Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 328 Always Can't Stop Brushing the Sense of Presence (3 Subscribe for more)

Chapter 328 Always Can't Stop Brushing the Sense of Presence (Third Watch Subscription)

Chapter 326

"As for me, even if it's five rounds, it's only a few hundred..." Wang Yang's mood seemed extraordinarily relaxed and beautiful.

I saved seven or eight thousand pens before, but since I bought the house, I almost squandered all the money. In addition, it will be demolished and rebuilt later, Wang Yang finds it hard to find that he has returned to Liberation overnight. Before, a typical poor and lower-middle peasant.

"But you're not afraid of doing this, as time goes on, wouldn't that be a big loss?" Liu Yiyi made a calculation and shook her head slightly.

"Don't worry, you can't lose money. If you don't believe me, just wait and will be surprised when the time comes." Wang Yang said with a sinister smile twice.

"Besides, as a very honest businessman and gentleman, I decided to give two free advertisements to our Yihonglou and Wanhong boutiques, and then you can know the effect of the newspaper on advertising..."

"Okay, I'll just have to wait and see." Liu Yiyi yawned coquettishly. "I hope you, Uncle Wang, can win the chess game and open the door...Let's go, Shishi, and talk to my sister, let's not disturb your master's dream..."

"Hey! You're too much of a woman. You don't discourage others' enthusiasm like this." Wang Yang, who was so courageous from the sidelines, slapped the table and shouted angrily.

It's a pity that the two beautiful girls swayed away with their beautiful shadows, and they didn't pay attention to the furious Wang Daguan.

"Hmph! How can this be reasonable? I underestimate brother so much. Wait, so that you won't be surprised. I write the character Wang upside down." Uncle Wang sat back angrily.

Let's do what we say, Wang Yang began to conceive the layout of the first issue of the newspaper. Of course, the name of the newspaper must be resounding. What is it called?Wushan Daily...

It definitely couldn't be published once a day. Then I would be too tired to vomit blood and I might not be able to finish the manuscript. However, one newspaper every ten days would be too long, so after thinking for a long time, Wang Yang decided to name it "Tokyo Waiting News" based on the newspaper's circulation cycle. 》.

Because the Song Dynasty did not have the concept of a week, but in the ancient lunar calendar, five days were called a waiting period, and ten days was called a ten-day period.Five days and one season, in order to correspond to the 24 solar terms, it is stipulated that three seasons are one solar term (qi).Each pentad is corresponding to a phenological phenomenon, which is called "houying".

The "climates" of climatic conditions should include two categories: non-biological and biological. The former includes "the water begins to dry up", "the east wind thaws", "the rainbow begins to see", "the ground begins to freeze" and so on; the latter includes animals and plants, such as " The swan geese come", "Tigers make friends", "Pings are born", "Bitter vegetables show", "Peaches begin to bloom" and so on.

There is nothing wrong with publishing a newspaper every five days and calling it a waiting report.

As for the content, of course it is simple. How can Wang’s reputation as a great talent come for nothing? For the first five issues of the newspaper, Wang Yang is now a poor man, and he has no money to pay for the manuscript, so he decided to make it himself. .

The first thing to confirm is the front page... Well, Wang Yang's eyes rolled around for a long time, and he suddenly thought of the ancient issue of the newspaper review system.

Well, Wang Yang decided to leave the right to write the four words "Tokyo Houbao" to our great and supreme emperor, His Majesty.

Then naturally it is the arrangement of the content. Back then, Jin Yong supported a newspaper with a pen.And couldn't he be better than Jin Laoshi?
In this era, novels have never been serialized, let alone chicken soup for the soul, poisonous soup for the soul, and so on. Apart from commenting on current affairs, the cultural people of the Song Dynasty now spend their days idling about the wind and the moon. , Sad spring and sad autumn.

This is not good, at least Wang Dacai, who is concerned about the country and the people, is very unhappy. Therefore, he decided to write first by himself to serve as a demonstration. Maybe in the future, he will be able to attract many literary youths to join the art work From the creation, they can not only use this to support their families, but also greatly enrich the ideological, artistic and cultural life of the common people in the Song Dynasty.

Wang Yang quickly identified a few forums, one is the favorite of readers, which is naturally about the policy theory of the imperial examination, well, after the exam every year, there will be those extremely old policy theory or candidates' answers compiled into booklet for sale.

