Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 237 Does this guy have the consequences caused by the halo of the faint king? (3rd arrival)

Chapter 237 Does this guy have the consequences caused by the halo of the faint king? (The third more arrives)
Chapter 235

As for Ling Yun, or Tong Guan, Liang Shicheng and others, they will definitely only praise Zhao Ji's stinky feet, and they will definitely not object.As for Wang Yang himself, of course he is also very happy to see Zhao Mingcheng suffer both physical and spiritual harm.

"It's not that I'm alone, how can it affect my image?" Zhao Ji is really cheeky enough, but the faces of Tong Guan and Liang Shicheng next to him look like dogs, and their smiles seem a bit far-fetched, eh If the master doesn't make a move, these two loyal dog legs will naturally make a move.

"Then let's do it. However, just beating him up will only cause damage to his body, but not enough to hurt his mind. It seems not perfect..." At this time, Wang Yang said something to the audience. The words made the hairs of the gentlemen stand on end and made the eyes of the cowardly kings and traitorous ministers shine.

It's a pity that there is really no one here who is a real gentleman. Only the brothers Li Yu and Li Bai have already boarded the steam train of Master Wang, and they are running further and further on the road of life values, morality and world outlook.

"Sir, what are we supposed to do? We can hurt his mind and body." Zhao Ji rubbed his hands excitedly, as if he was about to lose control of himself.

The two brothers, Li Yu and Li Bai, even tore off their previous hypocrite masks, and kept urging Uncle Wang to speak out the bad idea quickly so that the big guy can comment on it.

"If we want to do it, let's go bigger, just knock that guy unconscious, put it in a sack, and try to hang it to the Imperial College? When it's early in the morning..." Mr. Wang's idea is really very vicious, hehe Chichi to the whole body straight out of bad water.

"No, the Guozijian is too remote, there are no people..." Li Yu, a hypocrite, has completely entered the role at this moment. "How about we throw him to Guozixue?"

Everyone unanimously focused their attention on Li Yu, the hypocrite, and Wang Yang couldn't help but raise his thumbs at this guy. He is indeed a cultured person, but with a vicious heart, he is definitely a gangster.

"I said that Guozixue seems to have some blood feud with you, brother Li?" Zhao Ji asked with a smile after his eyes lit up. little rascal.

"There has always been discord between Guozixue and Taixue, and there are occasional disputes. So, hehehe..." Li Yu smiled shyly, um, very shy.

"That's fine, but I don't think it's okay to throw it in Guozixue in case no one finds out. I just don't know if the guards at Guozixue are tight at night?" Wang Yang touched his chin and couldn't help but Asked on a whim.

"It's okay, it's the same as Taixue, that is, some guards occasionally watch the night." Li Yu, an old Taixue driver, rubbed his head and said.

"Then let's just strip him naked and put him in a sack and send him to the classroom where he is, that is, the fasting room. What do you guys think?" Wang Yang originally wanted to hang Zhao Mingcheng on the gate of the Guozi School , but if you think about doing that, the risk is too great, and it is easy to be discovered and requested in advance, so it is best to find a slightly hidden place, and Guozixue's fasting room is good.

"This method is good, Tong Guan, you are sure." Zhao Ji slapped his thigh and said happily, then turned his head and asked his No. [-] dog leg.

Does Tong Guan dare to say no?He could only bite the bullet and salute Zhao Ji. "Your Highness, don't worry, this old slave will definitely handle it properly."

"By the way, it's best to go to a place close to Taixue to eat and drink tomorrow night. If you come, sir, you will be cleared of suspicion, and no one will suspect you." Zhao Ji continued. All kinds of mind-boggling ideas.

It was finally determined that as long as Wang Miangu made a move, Tong Guan would bring a group of vicious confidant guards to try to drag Zhao Mingcheng to a dark angle to knock him unconscious, and then strip him into a naked pig Then stuff it into a sack, and then ghostly send it to Na Guozi School.

In the early morning of the second day, the students of Guozixue must be very surprised that the son of the boss of Guozixue would be stuffed into a sack with a bare buttocks, a bruised nose and a swollen face. Then Zhao Mingcheng felt the malice towards him from the feudal socialist righteous youth.

Wang Yang couldn't help but feel a little headache, why every matter that can be solved by his own strength, when it comes to Zhao Ji, people feel that the way and method of handling the matter are so speechless.

It's neither thrilling, exciting, nor beautiful, and even acts obscenely. Could it be that this is the result of this guy's halo of being a fool?

This makes Wang Yang disdain to use small tricks, but if others like to use them, he will neither support nor oppose them. The suggestions he gave before the scene were completely from the perspective of making things happen. It's definitely not a question of your own character.

Hey, is it because I have been hanging out with those stupid emperors, treacherous officials, powerful eunuchs, and hypocrites for a long time, so that I let them pollute my noble character?
"Master, what are you thinking?" Sitting in the carriage, she yawned coquettishly, seeing Wang Yang staring blankly at the curtain of the carriage that was close at hand without blinking his eyelids, Master Li endured the pain. Can't stop asking.

"Hey, out of the mud but not stained, zhuoqinglian not demon..." Wang Yang recited with a long sigh.

As soon as the words fell, an angry voice sounded next to him. "It's really shameless to leave the mud without getting dirty."

Angry, Wang Dajun's tiger's body shook violently, his eyes were like lightning. "Hey, what do you mean by this woman? I'm in the same carriage as you two beautiful girls who are as beautiful as flowers and jade. I can sit still and keep my body like jade. Isn't it enough for a gentleman?"

Liu Yiyi turned a blind eye to Uncle Wang's anger, chuckled, and flung a large bundle of autumn spinach alluringly. "you dare?"

Wang Yang subconsciously glanced at Li Shishi, an underage girl who was massaging her hands, her watery eyes were widening, and she was looking forward to him.

Why does this girl's eyes always make Wang Yang feel like a hungry lioness staring at its prey, um... In short, Uncle Wang always feels that he is the food.

In order not to affect the mental and physical health of the underage girl, and to maintain his image as a gentleman, Wang Yang snorted coldly and raised his chin proudly. "If you can't, you can't do it."

"Damn it, if you have the ability, you won't do it all your life, dead ghost..." Liu Yiyi's fingertips lightly landed on Wang Yang's waist and scraped, and then lightly brushed against Old Driver Wang's ear. Take a breath.

In an instant, the old driver couldn't help but shuddered, kicked the accelerator to the end, and started drifting on the road of life.Especially the word "dead ghost", which makes people feel crisp to the bone and numb to the depths of the soul.

As expected of a spider spirit who had practiced Taoism in the Pansi Cave, this invisible love web has already made Uncle Wang nowhere to go to heaven and nowhere to go down to earth.

Li Shishi next to him kept curling his lips. Under the anger, he pinched with excessive force, so that Wang Yang almost thought that the underage girl was the reincarnation of Vigorous Wei Tuo, and one leg was almost deformed by this girl.

PS: Three more, continue to work hard tomorrow, thank you dear book friends for your support, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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