Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 26 So I didn't want to be so high-profile (Let's bookmark and recommend more viole

Chapter 26 So I didn't want to be so high-profile (Let's bookmark and recommend more violently)
Chapter 26

"By the way, who of you knows notation, that is, can memorize the tune?" After thinking for a long time, Wang Yang finally made up his mind and came up with a piece of music.

"My family knows notation." Yun Yan, the oiran of Yihonglou, stretched out his hand with some hesitation, very standard elementary school students speaking in class.

"Okay, I'll hum the tune, you just write it down, and then I'll play it." Wang Yang moved an embroidery pier and sat next to Miss Yunyan. After Yunyan prepared his pen and ink, Wang Yang began to play. whistled.

The whistle was clear, but the tune made everyone's eyes light up. Girl Yunyan looked at Wang Yang with bright eyes, listening intently to the whistle. Whether it was Liu Yiyi or the other girls, they all stared at him in the same way. With narrowed eyes, he leisurely whistled towards Wang Yang.

It is beautiful, gentle and desolate, and has a completely different rhythm from the current music, so they can't help but be intoxicated by it, until the end of the song, the lingering sound is gone, everyone still maintains the previous posture, with a look of fascination And intoxicated look.

"Hey, what song is this?" Liu Yiyi, who came back to her senses, stared straight at Wang Yang who was close at hand. Her gaze was like that of a female bandit who wanted to rob, but also as if she wanted to rob her. A female bandit who suppressed her husband, but her features were picturesque and charming.

" should be called this name." Looking at the group of girls with bright red eyes, Wang Yang touched his nose shyly and said.

"By the way, Miss Yunyan, have you written down the score?" Wang Yang turned his head and asked Miss Yunyan.

Miss Yunyan lowered her head in astonishment, looked at the white rice paper on her desk, and blushed apologetically. "I'm really sorry, the slave family was really fascinated just now, so..."

"Okay, I'll play it again, and then you just need to remember the notation." Wang Yang just waved his hand without any blame, and then blew softly again.

This time, Miss Yunyan dipped her pen into ink, and it landed on the rice paper like dragons and phoenixes. After memorizing the score once, Wang Yang played it again so that Miss Yunyan could check it herself to make sure there were no omissions or mistakes.

Whistle three times, even an old driver like Wang Yang who whistles habitually when he sees a beautiful girl feels sour at the moment, worse than a two-hour speech or an hour of marketing training. It takes three points.

Miss Yunyan rubbed her sore fingers, then copied the pipa, and began to try to play it. Although it was a bit jerky at first, under Wang Yang's guidance, when she played the pipa for the second and third times, she gradually With the kind of flavor that Wang Yang played.

"Sister Yunyan is really good, she plays really well..." Although Liu Yiyi is also good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she thinks that her talent in music cannot be compared with Miss Yunyan.

Miss Yunyan couldn't help showing a bit of complacency on her face. For her talent, like her singing voice, Miss Yunyan was very confident, but when her eyes fell on Wang Yang, she saw his eyebrows With the tightly locked appearance, I can't help feeling a little uneasy. "Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

"No, the taste is not right..." Wang Yang frowned and shook his head slowly. "The emotion you put into the performance is not right, it always makes me feel that something is wrong."

"Is there? I think Sister Yunyan plays very well." A girl playing the piano couldn't help but stand up and speak.

"I know she plays very well, but if it's only good, is it interesting?" Wang Yang spread his hands and said. "What I need is a performance that can bring out the emotion of this piece to the extreme, not almost."

Miss Yunyan looked at Wang Yang who was standing in front of her with a serious face, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit of resentment in her heart.With a calm expression on his face, he said with a gentle smile. "Then I don't know what kind of emotion you need, Brother Wang? Please advise."

Wang Yang turned his head, looked at Miss Yunyan, who was sitting on the embroidered pier, with a gentle but persistent smile, and raised his eyebrows. "I don't dare to teach you, but Wang still feels that Miss Yunyan, you haven't fully grasped and understood the essence of this song."

"It's true, Brother Wang, Sister Yunyan's talent in folk music is second to none in our Bianhe area, so many officials come to our Yihong Mansion for Sister Yunyan's talent and singing voice." Liu Yiyi The female elf couldn't tell that there seemed to be a subtle conflict between the two of them, so she stood up and explained with a smile.

"I naturally admire Miss Yunyan's talent and singing voice, but what I need is to use them to fight and win. After all, this is related to the survival of Yihong Tower, not to mention, it is also related to the future of Yihong Tower." After all, Wang Yang is a responsible person and is aware of Liu Yiyi's good intentions. However, he must say some things. He is not only responsible for himself, but also responsible for the works he produces.

"Brother Wang's words are very true, so I would like to ask Brother Wang to give me some advice on how to make my family fully understand the essence of this beautiful song." Miss Yunyan was still smiling, but the smile seemed a little stiff.

"Such a good song, I wonder if there are words to match it?" A girl who was on good terms with Miss Yunyan stood up angrily and said to Wang Yang.

"Yes, yes, Brother Wang, you are so powerful, can you use a libretto to match it, presumably in this way, it will be easier for our sister Yunyan to understand the essence of this song." Another girl also stood up speak.

Seeing this situation that was almost turning into a group attack, Liu Yiyi's face couldn't help but darken. She was about to yell, but unexpectedly when she raised her eyes, she saw Wang Yang winking mischievously at him and shaking his head slowly. He shook his head, as if he knew what he was going to do.

Liu Yiyi closed her mouth hesitantly, calmed down, and wanted to see how Wang Yang was going to deal with this matter.

In fact, Wang Yang's heart was full of anger. He never thought that he would treat serious art issues with a serious and pertinent attitude, but was scolded by a group of girls. Naturally, Wang Yang's I was very upset.

"You also think that this song needs words to match, don't you?" Wang Yang stood with his hands behind his back, and glanced at these girls who were sympathetic to each other, with a calm gaze and a confident smile.

"Yes!" Five or six girls nodded their heads in unison. Although Miss Yunyan didn't nod, she completely agreed with her smiling face.

"Forget it, since you have all thought about it, I will take action. Alas, it turns out that I didn't want to be so high-profile, but your request makes me unable to remain silent any longer..." Wang Yang raised his head He tilted his head and looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle. He looked like a lonely hero and invincible in the world. The girls who saw him wanted to take the soles of their shoes and slap his annoying handsome face.

PS: Oops, we overtook the car of the old driver in front, Mr. Wang will definitely drive well, drive the car well, everyone sit still, be careful of drifting... Some more recommendations, collections or something, that is the power
 Oops, the car of the old driver in front was overtaken by us, Mr. Wang will definitely drive well, drive the car well, everyone sit still, be careful of drifting... Let me make some recommendations, collections or something, that is the power

(End of this chapter)

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