Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 318 Where Are the Promised Gentleness and Reserves? (Part 2)

Chapter 318 Where Are the Promised Gentleness and Reserves? (Second more)

Chapter 316

"Brother Wang, you also bought a house here?" Hearing Liu Yiyi's introduction, Li Qingzhao couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at the house next to him, his face full of surprise.

"Well, not long after I bought it, the houses inside are almost rotten. I'm going to tear down those houses and rebuild them." Wang Yang nodded and explained.

Li Qingzhao couldn't help but nodded enviously when he heard that Wang Yang bought this house for less than seven thousand yuan. "That's really good. My father bought our family's house at the beginning of his official career and spent more than 5000 yuan to get it."

"That's because sister, your home is in the north of the city, so the land price is more expensive than here, and your house is not small..." Liu Yiyi and Li Qingzhao couldn't help complaining about the housing prices in Bianliang, Tokyo.

One word: expensive, two words: thief expensive!Four words, really expensive.

However, Li Gefei's family is rich anyway, so he was able to buy a house in Bianliang, Tokyo, but after all, Li Gefei's family is rich, and he doesn't think it is a big problem to spend [-] guan in order to buy a house.

But the other Song Dynasty officials were different. For example, Ouyang Xiu, Su's father and son in the early years were all renters.

For example, Ouyang Xiu, he went to Kaifeng to take the exam at the age of 21, and he rented a house. At the age of 23, he went to Kaifeng again to take the exam, and he still rented a house. At the age of 24, he passed the Jinshi exam.

At the age of 38, he achieved the "Knowledge Admonishment Court and Judgment Dengwen Drum Court", equivalent to the deputy director of the State Letters and Calls Bureau, and still rented a house in Kaifeng.For this reason, he also wrote a poem about his renting career in a self-deprecating style.Sigh, I came to the capital to shelter myself in a hut without any harm.Leisure workshops and ancient houses, humble and miscellaneous.Adjacent to the gully sinus, the street overflows and the court is eliminated.Going out is worrying about the vastness, and closing the door is afraid of being trapped.

It means that when he came to Kaifeng, he had no place to live, so he had to rent a dilapidated house in a remote community. The house was low-lying and prone to water accumulation. When it rained heavily, water would rush in from all directions, and the yard was full of ocean. One piece, you have to wade in the water when you go out to the street.

Another example is Su Dongpo. When he was 21 years old, he followed his father Su Xun and younger brother Su Zhe to Kaifeng for the exam. The father and son rented a house together, and what they rented was the bathroom of Taiping Xingguo Temple.

This Taiping Xingguo Temple is not the one on Dalong Mountain in Junxian County, Hebi, but is located on the west side of Daxiangguo Temple in Kaifeng. It was also a well-known temple in those days, and there were many monks. The imperial court specially built a small courtyard for it. The bathhouse of monks in Hesi Temple.

There is a spare room in the bathhouse, which is specially rented to Juren who are coming to Beijing to rush for the exam. Su Shi, Su Xun, and Su Zhe lived there for a whole year, and they did not move out until they all had official titles and salaries.

But Sansu and his son, who had official titles and salaries, still did not buy a house in Kaifeng. They first rented private houses in the western suburbs, and later moved to the south of Taixue to rent public housing.

Later, Su Shi and Su Zhe took part in the official selection examination, and lived in the post house for a while in order to review their homework with peace of mind.In order to save living costs, Su Xun went to live with a relative in Qi County (called "Yongqiu" at the time) for nearly two years.

And Wang Yang was able to buy a house for less than [-] guan, which can be said to be outrageously affordable. Even in a place like the south of the city, [-] guan wanted to buy a house with a small courtyard like that. , that is definitely extremely rare.

Generally speaking, the minimum is five or six thousand guan, and some larger houses even cost more than [-] guan.This made Wang Yang both grateful and emotional. Fortunately, after time travel, he is not a person who receives dead wages. If he really wants to live on dead wages, it is hard to say whether he will be able to afford a house if he lives for a long time.

