Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 288 Of course there is a reason for flattering the Empress Dowager (Part 2)

Chapter 288 Of course there is a reason for flattering the empress dowager (second update)
Chapter 286

"You may not be aware that the preparation of these five hundred copies of the Analects of Confucius with movable type, printing them, and presenting them to His Majesty took less than a month. The important thing is that these movable types... "Wang Yang took out several pieces of lead type that were not glued together from the wooden box and picked them up.

"In the future, whether I want to print "The Analects of Confucius", or "Spring and Autumn", or even various other books, I can continue to use them, and I no longer need a lot of time, labor and materials to engrave them again.

But you only need to take such an iron frame, put these already made lead movable types inside one by one, stick them with glue, and start printing..."

After Wang Yang finished speaking, he threw the movable type in the back into the wooden box one by one. The dull sound of heavy metal impact not only did not displease everyone, but made the hearts of all present Then speed up rapidly.

And Zhao Xu's pale face, which was originally a little pale because of not basking in the sun for a long time, was flushed at the moment, his eyes were wide open, and he was holding the "Analects of Confucius" tightly, and the other hand was holding the heavy lead. Movable type version.

His heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and his ears were buzzing, but instead of feeling the slightest difficulty in breathing, Zhao Xu had an urge to scream and scream with joy.

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, this is simply the blessing of heaven..." After Zhao Xu came to his senses, a chief eunuch immediately fell to the ground, looking like he was bursting with tears of joy, shouting hoarsely. yelled.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Your Majesty. The emergence of this kind of printing coincides with our idea of ​​ruling the world with the scholar-bureaucrats. With these things, the value of those originally expensive books will start to become cheaper. , and from this, more people in the Great Song Dynasty can hold books in their hands and be educated by the words of the sage..."

Seeing the people kneeling all over the floor, Wang Yang was filled with emotion. As expected, none of these guys who could get along with the high-level political circles of the Song Dynasty were ignorant.

Once something good happens, immediately kneel down and lick it, saying that the emperor is wise and mighty, such a flattery, uh... such a great blessing technique really makes the old driver Wang who has been living in the common people before crossing the road feel like he has seen it for a long time .

Just when Wang Yang was about to bow down, he saw that Zhao Xu had put down the "Analects of Confucius" and the movable type in his hands, and rushed to him with a lunge, and supported his bowed arms . "Sir, you must not do this. Sir, I, I am so happy that I don't know what to say about your birthday gift."

"Your Majesty, Wang just hopes that in the Song Dynasty under His Majesty's rule, more people will appreciate His Majesty's benevolent name. Even after thousands of years, as long as those literati see the books in their hands, I will think of the Wenzhi Great Song Dynasty created by Your Majesty..."

"Wen Zhi Da Song..." Zhao Xu looked excitedly at Wang Yang who was standing in front of him, and what made him feel even more excited was the word Wen Zhi Da Song that Wang Yang said.

Wenzhi Great Song Dynasty... What a wonderful prospect... The so-called Wenzhi refers to governing the people with culture, education, rituals and music. This was the biggest dream of Emperor Taizu at the beginning of the founding of the country, and it was also the wish of his father.

Today, the movable lead printing technology presented by Mr. Wu Shan made Zhao Xu feel like he saw a ray of bright dawn.The future seems to be beginning to become beautiful and full of hope.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Outside the palace, a eunuch hurriedly ran over. After rushing into the palace, he saw this strange scene in the palace. He couldn't help being a little dazed, but he had to bite the bullet and call out carefully. "Your Majesty, all your ministers and ministers have arrived. Your Majesty, do you think it's time to..."

Zhao Xu took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and patted Wang Yang's shoulder with his big hand. "I will be looking forward to the two boxes of congratulatory gifts from sir..."

Looking at Zhao Xu's hurried back, Wang Yang heaved a sigh of relief, and looked down, well, it seems that he has to perform a congratulatory gift under the hall again.

