Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 314 Roaring Clan, Quiet Old Party (Part 1)

Chapter 314 Roaring Clan, Quiet Old Party (Part [-])
Chapter 312

"Grandmother, my grandson is just a little curious. I think that many officials in the court strongly oppose the reform of my father and Mr. Anshi. Therefore, since my grandson came to the court, almost all the new laws have been abolished, but I don't think there is another one. No new law has not been repealed...”

Zhao Xu said slowly, but his eyes kept paying attention to the change of the emperor's grandmother's expression. Although the empress dowager Gao Taotao has always regarded herself as a child, although she has always stood on the side of the old party and opposed the new law, Zhao Xu also had to Admittedly, the Queen Mother is an excellent woman who is very sensible and considers the overall situation.

But the problem is that her approach is completely different from her father's. In other words, although the goals are the same, they all hope that Song Dynasty will get better, but what the father hopes is to change, and what the empress dowager hopes is There is no need to uphold the ancestral family law and make people in the world panic.

After Gao Taotao heard this, his eyebrows mixed with Xu Yinsi couldn't help raising his eyes, and his eyes fell on Zhao Xu's face that seemed to be only full of doubts and curiosity.

But he couldn't help muttering in his heart, this kid seems to be getting more and more slippery. "Ai's family is old, so I can't remember clearly. I don't know which new law the officials are talking about?"

"It is to abolish the patriarchal regulations made by Emperor Taizong." Zhao Xu said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Gao Taotao became a little uneasy. He played with the vermilion pen in his hand, and after pondering for a while, he pretended to be disapproving. "It turned out to be that matter. In fact, in Aijia's opinion, it was not all wrong for the late emperor to change the ancestor's rules..."

As for the scheming of the empress dowager, it is natural to see that the benefits of revising the ancestral law to abolish Taizong's ancestral regulations are greater than the disadvantages.

But other more new laws and regulations, in the eyes of the empress dowager, have a far greater impact than this regulation.

After all, what the clan rules regulate are only a group of children of the clan. It can be said that with the status of the Empress Dowager placed here, those children of the clan can be regarded as the younger generations of the Empress Dowager.

Therefore, being able to let the juniors have a better future and share some pressure for the Song Dynasty is naturally something she, an elder, would like to see.

But when Zhao Xu wanted to continue talking about this issue, he was distracted by Gao Tao's swaying.Naturally, she didn't want Zhao Xu to continue discussing this topic.

Maybe this young and impulsive son of heaven will gossip again, what his father did was right, and what this old woman did was wrong.

After the emperor's grandmother changed the subject, although Zhao Xu was not very happy, he did not continue, but after chatting with the emperor's grandmother for a while, he left.

Looking at the figure of Zhao Xu leaving, Gao Taotao himself felt a little unbelievable, when did this kid become so approachable and talkative?
Didn’t you always get into fights when you didn’t agree with each other?Apart from almost every time this kid came to say hello to him, once the conversation got down to serious matters, Zhao Xu would start to blush and become thick-necked if he didn't agree with him in a few words.

But today, regarding his evasion of the important and the minor, this kid didn't break the casserole and ask the bottom line like in the past. Instead, he chatted a few words and left as if nothing happened. What the hell is this?

The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao, who couldn't understand, decided not to think about this issue anymore. However, early the next morning, she looked at the books handed over by the Censor's Office to impeach His Royal Highness Duan Wang for his misdeeds. After the memorial of failing to abide by the imperial clan status and failing in the imperial examination, the Empress Dowager felt as if there was a phalanx of grass and mud horses galloping in goose-step in her heart.

Although the Empress Dowager's expression could not be seen clearly through the curtain, many ministers in the court all had dog-like expressions on their faces, feeling deeply pained.

Most of the ministers present, or most of the important ministers belonged to the backbone of the old party, but there were also people from different camps. The ministers and their backers are also those great Song clans.

But now, these imperial censors are attacking, which actually means that those great Song clans feel that they can't bear it any longer.What the hell, your old party promised to abolish the new law after you came to power, but up to now, you have been in power for so many years.

The other new laws that caused losses to your interests were all abolished by you screaming and killing, but what about the abolished Emperor Taizong's regulations?Oh, it has nothing to do with your interests, you gang of shameless hooligans have been pretending to be deaf and dumb for many years.

To be honest, you must be honest, and you old party officials are too shameless. In the past, there have never been any typical cases thrown out to gain a sense of existence, or in the past, these old party officials used various methods to describe their small troubles. All kinds of reasons tried to fool him.

But this time is different, Zhao Ji is the younger brother of today's emperor, His Royal Highness, and this guy actually went to take the imperial examination. The important thing is that this guy passed the state examination, and now he has passed the state examination. Ready to save the test.

It's not bad, His Royal Highness is going to take the exam, and it's rumored how the big Song clan will behave. The important thing is, the big Song clan suddenly found out, ouch, this is actually a pretty good opportunity.

As a result, all the forces were gathered to launch an impeachment campaign with great momentum that the old party group could not cover up.After throwing the issue out and putting it on the table, let's see how you bunch of treacherous bastards still pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Empress Dowager, His Highness Prince Duan is so playful, he simply disregards the family law of his ancestors, and is even more disrespectful to Emperor Taizong. If he is allowed to continue without punishment, the consequences..."

"Yes, empress dowager, it has been a hundred years since our dynasty was established. For a hundred years, we have been following the laws of our ancestors, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe, and all industries are prosperous. To imitate, isn’t this disregarding the rules of the ancestors and the court’s laws?”

Seeing those white-haired clan bosses making fierce grievances there, and a few officials also shouting there, the upright court officials all maintained a strange silence.

Peeking at each other with strange expressions, but no one is willing to stand up and fight in the ring at this time.But the empress dowager remained silent all the time, as if those memorials were thrown behind the curtain, like a mud cow entering the sea.

After all the work of sticking incense, the group of clan chiefs were tired of screaming and panting like a cow, the upright and peaceful voice of the Empress Dowager came to everyone's ears.

"Gentlemen, what do you think about this matter?" Gao Taotao waited for so long, but one or two of the old party members all pretended to be deaf and dumb, clearly pretending that I can't hear and I can't see. If this is not a historical text but a fairy tale, maybe one or two have already used the invisibility method, and they all simply hid.

This made Gao Taotao secretly annoyed, these guys are too unscrupulous, at this time, if they are not allowed to jump out, do you still need yourself, the Empress Dowager, to fight hard with those clan old men?
Apart from anything else, there are still a few people present today who are from the generation of Emperor Renzong. They have to call themselves juniors when they meet them. Therefore, as the Queen Mother, it is difficult for her to come forward, so she will naturally give up these old gang members. Pull them forward and let them fight.

(End of this chapter)

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