Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 243 Don't squat in a car with 3 female devils

Chapter 243 Don't Squat in a Car with the Three Devils
Chapter 241

"As expected of Mr. Wu Shan, he really spoke out the heart of my generation. It's wonderful, it's really wonderful, wow ha ha ha..." Hypocrite B Li Bai said so.

"Sir, you are absolutely amazing. Really, Gu's respect for you is like a torrential river, and it is like the Yellow River flooding out of control..." Zhao Ji, the future faint king, said so.

"It's good to be a girl, and a girl is even better, it's so wonderful, hahaha" the treacherous official Gao Qiu winked and said, his hypocritical tone made Wang Daguan feel disgusted.

The two future eunuchs are in extremely complicated moods at the moment. The two brothers no longer have that function, but it does not prevent them from appreciating the beauty.

He couldn't help but look at Wang Yang with leisurely fascination and admiration, and then sneaked a sneak peek at the three beautiful girls not far from him with a very ghostly look, thinking that this guy was indeed an old driver.

The three beautiful girls next to him had different expressions at the moment. Li Qingzhao blushed. He never thought that Brother Wang would be so dirty, it was too much, but he couldn't help feeling that what Brother Wang said was actually quite reasonable. Especially after seeing Liu Yiyi's enviable devil figure, she secretly rejoiced that she was the one who wanted to be called sister Liu Yiyi.

And Li Shishi next to him looked at his cute and violent master with mischievous eyes. If there were not too many people, coupled with the girl's reserve, Li Shishi really wanted to rush forward and kiss his master Zhang Na handsome. The impulse of the face.

Only Liu Yiyi, although she still looks charming and charming, her teeth are almost broken. What does that damn ghost mean by such a second line?Dare to despise my aunt for being old?
Wait, there are so many people now, give him face, and when he goes back later, he must be "tortured" well to vent his anger.

Wang Yang, who had already changed out of his wet clothes and put on a clean football uniform, could not feel the strange atmosphere among the women.Especially Liu Yiyi, the female seductress who smiled more and more charmingly from time to time, and the cold light flickering in her rippling eyes made Mr. Wang deeply wary.

It seems that we must be careful on the way back today, otherwise, the old driver may overturn on the flat road.

Then, Li Yu continued to spit and spit, and he still threw Wang Yang down with a hoarse voice, and yelled out the top-notch first couplet of Assistant Wu who was so stifled that he vomited blood. "Lonely cold window empty widow..."

Hmm... The eyes of the three women narrowed suddenly. The six eyes, like six knives, swished straight at Wang Yang, who was five steps away. If the eyes were lethal, Wang Dacai has been hacked to pieces at this moment.

And these shameless people here were stunned at first, and then all of them smiled gloatingly and crooked their mouths. This is so awesome, it deserves to be Mr. Wu Shan, and there is absolutely no one who is dirty.

Uncle Wang glared at Li Yu, the bastard, from embarrassment. Didn't this guy do it on purpose?Look at the blackened faces of the three girls with sharp eyes, their gloomy eyes, their shiny nails, and the totems of green dragon, white tiger, and vermilion bird behind them rising from the fighting spirit of anger...

Old driver Wang made up his mind at this moment, even if he ran forward today, he must not squat in a carriage with these three abyss devils who are about to turn into rage.Otherwise, it is very likely that even if he is alive and returns to Yihonglou, he will definitely be covered in wounds, cuts and bruises, and dying.

Sitting in the soft sedan chair, Zhao Mingcheng with a gloomy face was in a very unhappy mood. He never thought that this shameless Wang Yang, who had just entered the Taixue University for only two days, was making trouble again.

And what's more, he brushed his reputation again. That Assistant Professor Wu is at Taixue. Although his official position is not high, he is quite talented and famous. He is especially good at couplets. Among the six schools of the Song Dynasty, there are also few opponents.

It's just that his appearance is so attractive that people don't want to take a second look at him at first glance, so he has been depressed and stayed in the position of assistant coach, and has not moved his position in the past ten years.

Such a master of couplets was actually trampled under by that bastard Wang Yang. Hearing that one or two of the students in the entire Taixue were almost wet with excitement, um, they were wet with tears.

Especially once the top-notch couplet comes out, as long as no one matches for one day, then Wang Yang can continue to hang around the heads of these young literary youths in a grand manner, and completely wipe out the brilliance of them. Cover it up.

It must not go on like this. When he thought that Li Qingzhao, who was about to become his wife, was taken away from his arms, and he used incomparably despicable means to make his life worse than death in the examination institute, and finally fell into a coma during the examination. In the academy, he lost the opportunity to participate in the imperial examination.

It is really a shame to let myself be humiliated in front of others and lose my reputation. Zhao Mingcheng clenched his fists tightly, but at this time, the soft sedan stopped slowly and had already returned to Zhao's residence.

"Lonely, cold, empty, widowed..." Zhao Tingzhi sat in the study, and after hearing his own son's report, he subconsciously picked up the lake pen on the case table, wrote it on the rice paper, and wrote these words together. Write it down.

Looking at these seven characters with Baogaitou, and savoring their connotations carefully, Zhao Tingzhi could not help but gasp at this moment because he thought he was talented.This Shanglian is really too overbearing.

It expresses the heartfelt feelings of a widow, and her grievances and sorrows are fully displayed. If you want to not only have a neat confrontation, but also have a corresponding meaning, how is this possible?

At least Zhao Tingzhi stood in front of the book case, holding the pen in a daze for a long time, and finally he could only shake his head dejectedly, and put down the high-quality Hu pen in his hand. "It's amazing, this Wang Wushan is really interesting..."

"Father, you, you still praise him?" Zhao Mingcheng, who was standing aside with his hands down, became more and more unhappy when he heard his father's words.

"Of course I want to praise him, after all, he is indeed very talented..." Zhao Tingzhi glanced at his son and sighed helplessly. "Mingcheng, my father knows what's on your mind, but I really can't rush to punish this person. Why does my father not want to vent your anger on you, but you can't let others take advantage of your father, right?"

"My son knows my father's painstaking efforts, but my son is really troubled." Zhao Mingcheng said with a gloomy face.

Zhao Tingzhi couldn't help but feel a little headache, but he was such an only son, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't scold him, and he was obedient, but he didn't expect that the conflict with Wang Wushan would cause his son to die today. , which made Zhao Tingzhi not only feel sorry for his son, but also full of resentment towards Wang Yang.

But the problem is, now Wang Yang has actually mixed into Taixue, and has become the father of his beloved daughter-in-law, Li Gefei, a disciple of Taixue, which makes Zhao Tingzhi feel even more uncomfortable.

Even from Zhao Tingzhi's point of view, it's clear that you, Li Gefei, have changed your mind and put your son aside when you saw a young talent with better learning. Now, that Wang Wushan has also been sent to Taixue. Isn't this the ironclad evidence like a mountain?

PS: There were two duplicate chapters of 230 before, and now the duplicated chapter 230 is changed to chapter 241, which means that those who have subscribed to the wrong chapter 230 can directly read chapter 241, I am really sorry, thank you for your support, mwah!
 There were two duplicate chapters of 230 before, and now the duplicated chapter 230 is changed to chapter 241, which means that those who have subscribed to the wrong chapter 230 can directly read chapter 241, I am really sorry, thank you for your support, okay? clatter!
(End of this chapter)

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