If that's the case, you might be able to see the vivid and ugly faces of those ancient real estate agents.Poor ghost, get out of the way, don't hang around the uncle without a few thousand pennies.

Three women in a car, in the car, complimenting and praising each other's appearance and attire, um...but I don't know why, the obviously harmonious picture, but Mr. Wang can see the three women behind the scenes. Rising totems of wrath roared.

Uncle Wang sat near the shaft of the car, with black lines on his face. It doesn't look like three women in one car, it's clearly three women in one scene, but the problem is that the three women, sisters and sisters, are screaming together , can you say they are not friendly?
Full of doubts, the car finally stopped in front of the Li family's mansion, and a group of people went inside under the guidance of Li Qingzhao.

Li Qingzhao summoned his servants and muttered a few words, then turned his head. "My father has something to go out and will come back later. Let's have a meeting at my place first. I have this year's new wine that I just bought before. It's delicious..."

Naturally, Wang Yang did as he pleases, as for Liu Yiyi and Li Shishi, of course they listened to Wang Yang, and the three of them walked towards the small courtyard where Li Qingzhao lived.

Li Qingzhao's own small yard is not big, but it is extraordinarily quiet and elegant. There are pipa trees planted in that small yard, and there is even a clump of green bamboo.

"Sister Qingzhao, your house is so beautiful, it feels like a very delicate garden..." After Li Shishi came in, he almost couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, exclaiming again and again.

Liu Yiyi, who was a little better in the competition based on strength (E Cup) before, could not help curling her lips with pride in her heart, while Li Qingzhao smiled until her eyes narrowed into crescent moons. "Thank you sister for the compliment. In fact, it's all my sister's messing around. It's not as exaggerated as you said..."

Li Shishi blinked his watery eyes and finally landed on the clump of green bamboos. "Master, look, this is so strange, what is this little pointy head?"

Wang Yang was looking at the scenery in Li Qingzhao's courtyard with great interest. Hearing this, his eyes lit up, and then the guy squatted there directly. "Ouch, there are actually bamboo shoots? And there are really a lot of them..."

Liu Yiyi was furious in her heart. Damn it, you two masters and servants have had enough. The one who lives with the aunt and the one who lives with the aunt. How can you be so exaggerated when you see a beautiful girl?

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes, her tone was brisk and strange. "It's true, you two, have you never seen bamboo or something? It's enough to show that the open space of your new house is full of bamboo." Aunt Liu's heart was secretly ruthless. Liang bought all the bamboos and put them all in Wang Yang's small house.

"Planting so many... Hey, this method is good. In this way, there will definitely be no shortage of bamboo shoots." Uncle Wang said with bright eyes. "Tsk tsk tsk..." It looked like a bandit saw a fat sheep, or a thug saw a deposit car.

"Master, what are you doing?" Li Shishi was a little confused, why Uncle Wang's eyes were so bright when he saw the appearance of these gadgets, this is too unscientific.

"This thing is a good thing. Not only can it be fried, but it can also be steamed, stewed, and stuffed. The dishes made are not only delicious..." While talking, Uncle Wang's saliva is already over-secreting.

The smiles on the faces of Li Qingzhao and Liu Yiyi, two beautiful girls, froze immediately, and they were completely messed up in the wind. "What the hell is this guy not looking at the elegant scenery of my aunt's boudoir, but thinking about eating!" Li Qingzhao roared in his heart.

Liu Yiyi looked at Wang Yang who was squatting there with a dark face, looking like he wanted to dig the ground for brush shoots, please, you are also a great talent, please don't be so embarrassing, others will praise the beautiful scenery when they see the bamboo, When you see the bamboo, you are actually thinking about how to fry it...Where is the politeness and restraint that was agreed?

(End of this chapter)

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