Then Wang Yang will naturally not let go of every kind of customer, so what he decided is a piece of paper, four pages, the first page will pay attention to the farming time of the lunar calendar, and by the way, this season, farmers uncles should Write down what you do as a reminder.

There are a lot of these things in ancient agricultural books, just extract them and print them.Of course, the number of words is not enough, so continue to make up, and you can also pick some excellent policy theories in the past and put them here. Anyway, the positive things are put at the top. go up.

In this way, the first and second editions are almost full, and there are third and fourth editions, and the third edition is devoted to novels and poetry.

Wang Yang decided to write chapter novels first, one is the ancient novel "Fengshen Yanyi", and there is also "Arabian Nights" which is suitable for all ages...

Each of the two novels can only have more than a thousand words. As a result, there is still a large blank space in the fourth edition. Wang Yang thought about it for a long time.

Anyway, Song Dynasty in this era didn’t know much about the whole world, or no one had read world history, and even Wang Yang, who had traveled to Europe and America, knew more about this world.

There are still some small gaps, so Wang Yang simply wrote down some of the basics of women's makeup that he has learned, and some small tips, such as how to peel garlic more easily, how to remove the residual hair on pork skin wait.

As for the front and back seams, of course they were used by Wang Yang to advertise. The front seam was for the advertisement of Wanhong Boutique Clothing Store, while the back seam was for the performance preview of Yihonglou New Building...

After confirming the layout, Wang Yang took a deep breath and decided to start writing. With his ability to write online novels like a fountain when he was in school, there is really no problem.

But even so, it took a whole night to get a whole newspaper.In the early morning of the next day, when Li Shishi appeared in front of Wang Yang with breakfast, he realized that Wang Yang's case table was filled with manuscripts of thousands of words and four candles that had already been extinguished. head.

Well, this is what the master said, at night, if you want to use your eyes, you must let the light in the room be the brightest.So every time he reads or writes at night, he must light four candles at the same time.

It has to be said that in this way, the light in the whole room is indeed much brighter, and the eyes will not feel sore after looking at things for a while.

It wasn't until Wang Yang woke up from his sleep that he noticed that it was already noon, and the manuscript he had written last night was neatly placed aside. As for Mr. Li, he was humming that beautiful tune softly The needle and thread in his hand danced on the soles of a pair of shoes like a butterfly flying around a flower.

The light coming in through the half-open door fell on her body, making the whole clothes seem to glow with a faint brilliance. Wang Yang couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly as he looked at Li Shishi, who looked so happy and agile at the moment. head.

"Master, are you awake?" Hearing the movement around him, Li Shishi saw Wang Yang who just woke up. "Master, are you hungry? Wait until I get you water to wash up before you can eat. Aunt Liu's made fresh fish soup. It's delicious..."

Seeing Li Shishi, who had put down his needlework, busy like a happy little butterfly, Wang Yang suddenly felt that today's weather was exceptionally good.Despite yesterday's difficulties, the newspaper itself must be run, and it will definitely be run well.

What Wang Yang didn't expect was that after he uttered a couplet of couplets about "Lonely and Cold and a Widow with an Empty Window" at Li Gefei's house, it would spread throughout Tokyo in less than two days.

The main reason was that kid Li Yu, who learned from his father the night before that Wang Yang had written several couplets in front of his father and Mr. Dongpo, and he was so impressed by this guy.

After this guy returned to Taixue, he naturally showed off impatiently. Not to mention those Taixue students, even that Assistant Professor Wu didn't even attend class that day after hearing Wang Yang's couplets. So I took a leave of absence and stayed behind closed doors, not sure if I was too depressed to face others.

The students of Taixue are not only poor children, but also many eunuch children, so they show off after returning home. Therefore, the entire Bianliang cultural circle and many high-ranking officials have to feel the power of this talented man again. An impending talent.

This shit has obviously left Taixue, but he never forgets to brush up on his presence.In particular, Su Dongpo's sentence "In the future, you will be able to sit on the right of my seat" shocked the people of Bianliang even more.

You must know that Su Dongpo is definitely the number one literary giant in the Song Dynasty. When Ouyang Xiu was still alive, he once said to the young Su Dongpo, "The next generation is to be feared, and I should avoid him."