But when I think of those two big boxes of books being placed in the hall, it is definitely very emotional.This should be regarded as the first time that Uncle Wang has appeared in front of the political leaders of the Song Dynasty. However, Wang Yang has no stage fright at all. On the contrary, he is more of an expectation.

"Sir, I didn't expect that you have been so mysterious during this period that you were actually tinkering with this thing..." Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang with admiration. Wang Yang's solution had already made him understand that this kind of invention invented by Wang Wushan The impact of movable type printing will be no less than that of the Xuan paper that appeared in the Western Han Dynasty, which was called Caihou paper at that time.

"There is no way, you should also know that the reason why His Majesty has been depressed is not only because the Queen Mother is in charge of politics, but more importantly, His Majesty has been in Dabao for several years, and in these years, His Majesty has not made any achievements. .”

"But the Empress Dowager was called Yao and Shun by those courtiers. Doesn't this mean that the Great Song Dynasty was able to become what it is today, not because of the previous emperor, nor because of the present emperor, but only by the Empress Dowager alone?"

"Why do you think those old party officials are so focused on praising the Empress Dowager? Isn't it just because the Empress Dowager is here that they can safely stay in the court and influence the political situation of the Song Dynasty?" Wang Yang curled his lips in disdain typical.

"Of course we can't deny the achievements of the Empress Dowager, but now the battle between the new party and the old party in the Song Dynasty has almost made them forget who they need to benefit..."

Hearing these words, Zhao Ji couldn't help but fell silent. "But sir, the old party is powerful now, even if the officials are really pro-government, I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything in a short period of time..."

After feeling for a long time, Zhao Ji suddenly slapped his thigh with a slap, looking regretful. "Oh! I actually forgot a big event..."

Seeing Wang Yang's suspicious gaze, Zhao Ji scratched his chin with some embarrassment. "It's about the little brother, could it be that Mr. has forgotten?"

"Oh, of course you can't forget, but you have to find a suitable opportunity. Your brother was so excited just now, and it's not appropriate to say this." Wang Yang wiped off his cold sweat secretly. I have long forgotten the lifelong event of Zhao Ji, a naughty brat.

"The important thing is that Mr. Wang is just your lobbyist. You have to mention it yourself. If you don't mention it, how can I help you deceive your brother... Ahem, you heard, I mean how can I help? You convince His Majesty."

"Okay, next time I will tell the officials directly." After thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Ji nodded vigorously and clenched his hands into fists.

After leaving the emperor's bedroom, Wang Yang took a deep breath. Now that he came, the future of Da Song would definitely be different, regardless of whether it was using the old Chinese medicine's method of treating both symptoms and root causes.

It is better to use the method of Western medicine to treat all kinds of pain. In short, the talented Wang, who is famous all over the world, is full of golden ideas, and the talented Wang is definitely going to be a matchmaker.

After leaving the palace and saying goodbye to Zhao Ji who was rushing to the main hall, Wang Yang rushed back to the Yihonglou Song and Dance Ensemble. When the lanterns were first lit, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty's Qianqiu Festival birthday banquet began...

And Yihonglou's "Avalokitesvara of Thousand Hands" became the finale show, and it will be performed at the end of the banquet.As for Wang Yang, because of his status as a plain-headed commoner, he is naturally not qualified to squat inside to have a banquet.

However, the emperor obviously did not forget Wang Yang, and gave him a table of wine and food for Wang Yang to enjoy.After the eunuch pony left with the servants of the imperial cook, Wang Yang called Liu Yiyi and Li Shishi to come and eat together.

Of course, there was also the lady Wang who couldn't move after seeing the food and wine in this case.

"This is the wine and food given by the emperor of Song Dynasty. It is really worthy of being eaten by the emperor. Look at the plate of fat chicken. It looks very festive. It is so beautifully arranged that I can't bear to eat it..." Wang Po sat down Afterwards, Mr. Wang, who was already hungry, looked at the food and wine on the table with a look of fear and fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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