "The Doctrine of the Mean", [-] sets of "Spring and Autumn", [-] sets of "Book of Songs", [-] sets of "Book of Rites", etc...

"We calculated that the cost of paper and ink, printing and labor for all books will be around [-]."

"But according to the three volumes of "The Analects of Confucius" as a set, and if each volume is calculated at the same price, we have already recovered all the costs and even some of the [-] sets of "The Analects of Confucius", "University" and "Mencius". Surplus, and those prints after that are all just making money."

"How much money can we make?"

Wang Yang quickly pulled out the abacus beads and said a number.Zhao Ji, who was squatting in front of him, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his eyes were a little straightened, and Gao Qi, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help breathing heavily.

"So much... Do you mean that I can make so much money just by printing so many books?!" Zhao Ji stuttered.

(End of this chapter)

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