Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 291 Who is the name of that alien who is famous all over Tokyo? (Part 2)

Chapter 291 Who is the name of that alien who is famous all over Tokyo? (Second more)
Chapter 289

If you weren't so talented, if you weren't so sunny and confident, how could I like you, but because of your talent and your personal charm...

Brother Wang's future is bound to be limitless, so how can I be the stepping stone that blocks his future?

No matter what, as long as in the future, I can stay by Brother Wang's side, see his smile as before, and feel his generous and warm embrace, this life will be fine...

At this time, Liu Yiyi, who was hiding behind the house with tears shining, suddenly heard a greeting from not far away, and quickly raised her hand, wiped away the crystals from the corners of her eyes, took a deep breath, and then answered, He raised his front and headed over there.

"Sister Yiyi, where have you been? People have been looking for you for a long time." Li Shishi was relieved when he saw Liu Yiyi coming out of Pingting secretly, and complained softly when he saw Liu Yiyi's face was normal.

"My sister just thinks it's too boring to stay in the house, come out to get some air, why do you want me..." Liu Yiyi, who came from the darkness to the light, returned to her usual charm and shrewdness.

"I really want to take a look at the main hall. I don't know how the master will shine in front of those gentlemen in the hall today." Li Shishi looked at the majestic main hall not far away, and said.

Looking at the brightly lit hall, although it's not close, it's not too far away. Although you can't see the inside, under the lights outside the hall, those people with trays and plates are shuttled back and forth, and the armored armor of the Imperial Army is dazzling under the lights. Both weapons and weapons show people that this is where the emperor of the Song Dynasty held his birthday banquet.

At this moment, Li Shishi and Liu Yiyi vaguely heard a sharp cry. "Wang Yang, a layman in Wushan, is called to meet..."

Hearing this sound, Li Shishi and Liu Yiyi both tightened their hands and looked towards the hall without blinking.

This has to go back to 2 minutes ago. After the emperor had accepted the congratulations from the ministers and the envoys of various countries, the emperor gave Zhao Ji a wink.

Zhao Ji, who had already passed his anger with his ninth brother, first celebrated the emperor's birthday with a group of royal children, and then waited for everyone to retreat, but he stayed on the spot.

And the Son of Heaven, who had been waiting for a long time, cleared his throat, and said loudly in a pretended surprised tone. "Eleventh Lang, why don't you back down?"

After Zhao Ji saluted Zhao Xu first, he said loudly in a very exaggerated tone. "Your Majesty Qizuo, my brother, today, I learned that a foreigner who was famous all over Bianjing invented a printing technique, which can not only shorten the time for printing books, but also reduce the printing time by a small amount. The cost of the books..."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion in the hall, and many ministers couldn't help but curl their lips secretly. Isn't this threading on the ass of a chicken - nonsense?

Hundreds of years have passed since the engraving and printing technique was available in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. In the past few hundred years, it is not that no one feels that the engraving and printing technique is time-consuming, manpower and material resources.

But is it that easy to make changes?At least these court ministers were secretly curling their lips, always feeling that Zhao Xu, the emperor, and Zhao Ji seemed to be cooperating in acting, no matter how they looked at it, they felt fake and hypocritical.

"What the hell is your majesty doing? Could it be that you want to make a public appearance and earn fame before you take over the government?" Some ministers have already started to whisper in private.

The relationship between these old party ministers and Zhao Xu, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, is not very good. The main reason is that this emperor, who has not yet been in power, shows a kind of pride in the Song Dynasty under his father's control. thought.

It is enough to make these old party officials who strongly oppose the reform be very vigilant, because those reformers will not only take away their rights in the process, but more importantly, they will seriously harm the overall interests of the old party group.

Therefore, how can these old party bureaucrats want the emperor of Song Dynasty to have a chance to shine? Naturally, they wish that the emperor of Song Dynasty would be worse. to the situation.

"Who is the name of that alien who is famous all over Tokyo?" At this moment, the conversation between the two brothers finally came to the point, and Zhao Xu Gao, who was behind the dragon case, asked loudly.

"...This stranger is the leader of the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. Since last year, there have been many excellent works published and sung by Wushan layman Wang Yang..."

"..." In the hall that was still full of people, there was an instant silence, especially those few people, such as Zhao Tingzhi who was demoted and only kept Guozi Xuezheng, and Taixue Xuezheng. Li Gefei, and many ministers who have heard of Wang Yang's name.

Especially not long ago, those old party officials who used to discuss how to deal with Wang Yang in front of the emperor in the court hall, their first reaction was that it was impossible.

The second reaction is that the surnamed dirty... oh no, is that guy surnamed Wang messing up again?

And if he dared to make trouble with such a big event as printing, wouldn't he be afraid of ruining himself?
"Do you think that kid is still afraid of being ruined?" A certain old party official with a heavy hand rolled his eyes and said disdainfully. "How many things has he messed up? Isn't there a lot of bad things just caused by the Taixue?"

As soon as this remark came out, those few people were speechless. In the end, the old party member rolled his eyes and said with a half-hearted smile. "Today is His Majesty's birthday, let's not stand out, let's take a look first, it's not good to disturb His Majesty's pleasure..."

"Your Majesty has an edict, and the layman of Wushan, Wang Yang, is here to see you..." Following the sharp shout, Wang Yang, who had been waiting for a while with Eunuch Ma on the steps outside the main hall, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Wang Yang took a deep breath, and then, under the guidance of the pony father-in-law, strode into the hall with his head held high, and walked straight forward.In the main hall, the eyes of more than two hundred ministers and workers all fell on Wang Yang.

Those court ministers who knew him or didn't know him all showed a trace of curiosity and inquiry, especially after Wang Yang entered, the two huge wooden boxes behind were already carried by four strong soldiers of the Imperial Guard. After walking in, this made people more and more curious.

"Grassman Wang Yang, pay homage to Your Majesty..." Wang Yang followed Eunuch Ma to a distance of about three feet from the imperial case, then stopped, and saluted respectfully.

At this time, one person in the crowd let out a soft sigh of surprise. If Wang Yang saw it, he would be surprised. Isn't that the old man surnamed Su who he used to take a boat outside of Bianliang City? ?

But this old man surnamed Su was dressed in a red and purple robe, but he sat very low-key among a group of ministers, and did not sit in the prominent position in front.

However, there are quite a few officials around him, as if he is the leader.

"Mianli and flat body..." Even though we have met each other no less than ten times in private, Zhao Xu managed to maintain his demeanor and demeanor as the emperor of the Song Dynasty very well under this hall.

"When I was last year, I heard about Mr. Wu Shan's talent and name, and a piece of "Mulan Ci" helped him become the leader of the Qiu Wenhui in one fell swoop..."

" Mr. Wang Yanji has a big congratulations, I will wait and see." Looking at Wang Wushan who has stood up, looking so upright and calm, Zhao Xu couldn't help but smile more and more. A few points.

"Here are the [-] sets of "The Analects of Confucius" that were printed in less than five days using the new printing technique developed by Wang..."

"Five days, haha, what a joke, I really don't even write a draft..." Before Wang Yang finished speaking, he heard a discordant voice suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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