Sure enough, Su Dongpo was well-known for dozens of years, and now, many students under Su Dongpo's school are excellent in talent and theory, but only Wang Yang, a young talent, made Su Dongpo say such a thing.

What really makes people think in their hearts is, is it possible that the Song Dynasty will have another great talent who is not born in the world?
Especially the unique couplet of "Lonely, cold window, empty widow", these days, it is often mentioned by people. Why, it is because no one can match it, so those people always mention it.

But now, Wang Yang, the person who wrote the first couplet, took out several second couplets and put them down, which definitely made all the outstanding talents in the literary circle blush.

But Zhao Xu, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, looked at the couplets with joy, and compared them carefully with the couplets above, he had to shake his head and sighed. "Can Su Dongpo say such a thing? Mr. Wu Shan's talent is really rare..."

Just based on Zhao Xu's words, it can be heard that the young emperor of the Song Dynasty had a very average perception of Su Dongpo, but he valued Wang Yang very much.

But fortunately, Su Dongpo's flattering words towards Wang Yang finally made Zhao Xu feel a little less disgusted with Su Dongpo.

"Yes, I was really shocked. I never thought that Mr. Wu Shan could come up with so many second couplets. You must know that I have also carefully thought about this first couplet these days, but I don’t have a clue..." Zhao Ji also had a look of admiration on his face.

Today, after hearing the rumors from Taixue, this guy couldn't sit still, so he rushed to find Wang Yang, so he asked Wang Yang to write down the upper couplet and several lower couplets together.

This guy rushed into the palace to look for Zhao Xu, and he didn't hide it. Soon, the old driver Wang Yang told the news about the unique second couplet, and there were several second couplets. Then it spread to the whole Song Palace.

"Lonely, cold, empty, widowed, rotten phoenix trees and rotten pillows living in vain... This kid surnamed Wang is really talented." After Gao Taotao wrote both the upper and lower couplets on paper, he looked at them carefully for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. road.

Gao Taotao also knew about the first couplet before. Gao Taotao, who claims to be as intelligent as a man, also tried to read the second couplet, but with no results, he had to give up.

But now, because of Wang Yang's second couplet, this matter once again caused quite a stir.

"It's just a little cleverness. Didn't Mr. Dongpo come up with a second couplet?" Xu Degong couldn't help but muttered resentfully.

"Su Xueshi did match up the lower couplet, but even Su Xueshi himself admitted that the lower couplet he matched can only be said to be reluctant, and how can this lower couplet and the upper couplet seem so natural, and the confrontation is neat." Gao Tao Tao explained with a disapproving smile.

"It's no wonder the officials tried every means to make Wang Yang an official. It seems that this person is indeed quite talented."

Xu Degong heard the change in Gao Taotao's attitude and perception, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but want to give Wang Jian eye drops. "It's just that I don't know what kind of temperament this person is..."

"When Ouyang Wenzhong was alive in the past, he once said to Su Xueshi that future generations are awesome, and I should avoid him. Now that Su Xueshi has met him, he also said, 'In the future, you can be at the right of my seat'. From what he said, it shows his appreciation for Wang Yang."

"What's more, with Xueshi Su's character of not being able to rub a little bit of sand in his eyes, if Wang Yangruo really has bad temperament, wouldn't Su and Li Gefei not be able to see it?"

Xu Degong opened his mouth, but in the end he could only remain speechless. Although he was very uncomfortable in his heart, he was helpless. The important thing was that although Wang Yang made a lot of noise, he had never been scratched by anyone.

The only time I was caught was because this guy blatantly made up Zhao Mingcheng as a woman and hung him above the gate of Guozixue, which caused a bad influence, but it was also under the protection of the emperor. It was just that he was expelled from Taixue.

But now this guy is still popping up every once in a while to make his presence felt, and what's speechless is that this makes the Empress Dowager, who didn't care about him at all at first, also become somewhat interested in him.

The change in the Empress Dowager's perception of him was mainly due to Su Dongpo. This great writer whose talent had been famous in the world for decades said that this boy was worthy of his rightful place.

Even if this statement was exaggerated, it just proved Su Dongpo's appreciation for him.And the Empress Dowager admired Su Dongpo very much, so her perception of Wang Yang also changed.

It seems that the possibility of him wanting to use the empress dowager to deal with this guy is getting lower and lower, Xu Degong can't help but think a little depressingly.

(End of this chapter)

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